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Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 6:47 pm
by Wisi Girl
That reminds me! The experience I have had with sniper guns may actually support the theory I have seen in this thread about "Mr. Shiney Shoes" not being the individual with the gun after all! Follow my logic:

The power of a sniper would rip apart the camera, whether it was hand-held, or a small device on a pair of sunglasses, etc. A few cracks is not plausible, (although the creators do not allow reality to get in the way of proceeding with their dear series as we have already seen). Therefore, the bullet couldn't have hit the camera.

For a lens to crack without being directly affected by the bullet, the distance that the bullet traveled must be more than what most are considering in this thread. When I have handeled a sniper, the farther the target, the more shreaded up/ torn apart it is afterwards. My uncle hit a stuffed dummie in the head from about 600 yards and the head nearly exploded! Erm, sorry for any disturbing visual images there.

Whoever shot the individual who was pursuing Bree would not be dressed in such a fashion as "Mr. Shiney Shoes" was. It is not pratical. I know some of you have talked about "killing in style" but c'mon now! They were in the middle of the Nevada desert! A person creeping around with a sniper gun with the intent of killing others would not be so obvious nor would he/she be so inpratical- It is not appropriate dress for that environment. Think about it.

I am about to conclude with just as much speculation as the rest of you, however, with a bit more logic than some. The person who shot the gun is not seen in this video. This individual was much farther away. "Mr. Shiney Shoes" must be another man who was pursuing Bree. This may explain how the video was uploaded. It does not explain the random keys that were hit in the description of the video, (if they were random).

I want to add one important thing that none of us should forget: This series is fictional and there are countless times when we must suspend rationality in order to accept the events that take place. Why would a video that was private among members of the Order be edited and spliced with music and other affects? And why would it be so unclear about who was involved? That is what it comes down to, really. I may have a good idea of what happened but perhaps you do as well. We will never know because the creators tell us nothing. However, we shouldn't get too caught up because the basic formula for these videos is already fraught with inconsistencies and flaws. End of story.

Damn, that is long post! Sorry!

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 7:32 pm
by PixieSailor
Lurker wrote:
PixieSailor wrote:I may be wrong, as I DID have to retake Physical science, but if you go faster than the speed of sound, isn't that breaking the sound barrier? And wouldn't that mean that there would be a sonic boom?
*might be COMPLETELY wrong*
No, that's correct. Guns produce sonic booms when they fire. As far as it goes, even cracking a whip produces a sonic boom.
And so that's why there's the loudloud bang. *feels smart*

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:08 pm
by Luminous
This is a little late in the game, but it seems there is still quite a bit of controversy about the stalking Bree - termination sequence, so I made a slomo version and posted it on YouTube. It may take a while for the link to be active, so be patient.

I'm also going to post this as a new release in the fanfic forum.

Hope this helps :)

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:36 pm
by impulse
Speed of a bullet, depending on the type of gun:

to be compared to the speed of sound:

For any long range riffle, the bullet is supersonic. That's physics. Now, this series has a long history of proving science wrong.
Just don't forget it's a narrative form used in many movies. Laser beams travel incredibly slowly in Star Wars and space ships make noisy explosions when hit in Star Wars. I guess our viewers' mind would be terribly confused to see a real video camera being hit and shut down by a bullet, while the sound of the gun going off would be heard 2 or 3 seconds after the screen went black. Although correct, it just wouldn't work in a movie.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:33 am
by dorami
hmm.. i've just thought of something about the camera.. how come it looks like... the guy is going on unconscious with blinking?

is it just me or does it look like 'crazy dude' has to be awake for the camera to keep recording? instead we see something similar to blacking out. coz if the camera is truly taken out.. it should blur up quick like how the camera does at the beginning of this video. additionally.. if the camera could keep recording.. wouldn't it? the 'crazy dude' shouldn't have to be awake for it to keep going?

i donno if this is a logic error on the part of the creators... but then it made 'crazy dude' seem like a machine.

i can see all the 'extra terrestrial' theorists jump all over that.

but then again.. perhaps 'crazy dude' had to be alive to do direct streaming. meh...

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:21 pm
by SarahSmee
Ok, I'm too lazy to read all that.

Has anyone noticed at 0:19 the video fizzes out before Daniel even touches it and it got me thinking, could it be electrical interference? They can't remember 3 days could they have been implanted with trackers of some sort so when he got close to the camera, it had electrical interference and fizzed.

Just wondering.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:29 pm
by impulse
SarahSmee wrote:Ok, I'm too lazy to read all that.

Has anyone noticed at 0:19 the video fizzes out before Daniel even touches it and it got me thinking, could it be electrical interference? They can't remember 3 days could they have been implanted with trackers of some sort so when he got close to the camera, it had electrical interference and fizzed.

Just wondering.
I'm too lazy to answer.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 1:50 pm
by SarahSmee
impulse wrote:
SarahSmee wrote:Ok, I'm too lazy to read all that.

Has anyone noticed at 0:19 the video fizzes out before Daniel even touches it and it got me thinking, could it be electrical interference? They can't remember 3 days could they have been implanted with trackers of some sort so when he got close to the camera, it had electrical interference and fizzed.

Just wondering.
I'm too lazy to answer.
Were you being mean? That's 27 pages to read, if it's already been covered you could just say it.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:11 pm
by spiff5000
Lurker wrote:
colorofsakura wrote:
Lurker wrote: But why would the cracks form during the fall (you can hear the lens shatter at 1:34, after the fall has started and after the gunshot)? If the bullet did it, shouldn't the cracks have appeared when we heard the gunshot and as the fall began?
Because the sound of the gunshot itself would travel faster than the bullet. The sound would reach the camera's microphone before the bullet strikes the camera/Order member. That's why you hear the gunshot first before the lens cracks.
Isn't it the other way around? Bullets are supposed to travel faster than their sound waves, correct?

In any case, even were the opposite true, that wouldn't explain why the camera was already falling when its lens shattered.
The Director obviously used "creative license" when making the video. It should have been (1) bullet hole, (2) gun shot sound and (3) Order member falls.

I'm simply making the point that the Order member was shot dead, as illustrated by the camera lens.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 5:31 pm
by Kanazaka
Cool video, and I figured that Bree and the gang would escape somehow. Although yet again they get outside help, this time from an unknown person (or person). It's probably been suggested, but I'm guessing that Brother was the sniper.