0130-"The Human Ransom" [2/10/2007]

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Post by thelogicpuzzler »

Assuming Lucy was saying something, what could she be saying? I am not convinced she was saying anything, but, who knows?
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Post by KrystalRayne »

Antissa Pompeii wrote:
betz28 wrote:
omegawoman wrote:I just watched the video again, with sound! Something I noticed--Bree isn't the only one whispering sweet nothings in Daniel's ear. Looks like Lucy did too, but before Bree did.

i noticed that as well....after you mentioned it!
I dunno...it didn't look like she was whispering anything to him to me. It just looked like her head was down while she was waiting for the elevator to reach the floor.
At 1.34 it looks like she puts her head down to say something to Daniel. I am not sure, but it could mean something. I guess this is the "OMG suspense" factor that every good creator has. OMG GIVE US ANOTHER VIDEO FAST. In which they won't cause they know we want one.
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Post by watermelonhead »

Hey everyone.. 24 pages of comments!wow!

Can someonesummarize the video and our speculations for me and everyone else who JUST watched it?
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Post by Antissa Pompeii »

omegawoman wrote:
Antissa Pompeii wrote:
betz28 wrote:
i noticed that as well....after you mentioned it!
I dunno...it didn't look like she was whispering anything to him to me. It just looked like her head was down while she was waiting for the elevator to reach the floor.
Watch it again, to me it looks like her lips are moving ever so slightly. I could be wrong though.
Yeah...they do look like they've moved a bit...but I dunno. Maybe it was just a quick warning, like 'if you try anything, I'll shank you, fool!'
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Post by Steph1636 »

omegawoman wrote:
Antissa Pompeii wrote:
betz28 wrote:
i noticed that as well....after you mentioned it!
I dunno...it didn't look like she was whispering anything to him to me. It just looked like her head was down while she was waiting for the elevator to reach the floor.
Watch it again, to me it looks like her lips are moving ever so slightly. I could be wrong though.
It's possible that she is saying something to Daniel, but all I see is her head looking down.
It's the Cornwallis Effect!
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Post by Sheqinah »

krisl003 wrote:Even though this is my first post...I've been lurking for a while.
I saw some people talking about how Bree and Tachyon got together. Well, I was watching Me for Daniel on Youtube and noticed her tags : LG15 lonelygirl15 daniel danielbeast lucy swap order ceremony go through with it tachyon

Bree wanted Lucy to tell her exactly where and when the exchange was going to happen. That gives Tachy and Brother time to put in the camera system so she can save the day. Yes/No?
What a cool observation. Wish I noticed it earlier. I would of gotten pre-excited. I don't think it was there before! So Bree must of post scripted it in later to message Tachyon 8)
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Post by Sheqinah »

Mgz wrote:I don't understand anything :(
who has helped bree, joans and daniel to rush? the people of order haven't followed them for the flash bomb?
I wonder if the flash bomb would activate some kind of alarm too? The order might be shy of police/fire department calls and may decide that taking off is in order. But I favor the idea that they split up to find the 'kids'
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Post by Sheqinah »

KrystalRayne wrote:
Inigo wrote:OK

I think the ATR in the security cameras is short for "Atruim". Most security cameras also have little texts so you can know what part of the building they're covering.

Also, What would have happened to Jonas' car if they escaped in a chopper? That would be the second car Jonas loses if I'm correct.

Finally I think they should'nt go back to Jonas' because the Order surely knows where it is... they must be on the run again.
If you look at the elevator... it says "2" on it. Most "atruim"s I know are either on the 1st floor or last floor, but I could be off.
If the 2 was on the top of the elevator it would indicate it was elevator 2, but the position indicates it was the second floor of the building.
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Post by Sheqinah »

omegawoman wrote:I just watched the video again, with sound! Something I noticed--Bree isn't the only one whispering sweet nothings in Daniel's ear. Looks like Lucy did too, but before Bree did.
You are right! Lucy did whisper something to Danny B before releasing him.
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Post by laurenesque »

Tachyon is back!! My heart was starting to really pine for her. This video is amazing.
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Post by Onewen »

Sheqinah wrote:
omegawoman wrote:I just watched the video again, with sound! Something I noticed--Bree isn't the only one whispering sweet nothings in Daniel's ear. Looks like Lucy did too, but before Bree did.
You are right! Lucy did whisper something to Danny B before releasing him.
Man! I wish I could read lips! She's probably just saying, "Don't try anything, punk!" :shock:

hahahha...or something like that. :oops:
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Post by Laurilea »

Excellent video! Everything was so fast paced and exciting and I'm glad to see Tachyon back in the mix. I can't wait until the next one. I hope everyone made it out okay! Lucy was hot on their heels...
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Post by Sheqinah »

Sheqinah wrote:
krisl003 wrote:Even though this is my first post...I've been lurking for a while.
I saw some people talking about how Bree and Tachyon got together. Well, I was watching Me for Daniel on Youtube and noticed her tags : LG15 lonelygirl15 daniel danielbeast lucy swap order ceremony go through with it tachyon

Bree wanted Lucy to tell her exactly where and when the exchange was going to happen. That gives Tachy and Brother time to put in the camera system so she can save the day. Yes/No?
What a cool observation. Wish I noticed it earlier. I would of gotten pre-excited. I don't think it was there before! So Bree must of post scripted it in later to message Tachyon 8)
OK, in LGpedia it lists the tags as all the above mentioned for "Me For Daniel", except for the word 'Tachyon'. So it was a later addition and a message!
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Post by rodrigogar »

its been forever i dont post, but i just had to.

This video is da shiznit!!!!. I know every one is posting the same, but its true.

I got home 6 am in the morning, tired, just checking my regular pages and surprise, i was falling asleep but became wide awalke, loved the video and read thru 20pages of the forum at that time. hehehe
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Post by tayduh1987 »

Jo_16_2 wrote:i freakin' loved the new vid :D
when tachyon's music started, i started smilling like "here we go..."
damn the video is too great and...
jonas didnt get caught right? i mean he was the last one to climb the ladder, and the order was already climbing the stairs... but he wouldnt be like "bree, take the camera, there's no chance for me to escape" right? that would be kinda stupid...
i agree that it did not look like jonas was going to get out...but someone last night said that bree and daniel would have said something at the end of the video
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