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Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:40 pm
by trainer101
tiltingwindward wrote:It's not so much that the fish inside the bowl sees three fish where we see two. The fish inside the bowl sees the fish outside the bowl with a different perspective than the person looking at the outside fish
through the bowl.
Of course, I have no idea what fish trainer is looking at, nor what sort of controlled substances he consumed before he started making fish hypotheses...

I disavow all controlled substances. My hallucinations and delusions are completely natural.
It's all so clear to me... *sigh*
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:11 am
by heyiknowsyou
McPackage wrote:In the new "What The Hell" video, near the end, there's an unnatural-looking mark in the snow. It looks kinda Arabic. Look at the bottom right.

i agree it looks a bit like arabic, but could it also be a heart? Jonas is associated with hearts already--the ones drawn on foggy windows.
who knows.
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:17 am
by McPackage
heyiknowsyou wrote:McPackage wrote:In the new "What The Hell" video, near the end, there's an unnatural-looking mark in the snow. It looks kinda Arabic. Look at the bottom right.

i agree it looks a bit like arabic, but could it also be a heart? Jonas is associated with hearts already--the ones drawn on foggy windows.
who knows.
It sort of does look like a heart there, but the previous frame shows that it isn't a closed figure.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 8:39 am
by outlaww
trainer101 wrote:At least my theory is high in protein!
hahaha I love you! It's a very tasty theory...
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 9:39 am
by nobackspacebutton
Hey everyone...not meaning to intrude...but!
I reread this on the LGpedia for Nikki Bower...and thought perhaps this might be a clue?
In her video Watchers Everywhere - NBR 4, Nikki reads from a copy of Nancy Drew's Guide to Life, a book that was found in a Tachyon drop. She reads the following quote from the book:
"Don't discount faint lines or indecipherable blotches on discarded pieces of paper. A magnifying glass might reveal them to be very small words."
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:46 am
by giddeanx
Does anyone notice the faint outlines of the woman on the lower right side behind Theta Pi. The top of her head is between Gamma Sigma (pursue knowledge) and Theta Pi (voice of god). It almost looks like a greek figure or maybe the virgin mary on a waffle fry stained napkin.
I also kind of notice the pattern appears to be a map of sorts showing two land masses and a lake in between.
Could the numeric equivelents of the greek letters be coordinates.
I would not count the watcher sign as it appears to be added after the fact like a type of signature.
With three coordinates you could triangulate a possition.
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:53 am
by Jo_16_2
McPackage wrote:heyiknowsyou wrote:McPackage wrote:In the new "What The Hell" video, near the end, there's an unnatural-looking mark in the snow. It looks kinda Arabic. Look at the bottom right.

i agree it looks a bit like arabic, but could it also be a heart? Jonas is associated with hearts already--the ones drawn on foggy windows.
who knows.
It sort of does look like a heart there, but the previous frame shows that it isn't a closed figure.

maybe a "J"?
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:30 pm
by sphinx
McPackage wrote:
It looks to me like it may be a Hebrew letter, probably Tet upside down.
I recall Tachyon once mentioning something about Hebrew or Jewish a long time ago, maybe in a PM reply, but I can't find it.
It may be another of Tachy's calling cards.
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 2:34 pm
by giddeanx

I swear I see a person in robes in this section of the picture. I wouldn't even say anything if it wasn't for the sharp line at the bottom of the figure.
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 3:21 pm
by sheetzjunkie
giddeanx wrote:
I swear I see a person in robes in this section of the picture. I wouldn't even say anything if it wasn't for the sharp line at the bottom of the figure.
I saw this as well and and the first thought that jumped to mind was a virgin mary statue that I had seen before but I'm not sure how that would tie in.
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:13 pm
by bubbleteagirl
The books in the package that Daniel found... does anyone have a copy of those books? Anything clue'ish on the following pages:
The Clue in the Diary... 8th page ?
The Quest of the Missing Map... 21st page ?
The files mentioned numbers associated with the Greek letters, like, their place in the greek alphabet. The Nancy Drew books were numbered... and two of the greek letter's match up, so, I thought maybe the other symbol associated with those symbols might be references to page numbers?
Total long shot considering not ALL the numbers matched up to book numbers... but, just thought I'd put that idea out there just in case.
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:29 pm
by giddeanx
(Omicron)Young (Tau)Child -------(Gamma)Pursue (Sigma)Knowledge
--------------------------------(from the)(Pi)Voice of the (Theta)Sky[god?]
-The Watchers
Just throwing it out there like a clay pigeon.
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:15 pm
by deagol
giddeanx wrote:(Omicron)Young (Tau)Child -------(Gamma)Pursue (Sigma)Knowledge
--------------------------------(from the)(Pi)Voice of the (Theta)Sky[god?]
-The Watchers
Just throwing it out there like a clay pigeon.
*cocks shotgun*
Tachyon wrote:I know we thought there was a pi or an omicron in two of them but that doesn t add up with the other stuff I ve found.
If it weren't for the fact that Tachyon already shot down pi and omicron, I would ask you to back up that translation with links or arguements for those symbols meaning young, child, pursue, and knowledge.
Also, I know it's a bore to read all 23 pages on this thread (and there are 2 other threads), but you can read the discussion about that robed person around page 7.
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:02 am
by janesalteredstates
I found this interesting: ... _fricative
Phi - In modern Greek, it represents [f], a voiceless labiodental fricative.
Theta - In Classical Greek θ represented an aspirated voiceless dental plosive (/tʰ/) or "th" as in the, them, they etc
As for "Lambda+Sigma"
One of the most commonly known
ligatures is Æ
"Æ is not considered an independent letter but a spelling variant, for example: "encyclopædia" versus "encyclopaedia" or "encyclopedia" "
Making Æ have the sound of a hard E.
The F? I don't know...
Could create "thief" but that wouldn't mean anything.
If you take the Egyptian glyphs (
see this thread) and place Theta over them (merging them) you get the Op symbol and the image found at jonas'
Are we supposed to be taking them apart?
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 7:54 am
by nobackspacebutton
ApotheosisAZ wrote:Borrowing a couple of images here.
I have done some mechanical drawing in the past, and these two look almost like a spatial orientation test.
If you take the watcher symbol, and assume it is rendered here as a circular object seen from the front and above:
Imagine it is like a table with a solid surface. If you had an axis of rotation directly through the center dot, and you rotated the "table" 45 degrees, you would get this:
I think they may be a pair of two-dimensional images of the same three-dimensional object.
Another brilliant discovery/theory! Good work Apo. This is what I was thinking, but you put it perfectly into words.