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Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:00 pm
by theresascraps
It shouldn't be this hard. I am sorry but Daniel is no genius...we are really making this too difficult I think....Of course i have tried every freaking word I can think of.... nothing.....
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:09 pm
by ladron121
Ziola has gotten an email from Op, which she will post when she can. Op's response is a quote by Oscar Wilde: "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars". Its from Lady Windermere's Fan, Act 1.
Here is the wiki link, it mirrors the Daniel/Bree/Jonas situation a bit:
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:12 pm
by Killthesmiley
in response to that tid bit:
ACT 1:
The play opens in the morning room of the home in London that Lady Windermere shares with her husband. It is tea time and the Lady Windermere, whose birthday is that day, has a visit from a friend, Lord Darlington. She explains to him that she is upset over the compliments he continues to pay to her, though she is obviously not aware that he is infatuated with her. The Duchess of Berwick and her daughter, Lady Agatha, pay a call and are introduced to Lord Darlington, who leaves shortly thereafter. After sending Lady Agatha from the room, the Duchess informs Lady Windermere that her husband may be betraying her marriage by making repeated visits to another woman, a Mrs. Erlynne. Not only has Lord Windermere been making visits, but possibly may be giving Mrs. Erlynne large sums of money. Rumours of all of this activity has been gossip among London society.
Following the departure of the Duchess and her daughter, Lady Windermere decides to check her husband's ledger book. She finds the ledger in a desk and consults it to find that nothing appears amiss, though when she returns it to its place she finds another ledger book there; one with a lock. After prying the lock open, she finds it records large sums of money being given to Mrs. Erlynne. Lord Windermere enters to discover his wife has been looking at this ledger book. She confronts him and he cannot deny that he has had dealings with this woman, though he states that he is not betraying her, only trying to protect her from something that would cause great shame to her. He then requests that she send Mrs. Erlynne an invitation to her birthday ball that evening. Lady Windermere refuses, but Lord Windermere insists and writes out an invitation himself. Lady Windermere states that she will make a scene if Mrs. Erlynne appears to which Lord Windermere responds that it would be in her best interest not to do so.
edit to add:
That doesn't seem to be much help to me...any insight?
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:15 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
I'm thinking it must have something to do the the fake i.d. from the last drop. we were talking about how the drop led to nowhere and how it should be useful in the future. it should come in handy now. i'm trying to find the thread with a link to the picture of the i.d. but i can't find it.
also, tachyon only capitolized two words in her note: I and Drew... ID
sorry, i know these ideas are nothing new, but i've been puzzling so much over this... there must be something we're missing..
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:17 pm
by Ziola
This is the synopsis of the Act (act III), where the quote takes place.
Lady Windermere is discovered alone in Lord Darlington's rooms attempting to justify her actions in leaving her husband. Mrs. Erlynne appears and attempts to persuade Lady Windermere to return home to her husband and her child. After initially resisting, Mrs. Erlynne's imploring to return to her child finally breaks Lady Windermere's resistance. As they begin to exit the rooms they hear the voices of Lord Darlington and his friends including Lord Windermere. The two women hide themselves.
While the men are talking, Cecil Graham takes notice of Lady Windermere's fan (one given to her by her husband as a birthday present) lying on a table. He presumes, as do the others, that Lord Darlington presently has a woman visiting. As Lord Windermere rises to leave, Graham points out the fan to him. He is astonished to see his wife's fan and demands to know if Lord Darlington has her hidden somewhere and he refuses to leave until a search has been conducted. Lord Darlington refuses to allow a search and just as Lord Windermere asks again, Mrs. Erlynne reveals herself, to the astonishment of those present but especially Lord Augustus, and replies that the fan was picked up by mistake.
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:18 pm
by acidfingers
Just a side bit of info:
The newer version of rar encryption slows down the time it takes to attempt a decryption, so that you can process (on a decent, modern computer) around 30 passwords per second.
With brute forcing, assuming the password is 7 characters long, and taking into account that it's case sensitive and can also use numbers as well as symbols (for argument's sake I'll even exclude symbols, though I know there are many that can be used in passwords for winrar). That gives us a 7-character string pulling from a 62-character alphabet.
The math gives you a total of 62^7 different passwords. Processing at a rate of 30 passwords/second...
117,387,153,540 seconds
= 1,956,452,559 minutes
= 32,607,542.65 hours
= 1,358,647.61 days
= 3,719.77 years
I don't think we'll be able to brute force that, unless someone has a working quantum computer or a 1.3 million core supercomputer
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:19 pm
by ladron121
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:I'm thinking it must have something to do the the fake i.d. from the last drop. we were talking about how the drop led to nowhere and how it should be useful in the future. it should come in handy now. i'm trying to find the thread with a link to the picture of the i.d. but i can't find it.
also, tachyon only capitolized two words in her note: I and Drew... ID
sorry, i know these ideas are nothing new, but i've been puzzling so much over this... there must be something we're missing..
Check the aphidpedia, in the LG pedia, they have my pic of the ID and all the info that was on it.
Ziola, I thought that quote was from Act 1...
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:19 pm
by Ziola
I still hate math
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:20 pm
by Sad Panda
Am I the only one that thinks the Oscar Wilde quote is just a referernce to her saying her "mind is in the gutter"?
I dunno, think you guys are focusing a little too hard on it. Doesn't look like a clue to me, more like Op sass talk.
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:21 pm
by impulse
I'm even more confused now...... damn you Oppy!
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:23 pm
by Ziola
where I got my info, Lad
And Panda, if you want I can post the backstory to this PM. Op and I have been going back and forth on the same thing for quite a while now...
I didn't post before because I didn't think it had any relevance...

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:24 pm
by ladron121
The quote does lead to a story with a situation similar to the LG/Danny/Jonas deal, except with the gender roles reversed
Lets keep it in mind, but not obsess over it

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:25 pm
by LesJen
janesalteredstates wrote:OK so I took the first letters of each line of the note:
where it all started
the answer is before you
a subtle clue I Drew
y y y
Got Xwtaxy
Did the tinyurl thing:
Refreshes to:
The name of the image is: one1dr1.gif
11 dr = drew? 1? I don't know.
I don't think it's relevant. Probably just a coincidence, but hey, why not post it.

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars"
That quote made me think of this post from yesterday. Just thought I'd throw it out there.
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:26 pm
by Killthesmiley
yea it made me think of that post too...
i laughed.
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:27 pm
by Ziola
um, who knows how to do that crazy thing where they get the info from the color code?