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Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:31 am
by Broken Kid
I know I'm stretching, but the Interwebs are great for finding all sorts of crazy connections (like how every conceivable religion is connected to the Illuminati of free masons!). But some searches for Adak, Zavalla, Wickenburg, and
especially Topanga CA turn up connections to UFOs. Either big sightings or smaller ones. La Crete is harder... the closest thing I can find (and a lot of searches turn up pages in French I can't read) is the world's "only" UFO Landing Pad in St. Paul, which Google tells me is like 10 hours away but still covered by the same newspaper and such.
Just a thought. Anyone else who wants to do some searching, maybe?
Link to UFOs over Topanga Canyon:
Zavalla (this one's real weak, search for Zavalla):
Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:36 am
by sweetie55
Broken Kid wrote:I know I'm stretching, but the Interwebs are great for finding all sorts of crazy connections (like how every conceivable religion is connected to the Illuminati of free masons!). But some searches for Adak, Zavalla, Wickenburg, and
especially Topanga CA turn up connections to UFOs. Either big sightings or smaller ones. La Crete is harder... the closest thing I can find (and a lot of searches turn up pages in French I can't read) is the world's "only" UFO Landing Pad in St. Paul, which Google tells me is like 10 hours away but still covered by the same newspaper and such.
Just a thought. Anyone else who wants to do some searching, maybe?
Link to UFOs over Topanga Canyon:
Zavalla (this one's real weak, search for Zavalla):
Does this mean Bree's an alien???

::waiting for the extaterrestrials to start saying the creators are making them look bad::

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:36 am
by iamcool
Broken Kid wrote:I know I'm stretching, but the Interwebs are great for finding all sorts of crazy connections (like how every conceivable religion is connected to the Illuminati of free masons!). But some searches for Adak, Zavalla, Wickenburg, and
especially Topanga CA turn up connections to UFOs. Either big sightings or smaller ones. La Crete is harder... the closest thing I can find (and a lot of searches turn up pages in French I can't read) is the world's "only" UFO Landing Pad in St. Paul, which Google tells me is like 10 hours away but still covered by the same newspaper and such.
Just a thought. Anyone else who wants to do some searching, maybe?
Link to UFOs over Topanga Canyon:
Zavalla (this one's real weak, search for Zavalla):
so bree is gna be impregenated by an alien?

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:41 am
by Broken Kid
iamcool wrote:so bree is gna be impregenated by an alien?

Ha...I'm not suggesting anything. I'm just trying to find a link between these places. And often religious happenings are linked to places of paranormal or extraterrestrial events. Just grasping at straws...
Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:42 am
by demerick
lordgreystoke422 wrote:Pyro just give up on trying to make the guys laugh...they are too busy drooling over you to get it.....
and the girls are just jealous..
::walks off laughing something about himself being a damn old drooling pervert::
*snerk* Your self-depreciating humor is great. </fannish behavior>
Re: The locations on a map
Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:47 am
by Kimmi-Chan
How do you know? Are you......a Creator yourself?

Dun...Dun Dun!!! (My attempt at dramatic music) And no, they're too smart for me.
Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:47 am
by LesterG
Alee8386 wrote:Ok, the topic of the maps and locations has been swallowed by "Danny-boy needs a haircut" comments and other shizznit (Not hatin', just sayin'). ANYWAY, Did anybody look up "missing 16 year olds" in those areas? Or even crimes, or things of that genre. I know it's a long shot, but it's a direction no one has pointed in yet (I'm basing this off of that missing 16 y.o. chicky in AZ that Dannyboy mentioned a few vids back). And I just read ALL 23 pages JUST to make sure I wasn't re-posting a previous question, so if you DARE call this crazy, I will find you and.... POKE YOU IN THE EYE BALL!! damnit. And yes, I DO know that by telling EVERYONE that I read through all 23 pages is admitting that a life is something I do not have.
EDIT: I am IN LOVE with the idea that the cermony was fake and the video was fake and the REAL ceramony is to come (on "their" Oct. 12th)! YEA!! I'm excited!
EDIT:AGAIN: ANNNNDDDD, If that WAS a fake cermony, MAYBE she's SAD because she now KNOWS she will DIE in the REAL cermony... DIE, I tell you! SHE'S GOING TO DIE!!! AHHHHH!!!! And maybe thats why she's all "I LOOOOVE EVERYONE! THEY ALL FEEL SOOOO GOOOD!" because when you KNOW you're going to DIE, everybodies nice to you. Ok, I got a little silly.
omg alee lol soo funny
cas_nz86 wrote:CrazyNic wrote:Yea I saw it, didnt think it was of much intrest
yeah now ive seen it again i dont think it means anything
hmmm let's see if I can upload this right
To point out another thing... I believe this was posted as the response to bree's I completed the ceremony vid and before this vid... maybe this is the ARG LG15 is starting to incorporate?
Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:50 am
by Kimmi-Chan
Does this mean Bree's an alien???

::waiting for the extaterrestrials to start saying the creators are making them look bad::

The kids in school did used to call her stargirl....eep, yet I hope they didn't run the sci-fi path.
Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:54 am
by amiers
can someone please explain the whole Moonchild thing? what is a moonchild?
Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 11:00 am
by Woo
I was thinking maybe the locations were something to do with ley lines or vortices but I can't find anything to support this

Bree misinformed as a red herring?
Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 11:03 am
by demerick
Yoga Bear wrote:Broken Kid wrote:
Another possibility. Perhaps there are other girls (or boys, perhaps) out there like Bree who are being led through this process, none aware of each other, and Lucy is the common denominator to them all...
I think you are onto something....She prolly has many "projects" in the works.
So, according to this theory, Bree was misinformed when she was told that this ceremony is rare. Which means ceremonies we've discussed that happen more frequently could be the correct ceremonies (assuming that the ceremony is based on something factual and not a made-up ceremony). We assume that Bree was told the truth when it came to the frequency of the ceremony, but that she's been led to believe that it's not harmful when it is? You know what they say about when we assume...
Just a thought that I had after reading this.
Re: Bree misinformed as a red herring?
Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 11:05 am
by Broken Kid
demerick wrote:So, according to this theory, Bree was misinformed when she was told that this ceremony is rare. Which means ceremonies we've discussed that happen more frequently could be the correct ceremonies (assuming that the ceremony is based on something factual and not a made-up ceremony). We assume that Bree was told the truth when it came to the frequency of the ceremony, but that she's been led to believe that it's not harmful when it is? You know what they say about when we assume...
Just a thought that I had after reading this.
Well, this was just an idea... I'm just trying to figure out what these places have to do with anything. Perhaps they were looking at someone in each of these places and chose Bree for the ceremony? It's all just supposition...
Re: Bree misinformed as a red herring?
Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 11:09 am
by demerick
Broken Kid wrote:demerick wrote:So, according to this theory, Bree was misinformed when she was told that this ceremony is rare. Which means ceremonies we've discussed that happen more frequently could be the correct ceremonies (assuming that the ceremony is based on something factual and not a made-up ceremony). We assume that Bree was told the truth when it came to the frequency of the ceremony, but that she's been led to believe that it's not harmful when it is? You know what they say about when we assume...
Just a thought that I had after reading this.
Well, this was just an idea... I'm just trying to figure out what these places have to do with anything. Perhaps they were looking at someone in each of these places and chose Bree for the ceremony? It's all just supposition...
Pretty much everything here is just supposition, right? Anyway, it's great to have comments like that come up so we can look at things from several points of view. The idea makes sense to me because we automatically assumed Bree knew what she was talking about when she said it was rare, even though we assume she knows nothing about the potential harm to her and to Daniel. If she doesn't know how harmful the religion can be, how can she know for sure that this is a rare ceremony. Perhaps it's just hush-hush because of the potential for harm.
Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 11:28 am
by chran
I've been playing around with Google (searching for "'Adak Island' aleister") and came to this:
The word Adak is from the Aleut word adaq, which means father.
Here is some more info from a Yahoo!-groups discussion. Seems to be military people discussing postings on the islands. Doesn't seem related to the cult, but interesting nonetheless (I found it searching for "'Adak Island' bree"

: ... scount=100
We were warned not to leave the developed areas of the base since there is a bad muskeg problem. It's the arctic equivilant of quicksand. Most of the base was connected by tunnels so you didn't have to go outside, understandable since it was about 45 degrees in September and we were told that was warm weather. One of the nastier places I got to see!
Doesn't seem like the place for cult ceremonies?
Bird watching tours to the island:
Adak is the only island in the Aleutian Chain accessible for birding, and with suitable infrastructure, facilities and vehicles to support remote field operations.
weather - cool to warm, wet to windy
Anchor Cove is an actual place name in the Aleutians! Actually, two places. As we all know,
The Children of Anchor Cove was the working title for Lonelygirl15!
Does this mean anything? Who knows, but it's certainly interesting.
Anchor Cove, Kodiak Island
57° 6'55.36"N
154° 8'13.86"W
Anchor Cove, Kenai Peninsula
149° 5'15.33"W
Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 11:31 am
by Alee8386
Broken Kid wrote:I know I'm stretching, but the Interwebs are great for finding all sorts of crazy connections (like how every conceivable religion is connected to the Illuminati of free masons!). But some searches for Adak, Zavalla, Wickenburg, and
especially Topanga CA turn up connections to UFOs. Either big sightings or smaller ones. La Crete is harder... the closest thing I can find (and a lot of searches turn up pages in French I can't read) is the world's "only" UFO Landing Pad in St. Paul, which Google tells me is like 10 hours away but still covered by the same newspaper and such.
Just a thought. Anyone else who wants to do some searching, maybe?
Link to UFOs over Topanga Canyon:
Zavalla (this one's real weak, search for Zavalla):


!!!! WEEEEE! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOOOOOVE this direction! LOL! I REALLY DO! GREAT RESEARCH!!! It's SO "drink-the-kool-aid-in-white-sneakers"ish!!! YEA!!!