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Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:37 am
by Blue02
First post -but am home poorly ill with nothing to do so have been avidly reading the forum.
The text from Daniel seems to be the most significant thing in the last two videos, and I cant help thinking that it needs figuring out.
Jonas says-'It was such a weird text he sent, you know, "no good". I don't know what he meant. Maybe he was trying to text more and ran out of time. Something like that. I don't know. I just don't like when the only two possibilities are...huge catastrophe or big misunderstanding. You know, like, if it was movies, it'd be, like, The Vanishing, or Breakdown, episode of Three's Company.'
So could that be a clue that 'no good' is Daniel trying to text the name of a movie? - I googled and could only come up with- 'No Good Deed aka The House on Turk Street' - not sure what the significance could be yet though!
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:41 am
by fsk282
am i the only one that found this video disappointing after how exciting yesterday was? and was jonas a little creepy talking about a chainsaw? i don't think anyone has said that, but i haven't read the whole thread.
kristina wrote:am i the only one who got the feeling that jonas felt uncomfortable about sleeping in the same bed as bree, not because he wants her, but because it's so darn obvious that SHE wants HIM?
i don't think bree wants jonas at all. i think bree wants to be sans attachments because everyone she is attached to gets hurt.
and it doesn't make sense that the guy is a 'local' but they had to spend the night at a hotel! it just really doesn't! i don't want to, but i really am starting to have a bad feeling about jonas.
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:57 am
by Blue02
fsk282 wrote:am i the only one that found this video disappointing after how exciting yesterday was?.
In a way thats what makes me think that the text message is more significant- maybe this video was just doing two things-
1. making it clear that where they are going is a long way away (and by stopping allowing this chapter to be split into several installments)
2. drawing attention to the text message
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:01 am
by fsk282
yeah, you're right blue. i am pretty sure the text is really important as well. i just wish the creators or someone would hurry up and clue us in!!
i think nothing else really exciting will happen till sunday. remember the cards, they came up with that date, plus the two quarterbacks were tags for one of the videos. i'm pretty sure superbowl sunday is important somehow. maybe op has money on the bears.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:05 am
by Kasdeja
Gah, I'll be ticked if all they have planned is a video of them having a little superbowl "party" with snacks.
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:12 am
by nobackspacebutton
God. After reading 27 pages....@.@ here I am.
First off, I also think it is weird on how uncomfortable Jonas was to share a bed with Bree..but it is also weird how comfortable she was. You would think Jonas would have let her have the bed and chose to sleep on the floor....not split it.
Again there is another curious description under the photo in LGpedia. It asks if the wall was to protect Bree or Jonas? I've thought from the beginning that Jonas has some sort of mental background...he has so much knowledge about psychiatry, but I think this is mostly because of his expirences with psychiatrists. He probably went to quite a few of them after his parents left because he couldn't deal with their disappearance.
The fact that they didn't make it last night makes me wonder if they are on the right trail or not. It just seems odd that there was so much hype yesterday---I feel like we were let down a little with a video where nothing happens.
It also makes me think that Jonas knows where they are going exactly...maybe he is just buying some time by stopping? Jonas knows how far away it is---even though he says it was further than he thought. There just seems to be a lot about Jonas' past that we don't know.
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:17 am
by Kasdeja
I don't think it's that weird he doesn't want to be in the same bed...I mean, she's a minor and he's legally an adult...etc. Some people freak on that.
Also, what "regular" drives that damn far to go bowling? Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:19 am
by iamcool
i think its coz he wants to stay loyal to dan
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:39 am
by nobackspacebutton
iamcool wrote:i think its coz he wants to stay loyal to dan
I agree with that..He was probably nervous and knew Daniel would eventually see the video.
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:46 am
by Kasdeja
Whether or not we're toying with Jonas' sexual orientation...if he considers Dan a good friend, knowing Dan has feelings for Bree...yeah, he could be trying to be a loyal friend to Daniel.
*edit* I still think it's the age difference, though. Imagine the new members that would come in to say something about a legal adult in bed with a minor. oi.
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:14 am
by VeiwerZane
nobackspacebutton wrote:God. After reading 27 pages....@.@ here I am.
Im with you on that one 100%. I have to suffer time differences to. They seam to be uploaded when im asleep have to start up the pc and chek for a new vid within 15 mins before going to college then come back to 27 pages =/ so yeh i have missed a big chunk in the middle.
I dont think the sound when jonas is in the tub is intended. I always hear sounds going on in other rooms when im in hotels. seaming as they are obviously filming in a hotel not a set they can control.
Dont know what to make of the text but i agree about us all looking too far into it. As for that map futher back did you cheak to see the hotels closest to the raod they said they were on?
I dont get why they put hangers,phone and iron in the wall Id just end up knocking them down in my sleep and that would be anoying haveing that fall on me at the same time. Curious about jonus' reactions lately but i didnt even know there was a brother sister theory. Perhaps becuase iv seen the travelerJ19 videos that imply shes geneticaly built.
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:21 am
by Ashley
Perhaps Jonas seems more worried about Daniel because they're friends, and Daniel gives him the time of day. Whereas Bree stays in his home, and is a snotty little brat towards everyone.
That, and he knows Daniel is into Bree, so he's respecting that.
Jonas is a good guy in my books.
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:24 am
by silvermoon
VeiwerZane wrote:... i didnt even know there was a brother sister theory.
Something a few of us have been thinking for quite some time. I thought it as soon as I saw a couple of Jonas' videos. They look somewhat similar, they have a lot of the same personality traits, his parents are gone, and then we find out that Bree was adopted.
I believe that they are siblings. I also believe that Jonas knows. He's a little older than Bree. Maybe he even remembers when his baby sister was taken away.
That would explain his wanting so badly to help and protect her, and also why he doesn't want to be too close with her in a bed (god forbid she made a move on him!)
But that's just my little pet theory :O)
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:25 am
by silvermoon
Ashley wrote:Perhaps Jonas seems more worried about Daniel because they're friends, and Daniel gives him the time of day. Whereas Bree stays in his home, and is a snotty little brat towards everyone.
That, and he knows Daniel is into Bree, so he's respecting that.
Jonas is a good guy in my books.
I agree. Jonas is one of the good guys.
Or a member of the Order.
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:38 am
by nobackspacebutton
silvermoon wrote:VeiwerZane wrote:... i didnt even know there was a brother sister theory.
Something a few of us have been thinking for quite some time. I thought it as soon as I saw a couple of Jonas' videos. They look somewhat similar, they have a lot of the same personality traits, his parents are gone, and then we find out that Bree was adopted.
I believe that they are siblings. I also believe that Jonas knows. He's a little older than Bree. Maybe he even remembers when his baby sister was taken away.
That would explain his wanting so badly to help and protect her, and also why he doesn't want to be too close with her in a bed (god forbid she made a move on him!)
But that's just my little pet theory :O)
Yeah the sister/brother theory would definately make sense in this video. Jonas definately knows more than he's putting off. I still think this could be a possibility.