0154-"Uncle Dan"- [3/14/07]

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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

Okay, I said this in Parallex, but I thought I'd mention it here too.

The fact that Alex conveniently left her computer open to a dating service that mentions she likes younger guys is very suspicious. It reminds me of when Lucy conveniently left her computer open with a bunch of maps... Either the Order doesn't learn from their mistakes, or there are certain things they want to have found, and used as bait.
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Post by longlostposter »

joygasm wrote:
longlostposter wrote:
joygasm wrote: Is this uncommon? Maybe it is the artist/photographer in me... I have always been that way... That's why if you walk into my house, there is A LOT to look at!
No, I do it too, Joy. But it's not for artistic reasons (unless they have really beautiful art).

If I'm going to be partying, I want to access the surroundings so I feel safe. If I don't feel safe, I leave. It's been years since I partied like this, though.
Phew! Glad I am not the only one. It has been about 3 years since I have gone to a part like that as well... The three dog night song brought up some memories that I was trying to forget... definitely not from drinking... maybe from LSD though...

So, um... should we go ahead and expect a three day wait before the next video???
Mmm, maybe the proper word would have been "evaluate". Yeah, evaluate my surroundings.

Joy, I did LSD about four times. I never imagined you like that...lol. I mostly did pot, though; but I drank until I passed out many times.

Yeah, this last video was probably quite expensive. A three-day wait is probably in the works.
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Post by jeezy »

So do you guys think that Daniel made out with Alex? lol
-jeezy (fo sheezy)
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Post by longlostposter »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Okay, I said this in Parallex, but I thought I'd mention it here too.

The fact that Alex conveniently left her computer open to a dating service that mentions she likes younger guys is very suspicious. It reminds me of when Lucy conveniently left her computer open with a bunch of maps... Either the Order doesn't learn from their mistakes, or there are certain things they want to have found, and used as bait.
Earlier megs posted that she thought it was left there so that Daniel would find it, and be even more intrigued with Alex. I thought that was pure genius.
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Post by longlostposter »

jeezy wrote:So do you guys think that Daniel made out with Alex? lol
You're a guy; I'd like your prospective on it.

The fact that Daniel didn't say anything suggests that:

1) He did and doesn't want to face the wrath of Jonas.
2) He didn't do it, is drunk, and has been caught totally off-guard by the intensity of Jonas's feelings about it, and/or his unwaivering attitude.

I'm inclined to think it's the former.

lol, I can't believe you're the first person to ask this question. Way to go, Jeezy!
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Post by joygasm »

longlostposter wrote:
Joy, I did LSD about four times. I never imagined you like that...lol. I mostly did pot, though; but I drank until I passed out many times.
ROFL! This comment alone proves that I have not gotten too personal with people here! I was a hard core party kid. I used to eat shrooms every weekend (at LEAST an 1/8 ) and every other weekend ate a couple hits of acid on top of them. I had a bad ccke addiction that I kicked a month before I got pregnant with my daughter because I had a pregnancy scare... decided that was a good time to quit and became pregnant two weeks after I found I wasn't. I have been clean for nearly 3 years now... I had a lot of fun back in the day, but I would not trade them for my daughter any day.
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Post by Chelseyrl »

:shock: Holy Moly... I can't believe how big this thread is.
I can imagine that some people who are just watching the vid today are like "oh my gosh... so much was happening in that video I need some clarity... I know! I'll go to the forum!"

They get here...
"Oh, that's bullshit."

So many theories as to every thing going on in this video... my head hurts.

Ok... I'm done rambling.

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Post by lonelygirl »

longlostposter wrote:
Marilee wrote:when will Daniel learn to stop drinking and talking to girls.... sigh.

but yea, super uneasy vibe on the party from here too. man, not good at all.

ps best part was Daniel: High five, its ok I got you (picks up Jonas' hand to his)

ahhh good times, but not really.

oh and who was the musician????
Is the musician the bald watcher?
not every bald guy is a watcher for goodness sakes. although that is definitely lucy in that picture. i think this is going to be the reason why daniel will go back to bree. after falling for alex and then realizing she is a part of the order, he will change his ways and stop getting drunk and falling for girls. i think most if not everyone at the party is affiliated with the order.
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Post by joygasm »

I wonder what she was thinking about::

I watched this video again to see if maybe there was a glimpse of the symbol on someone's hand. I could find one anywhere in there... but its hard to really see their hands most of the time. The ones you did see did not seem to have them.
Last edited by joygasm on Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MintyBeast »

joygasm wrote:I wonder what she was thinking about:
Probably what most of the horn dogs on here say. :lol:

Edit to take out picture.
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Post by joygasm »

MintyBeast wrote:
joygasm wrote:I wonder what she was thinking about::
Probably what most of the horn dogs on here say. :lol:
She looks like she's about to ripped into him. If I was standing in front of Jackson Davis I would have the same look... I can't guarantee I would have as much self control as she does though...

edit mine to take out the pic too!
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Post by lonelygirl »

TommyIsCancer wrote:
The only big piece of business is the picture of Lucy with Alex. I don't think Alex is with the Order though. It does however make sense for the Order to keep a Watcher near Alex since her family is against the Order. She got into fashion and they probably had an Order member (or members) who was also involved with fashion get close to her and that's how she met Lucy. I think Alex is clueless and the next thing that has to happen is Daniel and Jonas need to sit Alex down and make her watch all the videos from start to finish.

So I think one of Alex's friends is with the Order and she doesn't know. Simple as that. It's one of the people at the part so now we have to figure out who. Her ex? The other guy who liked her? Where's Waldo-shirt girl? Gay guy who hit on Jonas? Etc.

Great video though. That was one of the longest ones ever. I loved it.
great theory and very possible.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

joygasm wrote:
longlostposter wrote:
Joy, I did LSD about four times. I never imagined you like that...lol. I mostly did pot, though; but I drank until I passed out many times.
ROFL! This comment alone proves that I have not gotten too personal with people here! I was a hard core party kid. I used to eat shrooms every weekend (at LEAST an 1/8 ) and every other weekend ate a couple hits of acid on top of them. I had a bad ccke addiction that I kicked a month before I got pregnant with my daughter because I had a pregnancy scare... decided that was a good time to quit and became pregnant two weeks after I found I wasn't. I have been clean for nearly 3 years now... I had a lot of fun back in the day, but I would not trade them for my daughter any day.
Whoa.. that's cute though. Is your daughter the little girl in your avatar? She's adorable. She reminds me of my cousin Sami. They have the same smile and look really alike.
I haven't gotten too personal either with people here, but for the record, I've never done any of these drugs. I've drank alcohol. I smoked pot like twice but I didn't like it. So I just drink, and not too frequently. Not a big party girl, unless it's with my friends and ppl I'm comfortable being open with. :smt102
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

lonelygirl wrote:
TommyIsCancer wrote:
The only big piece of business is the picture of Lucy with Alex. I don't think Alex is with the Order though. It does however make sense for the Order to keep a Watcher near Alex since her family is against the Order. She got into fashion and they probably had an Order member (or members) who was also involved with fashion get close to her and that's how she met Lucy. I think Alex is clueless and the next thing that has to happen is Daniel and Jonas need to sit Alex down and make her watch all the videos from start to finish.

So I think one of Alex's friends is with the Order and she doesn't know. Simple as that. It's one of the people at the part so now we have to figure out who. Her ex? The other guy who liked her? Where's Waldo-shirt girl? Gay guy who hit on Jonas? Etc.

Great video though. That was one of the longest ones ever. I loved it.
great theory and very possible.
I like that theory too. It's different from what everyone else is saying. When Aunt Alex first came into the videos, I got a very good vibe from her. This video really surprised me. I mean, a lot of people are completely different when they are drunk, but I never expected her to actually go for Daniel, or to be a big drinker. I got the idea she was kind of reserved and really into her work (i.e. "I don't have time for a boyfriend.") I would like it if they made her more like that, instead of making her evil. This was the first video that changed my impression of her, but your idea is definitely feasible and I would love it.
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Post by onsweetavenue »

I like it better when bree isn't in the videos.

I think aunt alex is evil along with some of ya'all.

Also, I think daniel's hair looks terrible and greasy and just hard to look at.
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