[Update] CanYouHearHer Blog (10/02/06)

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Post by brandoblues »

has frank replied or given any info yet?

i did read some random lady was chatted to that was nothing, shame on yall lol
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Post by NillaWafers »

I posted a reply, maybe I'll get something? I sure hope so. Hoy, now I'm going through this, tiNaG thing. Like, zomg, what if it's real? I'm jsut freaking myself out now. I like it, I am strange.
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Post by rachelalexis »

NillaWafers wrote:I posted a reply, maybe I'll get something? I sure hope so. Hoy, now I'm going through this, tiNaG thing. Like, zomg, what if it's real? I'm jsut freaking myself out now. I like it, I am strange.
I'm totally there with you. I know I should be looking at it as a game, but when you're looking at it as tiNaG, you get a little freaked out. In a good way. Unless it's not a game and just some very creative crazies, in which case it's in a not good, wierd way. :shock: :wink:
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Re: Frank's False Chinese Astrological sign

Post by bibitte83 »

NolaRising wrote:
space girl lost wrote:
bibitte83 wrote:Frank claims his sign is Cancer and his birth year 1981. According to chinese astrology this would make his astrological sign a Metal Rooster and not a monkey. Check it out :?
where did it say 1981?

that is something though. if he's 26 and born under the sign of cancer (late june- latejuly), he actually should have been born in 1980. which was the year of the dragon.

year of the monkey 1980

You'll see that it is correct.

You're right LOL!... Its late here, Im tired and I guess Im already in 2007... and to think I check I.D's on a regular bases... :oops:
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Post by mLe »

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Post by kgurl84 »

If you look at the comments for the "wait" blog on frank's site.....danielbeast posted:

Frank, you're possessed by the spirit of someone named "Cassie". She is a young teenage girl who was murdered by a Satanic priest. She is trying to warn us about a young Mormon girl named "Bree" (NOT Bree Walker, if that's who you're thinking - this girl is MUCH younger).

If you go to YouTube and watch the lovleygirl15 videos, you'll see that Bree mentions Cassie, she was her friend. Cassie (your ghost/demon possessor) is trying to get you to save Bree from also being killed as a virgin sacrifice by Satanic priests, including her own DAD!!! Hurry Frank, because on Oct. 12 is when the ritual killing will happen!

10:27 PM

not sure if this was posted before, sorry if it was!!! took a break to get some studying done and came back to check if anything new was happening and i noticed that.....i'm guessing it's not him since lonelygirl15 is misspelled...figured it was worth posting...
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Post by Hodabes »

Heads up guys - move the conversation about Frank's emails to the thread I split off from this one.
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Post by Callawang »

martha wrote:But why on earth does everyone think it's Cassie's body?
Probably somebody who watched a little too much Twin Peaks.

a) whatever dropped is "wrapped in plastic" a la laura palmer style teenage corspe
b) the bottom of the lake ain't a bad place to hide a body (and it's particularly reminicsent of Twin Peaks)
c) Bree + Daniel would know the fate of Cassie if her body had been found cause they prolly would have had an accouncment in the news or at least at the school that daniel went to. therefore IF cassie is dead, it can be assumed her body is hidden somewhere.

it's just that one guy's theory. not sure why i'm defending it.
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Post by Sephern »

I think we're competing with Frank...Simply because she said "Frank has been more help than you." Perhaps Frank is the one finding all these clues before us? She never did come out and say it was a gamejacking, just that we were too slow.
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Post by shifty »

Don't know if this was posted elsewhere (If so I'll delete) but on Frank's blog Cassie left the comment:

Cassie said...

--- .... / -.-- . / --- ..-. / .-.. .. - - .-.. . / ..-. .- .. - ....

2:26 AM

Her name is a link that directs you to her Youtube account.
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Post by chixor1 »

Oh ye of little faith?

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Post by Mordrack »

Yeah, now she is quoting Jesus...
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Post by sraosa »


* Age: 26
* Gender: male
* Astrological Sign: Cancer
* Zodiac Year: Monkey
* Location: Azusa : California : United States

Year of the monkey? Purple monkey?

I don't know about y'all, but if this is a coincidence and is not related, I'm gonna feel *really really really* bad for this guy...

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Post by Farva »

sraosa wrote:Frank

I don't know about y'all, but if this is a coincidence and is not related, I'm gonna feel *really really really* bad for this guy...

~ Sraosa
I'd say that there's sufficient commonality that if it IS a coincidence, the laws of probability have been twisted in such a way I need to go bet on the Cardinals to win the super bowl...
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Post by Mordrack »

And I'm going to play lottery tomorrow...
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