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Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:31 pm
by Flautapantera
Falls wrote:I want to bring back to the surface a question I asked last night before passing out infront of the computer from watching the new video 80 times. Why is it that when Jonas says "Tachyon", it's muted?

I think it's important for some reason.
There is a conversation relating to the topic of the supposed muting here. :)

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:32 pm
by Sheqinah
I have one more thought on the helicopter.

Before we thought the helicopters were part of the order, not tachyon. But it could just be a hijacked OpAphid helicopter too.

Does Tachyon have resources that I am not aware of?

Isn't she an ex order girl, set to destroy them? Is she a double agent? Maybe someone can fill in the blanks for me on her story.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:33 pm
by Falls
Flautapantera wrote:
Falls wrote:I want to bring back to the surface a question I asked last night before passing out infront of the computer from watching the new video 80 times. Why is it that when Jonas says "Tachyon", it's muted?

I think it's important for some reason.
There is a conversation relating to the topic of the supposed muting here. :)
Thanks :D

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:35 pm
by SapereAudeo
I don't think that Tachyon's name was muted. There's sound in the background of the video, and it would be nearly impossible for them to mute a voice while keeping the footsteps and such.

I think the line is "Are you sure we can trust this guy? He’s not like really her Brother is he?"

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:37 pm
by Flautapantera
Sheqinah wrote:I have one more thought on the helicopter.

Before we thought the helicopters were part of the order, not tachyon. But it could just be a hijacked OpAphid helicopter too.

Does Tachyon have resources that I am not aware of?

Isn't she an ex order girl, set to destroy them? Is she a double agent? Maybe someone can fill in the blanks for me on her story.
Who knows exactly what resources Tachyon has? She's always surprising a lot of us. :)

I guess you could call Tachyon an ex-Order girl. :) She betrayed the Order a few months ago (pilfering certain items which were supposedly left in drops) and has been moving about, seemingly helping Bree, while keeping in contact with Brother (her agent partner).

Someone tell me if I'm giving false information or feel free to elaborate as I don't follow the ARG very closely. Have you watched the Tachyon/Brother videos yet, Sheqinah? That might be a good place to start. The OpA section of the Forum has great summations of what's happened so far. Or, if you feel like "researching," check out LGPedia or AphidPedia. They're very helpful tools as well. :) We're working on summaries of the LG15 story complete with the need-to-know/imperative information. Hopefully some form of newbie or refresher course area should be up soon.

EDIT: to fix a link

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:40 pm
by Sheqinah
Thank you. Will bookmark this page and come back to check it all out later.

Glad I jumped on board when I did. I think I caught the last train to the Breeniverse before it got exciting

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:43 pm
by SapereAudeo
Someone else (sorry, I lost it in the pages of threads) suggested that maybe the helicopters in the videos were Brother watching over the Trio.

Given that they were heading to the roof at the end of the video, this sounds valid to me.

Anybody have any thoughts?

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:45 pm
by tenshiakui
Flautapantera wrote:
Sheqinah wrote:I have one more thought on the helicopter.

Before we thought the helicopters were part of the order, not tachyon. But it could just be a hijacked OpAphid helicopter too.

Does Tachyon have resources that I am not aware of?

Isn't she an ex order girl, set to destroy them? Is she a double agent? Maybe someone can fill in the blanks for me on her story.
Who knows exactly what resources Tachyon has? She's always surprising a lot of us. :)

I guess you could call Tachyon an ex-Order girl. :) She betrayed the Order a few months ago (pilfering certain items which were supposedly left in drops) and has been moving about, seemingly helping Bree, while keeping in contact with Brother (her agent partner).

Someone tell me if I'm giving false information or feel free to elaborate as I don't follow the ARG very closely. Have you watched the Tachyon/Brother videos yet, Sheqinah? That might be a good place to start. The OpA section of the Forum has great summations of what's happened so far. Or, if you feel like "researching," check out LGPedia or AphidPedia. They're very helpful tools as well. :)

EDIT: to fix a link
*slips from the shadows*

Maybe Tachyon is part of an anti Order... er.. Order.

A world wide group that is trying to stop the Order from doing... well what ever it is they do!

Who knows maybe they have funding through some serious heavy hitters that can easly provide a chopper.

*thinks* What if Jonas is part of this? I know this has been gone over before. But he's a real interesting addition.. came about when they most need him. Has lots of money, could probibly get a chopper if he needs it. And what if... Like Bruce Wayne... his family was taken/killed ect by the Order?

Ok just ramblings.

*fades to black*

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:49 pm
by Onewen
Who knows maybe they have funding through some serious heavy hitters that can easly provide a chopper.
Our Paypal donations!!??!! :shock:

sorry...just had to! 8)

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:52 pm
by lucyfilmmaker
"he's not like, really your brother, right?" classic beast.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:55 pm
by Lurker
tenshiakui wrote:
Flautapantera wrote:
Sheqinah wrote:I have one more thought on the helicopter.

Before we thought the helicopters were part of the order, not tachyon. But it could just be a hijacked OpAphid helicopter too.

Does Tachyon have resources that I am not aware of?

Isn't she an ex order girl, set to destroy them? Is she a double agent? Maybe someone can fill in the blanks for me on her story.
Who knows exactly what resources Tachyon has? She's always surprising a lot of us. :)

I guess you could call Tachyon an ex-Order girl. :) She betrayed the Order a few months ago (pilfering certain items which were supposedly left in drops) and has been moving about, seemingly helping Bree, while keeping in contact with Brother (her agent partner).

Someone tell me if I'm giving false information or feel free to elaborate as I don't follow the ARG very closely. Have you watched the Tachyon/Brother videos yet, Sheqinah? That might be a good place to start. The OpA section of the Forum has great summations of what's happened so far. Or, if you feel like "researching," check out LGPedia or AphidPedia. They're very helpful tools as well. :)

EDIT: to fix a link
*slips from the shadows*

Maybe Tachyon is part of an anti Order... er.. Order.

A world wide group that is trying to stop the Order from doing... well what ever it is they do!
She is. We're pretty sure they're a modern day Culper Ring (at least, that's what they may call themselves; I'm not sure if they have any affiliation with the US President).

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 3:12 pm
by EternalGoddess
When Tachyon's theme music came on I immidietly threw up my arms and screamed "TACHYON! WHOA WHOO. SHE RULES!" She defines awesome. :D :D :D

I'm so glad the creators finally listened to us and did the cross over. I thought something was up when Bree hugged Danial longer than usual. At first I thought it was because she was glad he was ok, but then I noticed she was telling him something. Plus Tachyons camera view comfirmed she was telling him something.

This video was the best by far. This explains why Bree and Jonas were acting the way they were. I guess they really were trying to trick the order through their videos.

Oh and to the Order...OH YEAH BABY, IN YOUR FACE!

*cough* *cough*
Sorry about that. :wink:

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 3:13 pm
by trainer101
Lurker wrote:
tenshiakui wrote: *slips from the shadows*

Maybe Tachyon is part of an anti Order... er.. Order.

A world wide group that is trying to stop the Order from doing... well what ever it is they do!
She is. We're pretty sure they're a modern day Culper Ring (at least, that's what they may call themselves; I'm not sure if they have any affiliation with the US President).
I doubt the Presidential affiliation too. If we assume that the Order has infiltrated all levels of the various world governments then "Culper Ring" would be synonymous with "Resistance Movement". Perhaps a loose global network of underground operatives (ahem, kind of like LG15 fans :) ). If Jonas is rich enough to fund the resistance, then this story could go in a lot of different directions.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 3:26 pm
by Magesa
Steph1636 wrote:What did Bree say! We need someone to read her lips, it might be important!
I thought she said "It'll be okay" or something like that that reassured Daniel about her plan, so that Daniel would be okay and prepared and not do something stupid.

About Tachyon -- I've been going back and watching some of her earlier videos, which are chalk full of vielled references to helping Bree and some sort of anti-Order organization. I'm going to try and link her videos with specific things in Bree's videos.
trainer101 wrote:If Jonas is rich enough to fund the resistance, then this story could go in a lot of different directions.
Yes, good point. I think the trio is really involved with whatever anti-Order organization Tachyon is part of from now on.

(As for the beeping out Tachyon's name business, I think the LG Pedia was wrong. It doesn't make sense to have that beeped out.)

Like everyone else, I must say that I LOVED THE VIDEO!

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 3:31 pm
by LesterG
EternalGoddess wrote:When Tachyon's theme music came on I immidietly threw up my arms and screamed "TACHYON! WHOA WHOO. SHE RULES!" She defines awesome. :D :D :D

I'm so glad the creators finally listened to us and did the cross over. I thought something was up when Bree hugged Danial longer than usual. At first I thought it was because she was glad he was ok, but then I noticed she was telling him something. Plus Tachyons camera view comfirmed she was telling him something.

This video was the best by far. This explains why Bree and Jonas were acting the way they were. I guess they really were trying to trick the order through their videos.

Oh and to the Order...OH YEAH BABY, IN YOUR FACE!

*cough* *cough*
Sorry about that. :wink:

Hella yea EG, I was in cheering mode too lol