0172-"The Perfect Beach" [4/13/07]
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- JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
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Yes I know. That's what I was talking about.marlasinger wrote:she told us she has two birthmarks. check out the thread in the fanfic section:
She implied one was in some kind of severely personal area...

I asked if you guys had seen the one on her back in a photo or something. People were acting like they did.
"Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof."
-- V For Vendetta <3
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- JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
- P. Monkey's Agent
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I agree with this theory but I don't think Alex will do it for Bree at all.mincartaugh wrote:Well it's nice to see someone else who thinks that Alex may have just done a brave and self sacrificing thing!EternalGoddess wrote:Alex is sacrificing herself so Bree can be free. I think that's extremely nice of her.
I think she is doing it for several possible reasons:
1. The Order is pissed off about her "apology" to BDJ, and this is the only way she can convince them to have mercy on her.
2. She has struck a deal with the Order regarding the freedom of Jonas's parents in turn for her participation in the Ceremony.
3. She really cares about Daniel, and she is doing the Ceremony to protect him.
However, there are flaws with this theory. For one thing, the purity bond. I'm not just talking about virginity. Bree broke her purity bond just by sneaking out. That means either staying out late at night, or lying and sneaking around, breaks the purity bond. I'm certain Alex is guilty of both. Plus drinking, which Bree calls a "sin." For another thing, Alex seems far too old to replace Bree in the Ceremony. But who knows? I mean, we know her mother was part of the Hymn Of One. But the Creators would really have to work out these details if they went this route. I have faith they can though.
Oh, and about Madison. Her myspace says she's 19. Wouldn't they have realized years ago that she had the traits necessary for the Ceremony? Up until now we were told that it was "too late" to find another girl. Why would they suddenly be able to use a 19-year-old? I really don't think Madison will be canon. I hope not, I hate her friend. Plus, I don't get the story she's trying to make.
"Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof."
-- V For Vendetta <3
-- V For Vendetta <3
Ok, ok!aideen wrote:Heehee! Yeh, everytime I read it it makes me laugh. So don't even think about changing it -gun to head-kiyoshi wrote:Jeez, a few hours can make all the difference eh? =3aideen wrote:Yaaaay!
About time :/
I don't think I've actually been on when it's just the name; only when the video has just become viewable.
Heeeeey, kiyoshi -waves-
Rofl, I still have my sig. xD
I think my heart went *(&#$@# when Jonas pulled out that gun. Totally unexpected. And we're seeing a whole new naughty side of Jonas now.
Is this good, or is this bad?![]()
Naughty Jonas
It's good, in a bad way.
Or bad in a good way...
Woah, confusing
*hands in the air*
I'll keep it there!

But yes.
It's definitely confusing.
But good.
To us at least.
aideen + jonas + shaved almonds = gajillion babies.
That's kind of scary and awe-inspiring at the same time.

aideen + jonas + shaved almonds = gajillion babies.
That's kind of scary and awe-inspiring at the same time.

mincartaugh wrote:Renigade, your post was well thought out and thought provoking. Most of it was dead on and I agree with it.
There has been a lot of back and forth on this already, so instead of counterpointing that, let me speak a bit about Alex' innocence:
The Order has known where TAAG were since the first public video of the kids down there. We've repeatedly told the group to stop posting such obvious indicators of their position. They've ignored us. That the Order showed up was inevitable. That the TAAG reacted inappropriately with a rush to judgment that was erroneous, was also inevitable.
That Alex reacted as she did was adult and admirable. Look at it from her POV. A beautiful day, fun with her newest paramour and his friends... Then suddenly she spots the cars. Her first reaction was to get in their car. She expects her group to run. Then Daniel asks "Did you set us up?" She responds, "No, I..."
Daniel interrupts with, "Is this you? Did you do this?" and Jonas starts yelling, "She betrayed us."
She's shocked and horrified that her new found haven, her friends are so quick to turn against her. She starts shouting "Why would I do a..." and again she's interrupted.
She tries to stay calm and on their side, but as they continue to insist that she betrayed them, she changes to "I don't have a choice." This could mean either she had no choice but to work with the Order, or it could mean they are giving her no choice now.
She desparately tries one more time. "They're not after you, they're after me!" She's telling them that because she betrayed the Order they're hunting her down. It doesn't work. They're still hostile.
Then Jonas pulls a gun. Panic everywhere. Even Alex panics. But instead of lashing out against them, she bitterly crys, "I can't leave now" and then, gaining back some calm; resigned to her fate; hating the group that spurned her, aware of the Order breathing down her neck, she lashes out. Tries to hurt, "They don't need you any more."
See how the evidence flows? Alex is innocent in her own eyes but guilty in the eyes of the TAAG. I'm feeling really bad for her right now.
whow!!!! is all i can say....deep!
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Mincar, I think, They don't need you anymore", would be a relief to Bree, not a lashing out.
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
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I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
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Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.
This could be possible. but I say that its not the case, only because I would think that no matter what the others were saying and if she were really not involved in a set up, she would have screamed,mincartaugh wrote:
Renigade, your post was well thought out and thought provoking. Most of it was dead on and I agree with it.
There has been a lot of back and forth on this already, so instead of counterpointing that, let me speak a bit about Alex' innocence:
The Order has known where TAAG were since the first public video of the kids down there. We've repeatedly told the group to stop posting such obvious indicators of their position. They've ignored us. That the Order showed up was inevitable. That the TAAG reacted inappropriately with a rush to judgment that was erroneous, was also inevitable.
That Alex reacted as she did was adult and admirable. Look at it from
her POV. A beautiful day, fun with her newest paramour and his friends... Then suddenly she spots the cars. Her first reaction was to get in their car. She expects her group to run. Then Daniel asks "Did you set us up?" She responds, "No, I..."
Daniel interrupts with, "Is this you? Did you do this?" and Jonas starts yelling, "She betrayed us."
She's shocked and horrified that her new found haven, her friends are so quick to turn against her. She starts shouting "Why would I do a..." and again she's interrupted.
She tries to stay calm and on their side, but as they continue to insist that she betrayed them, she changes to "I don't have a choice." This could mean either she had no choice but to work with the Order, or it could mean they are giving her no choice now.
She desparately tries one more time. "They're not after you, they're after me!" She's telling them that because she betrayed the Order they're hunting her down. It doesn't work. They're still hostile.
Then Jonas pulls a gun. Panic everywhere. Even Alex panics. But instead of lashing out against them, she bitterly crys, "I can't leave now" and then, gaining back some calm; resigned to her fate; hating the group that spurned her, aware of the Order breathing down her neck, she lashes out. Tries to hurt, "They don't need you any more."
See how the evidence flows? Alex is innocent in her own eyes but guilty in the eyes of the TAAG. I'm feeling really bad for her right now.
"NO! Come on lets get in the car and go!"
Or something to that effect. I feel sorry for Alex. I think she really was doing it out of fear for what the Order may do to her.
All I know is this ceremony better knock me on my ass when / if we ever see it, cause I am at my wits end trying to figure out what the hell it is.
Dreams from the Breenaverse
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- mellie3204
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Okay, I just had one more thing I wanted say re this vid (it's hard to find something that hasn't been said: Go Lurker and Renegade!! Good work
I find Alex's behaviour change near the really really jarring. At around 2.20/2.21 in the vid, she's still protesting her innocence (in a way) and has a really worried, pleading type look on her face.
The change, the almost instant change, that occurs between 2.22 and 2.23 really freaks me out. Her face goes deap-pan. She looks exactly like she did when she did the evil message to Bree in "Alex is...". The transformation is sudden. I'm not so sure it's coincidance that that's immediately after we catch a glimpse of Lucy.
I'm usually the last to put anything supernatural out there like psychic mind control (I guess it could be a trigger word that someone said, or Lucy might have had an "Evil Alex button she pushed
), but as I said, it really creeps me out everytime I watch it.
Can anyone else give me their thoughts?
Have I just watched it too many times?

I find Alex's behaviour change near the really really jarring. At around 2.20/2.21 in the vid, she's still protesting her innocence (in a way) and has a really worried, pleading type look on her face.
The change, the almost instant change, that occurs between 2.22 and 2.23 really freaks me out. Her face goes deap-pan. She looks exactly like she did when she did the evil message to Bree in "Alex is...". The transformation is sudden. I'm not so sure it's coincidance that that's immediately after we catch a glimpse of Lucy.
I'm usually the last to put anything supernatural out there like psychic mind control (I guess it could be a trigger word that someone said, or Lucy might have had an "Evil Alex button she pushed

Can anyone else give me their thoughts?
Have I just watched it too many times?
Jonas: I don't care, I don't care! Idon'tcareIdon'tcareIdon'tcare... I don't care. You can't come and I don't care.
- Men are from Mars
- Men are from Mars
I only made it through 14 pages I need sleep
A Glock=YaY
(I think I just proved myself as my fathers daughter, and a total nerd)
Alrighty I really liked this video, I'm glad that we got back to a story. but another girl....I pray it isn't Maddison. She just is Bleh. It's like Oh I want to get noticed and get my name out like Jessica. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGG
on a randomish side note what is the mark that keeps getting mentioned? I either missed this story piece or can't pull it up a the moment.
I think that Bree knew about the gun. Does anyone else think that Bree and Jonas may be losing trust in Daniel? I mean really he has been spending a lot of time with Alex. When Bree didn't protest the whole Alex thing I was thinking Okay she's glad that Daniels not hitting on her, but now I'm thinking maybe it's that Bree and Jonas don't trust him. (It would really would make sence with Jonas pointing the gun at Daniel)
A Glock=YaY

(I think I just proved myself as my fathers daughter, and a total nerd)
Alrighty I really liked this video, I'm glad that we got back to a story. but another girl....I pray it isn't Maddison. She just is Bleh. It's like Oh I want to get noticed and get my name out like Jessica. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGG
on a randomish side note what is the mark that keeps getting mentioned? I either missed this story piece or can't pull it up a the moment.
I think that Bree knew about the gun. Does anyone else think that Bree and Jonas may be losing trust in Daniel? I mean really he has been spending a lot of time with Alex. When Bree didn't protest the whole Alex thing I was thinking Okay she's glad that Daniels not hitting on her, but now I'm thinking maybe it's that Bree and Jonas don't trust him. (It would really would make sence with Jonas pointing the gun at Daniel)
- Particular
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Change in Jonas
Okay, so I've been reading the forums for a while, so i guess its time to throw my hat into the ring as it were.
So does anyone else think its a little funny that Jonas has a gun all of a sudden? A lot of you said it was good that he was finally being proactive and that the group needed to protect themselves better. I totally agree on that point. However, if you look at Jonas' transformation throughout the series, its still a little inconsistent. He goes from being a lonely rich kid, to an accomplice, to a suspect, to a trusted friend (and possibly a little more - who knows?). Yes, he may not have completey trusted Alex, and decided to take precautions, but don't you think that if he was trying to take precautions he wouldn't be getting wasted in public where the order could pick him up? Jonas and Daniel keep putting themselves at risk, more recently in the vicinity of someone they thought was a part of the order. The video Spring Break Sucks is a perfect example. Him and DB couldn't have defended themselves from a stray cat, let alone the order. One poster on this forum said that Jonas has been through a lot, that getting picked up, drugged tortured made him a much darker character. If this was so, why didn't he use more commonsense after the group got picked up (Missing Days onward)? Lying drunk in the street is no way to ensure anyone's safety.
I think its good that he was trying to offer more protection for the group (bree in particular) but why did he only start after they met Alex again? He musn't have had the gun before Missing Days, so he would have had to get it sometime between then and The Perfect Beach - but even if he got it before Spring Break Sucks, he was in no condition to use it, for this reason I think he got it after he met up with Alex.
On a more personal note, that was a bit mean threatening the Beast
What did he ever really do to you??
I'm not bagging Jonas at all (Team Jonas All The Way!!!), I just think its time for him to start thinking more rationally.
So does anyone else think its a little funny that Jonas has a gun all of a sudden? A lot of you said it was good that he was finally being proactive and that the group needed to protect themselves better. I totally agree on that point. However, if you look at Jonas' transformation throughout the series, its still a little inconsistent. He goes from being a lonely rich kid, to an accomplice, to a suspect, to a trusted friend (and possibly a little more - who knows?). Yes, he may not have completey trusted Alex, and decided to take precautions, but don't you think that if he was trying to take precautions he wouldn't be getting wasted in public where the order could pick him up? Jonas and Daniel keep putting themselves at risk, more recently in the vicinity of someone they thought was a part of the order. The video Spring Break Sucks is a perfect example. Him and DB couldn't have defended themselves from a stray cat, let alone the order. One poster on this forum said that Jonas has been through a lot, that getting picked up, drugged tortured made him a much darker character. If this was so, why didn't he use more commonsense after the group got picked up (Missing Days onward)? Lying drunk in the street is no way to ensure anyone's safety.
I think its good that he was trying to offer more protection for the group (bree in particular) but why did he only start after they met Alex again? He musn't have had the gun before Missing Days, so he would have had to get it sometime between then and The Perfect Beach - but even if he got it before Spring Break Sucks, he was in no condition to use it, for this reason I think he got it after he met up with Alex.
On a more personal note, that was a bit mean threatening the Beast

I'm not bagging Jonas at all (Team Jonas All The Way!!!), I just think its time for him to start thinking more rationally.
"It's been lovely, but I have to scream now."
R.I.P. Maddy and Adam. Mad love for you guys.
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R.I.P. Maddy and Adam. Mad love for you guys.
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- mellie3204
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Re: Change in Jonas
Welcome Particular! Great 1st post 

Jonas: I don't care, I don't care! Idon'tcareIdon'tcareIdon'tcare... I don't care. You can't come and I don't care.
- Men are from Mars
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Hmm...this could be a long one.
Anyway, I'm not saying her initial reactions don't fit. What I am complaining about is what mellie described so well:
Also, there are some problems with your theory:
(Which is all not taking into account "meta" reasons of bad script, bad acting, and the like.)
That's all assuming P.Monkey isn't in the trunk, of course...he'd just roundhouse kick the Order to hell if they let him loose.
To be serious, though, think of it this way: There are not unlimited Watchers around. If shit happens, Lucy might stand there, in the middle of nowhere, with only Alex as her backup - who's either under Daniel's control, or not much of a problem, 'cause she's attacking from the same direction. In the middle of nowhere.
You're also assuming the people "joining them" at the beach obey similar rules as OpAphid. We don't know that, yet. And even if they did, OpAphid got rid of people for failing her/them - not as cannon fodder. Just because they decide to not let traitors and incompetents hang around their top secret facilities that doesn't automatically mean they'd sacrifice anybody for anything.
If they just thought it's the usual BD&J gang, they might have been arrogantly sure they wouldn't go to the police, simply because they didn't so far.
Stay with the style, man.
(Alternatively, you could do it the other way round - second post being by Jonas, all aggressive, third being Bree alone, saying they've both been pretty down, and fourth being Bree trying to cheer them up.
...would leed to Dawson's Creek love triangle setup again, though.)
Think about it: Bree's Dad was actually in the Order and knew almost nothing. And Alex, who's more of a "freelancer", is supposed to know what the Order plans in advance?
Even if they assured her over the telephone they weren't going to take them - it wouldn't be the first time the Order lied to her, and it wouldn't be all that stupid to not be honest to someone who potentially betrayed you.
Alex knows nothing. Blindly trusting that the Order reveals their ultimate plans to a semi-outsider who's also a family member of one of the targets and has been giving them shelter for the past few days is just stupid.
Just because her treason didn't result in physical harm for BD&J doesn't make it any less treason. And "physical" is the important word there - because psychologically, they were harmed. Both by the fact that they've been betrayed by someone they liked...again, as well as the fact that they're not safe anymore...again. They had a nice little kind of life down there, and Alex totally f**ked them over. She just didn't kick them in the balls afterwards.

And you seem to think they're kinda locked to one direction. They do have 360° to run - they may have to change directions once they reach the rock wall, but what gives? As long as running towards it helped escaping the order?
About that "steep hill" that's supposedly blocking their escape...have you seen the blue stuff next to it in the first picture? It's water. Humans can pass through it. So they can circumvent the "hill", and are then protected from Order bullets and sight...so it's actually a great way to escape.
And in the second picture, it actually looks sloped enough to be passable normally. It may be steeper than a stairway, but it's by far not "blocking their way". Parts of it are even less steep than the slope we see the TAAG come down.
Last but not least, the rock wall: I am actually not convinced it's impossible to climb it up. It's not entirely vertical, there are lots of ledges on it, and the plants make for good things to grab. Sure, the other ways might be smarter choices, but if they run parallel to it until they find a good spot to climb up (the slope they took down being proof enough there are such spots), they can escape over it just as well.
So I don't quite see how they're limited to two blockable ways there.
P.S.: There are houses in wallaq3.jpg. No relation to the discussion, but I found it interesting to note.
The only advantage here would be to have some snipers lay down on the rock wall and take them all out at the same time.
...but even for such a cheap tactic, this is one of the more stupid ones, because, while, in terms of shooting, the exposure of the targets and the protection of the shooters might be nice, the targets are constantly, unpredictably moving.
If they wanted to do it the cheap way, it'd be way easier to use this opportunity to break into Alex's house to poison their food instead of following them out to the beach just to shoot them over a long distance, not knowing if they'll ever get a good shot.

Showing up because Alex told them where she'd be does.
All they need is to control the police, the few, big media outlets, and a few higher political offices. That may sound like much for us, but after what's been implied and said in the series before, it sounds like the Order controls much more than that.
Think about it: Maddison Atkins decides to call the police. Calls 911. If she does it anonymously, people will think it's a stupid prank ("Secret Order controlling the country and abducting chosen girls...yeah right.") - so she leaves her name and more data, enough for the police to identify and find her. Police is under Order control, so the Order knows someone knows about them and talks, gets the address, and sends the Men in Black.
Now, how many people would you try to tell about the Order, after, after you made just one call about them, two big guys in shades and suits stood before your door and told you you and your family might have "a freak accident" if you ever opened your mouth again? How many others would open their mouths if they heard your story?
That goes for small, independent reporters as well. And those in the big media outlets are just silenced by "someone higher up" deciding that "their story sounds ridiculous and we're not gonna destroy our journalistic credibility by sending it".
9/11 had its images on media outlets all over the world. Many of the sites questioning the official government report use footage sent by CNN or similar sources, even the governments own texts, to support their arguments.
Some random girl on the internet does not have this kind of credibility. It just takes five Order shills to start a discussion about her being fake in the video comments, and it might be over already. If they then fake some evidence that she is fake, it's definitely over. Sure, a few dozen people might believe her, but hey...let the police handle it. Who's gonna believe them?
Argh. Spent at least two hours on this. No proofreading for you.
Where is this post? I totally missed it on the way.mincartaugh wrote:Renigade, your post was well thought out and thought provoking. Most of it was dead on and I agree with it.
There has been a lot of back and forth on this already, so instead of counterpointing that, let me speak a bit about Alex' innocence:
The Order has known where TAAG were since the first public video of the kids down there. We've repeatedly told the group to stop posting such obvious indicators of their position. They've ignored us. That the Order showed up was inevitable. That the TAAG reacted inappropriately with a rush to judgment that was erroneous, was also inevitable.
That Alex reacted as she did was adult and admirable. Look at it from her POV. A beautiful day, fun with her newest paramour and his friends... Then suddenly she spots the cars. Her first reaction was to get in their car. She expects her group to run. Then Daniel asks "Did you set us up?" She responds, "No, I..."
Daniel interrupts with, "Is this you? Did you do this?" and Jonas starts yelling, "She betrayed us."
She's shocked and horrified that her new found haven, her friends are so quick to turn against her. She starts shouting "Why would I do a..." and again she's interrupted.
She tries to stay calm and on their side, but as they continue to insist that she betrayed them, she changes to "I don't have a choice." This could mean either she had no choice but to work with the Order, or it could mean they are giving her no choice now.
She desparately tries one more time. "They're not after you, they're after me!" She's telling them that because she betrayed the Order they're hunting her down. It doesn't work. They're still hostile.
Then Jonas pulls a gun. Panic everywhere. Even Alex panics. But instead of lashing out against them, she bitterly crys, "I can't leave now" and then, gaining back some calm; resigned to her fate; hating the group that spurned her, aware of the Order breathing down her neck, she lashes out. Tries to hurt, "They don't need you any more."

Anyway, I'm not saying her initial reactions don't fit. What I am complaining about is what mellie described so well:
It was just too fast. I admit, over a longer period of time, everybody would probably be fed up with the accusations and turn angry instead - but not within one second, when your live is just being threatened from two sides.mellie3204 wrote:The change, the almost instant change, that occurs between 2.22 and 2.23 really freaks me out. Her face goes deap-pan. She looks exactly like she did when she did the evil message to Bree in "Alex is...". The transformation is sudden.
Also, there are some problems with your theory:
- Videos are posted on the web, yes, but after the events they portray. They are on a lonely beach with only one road leading to it - the one used by both them and the Order. So there's no way someone could have followed them unnoticed. So...how did the Order know they're there? Even if they watch the videos (which, according to The Powers of Retcon, they' don't), they would only know they're in Mexico - not that they're at a beach, and not at which particular beach.
- Alex's initial reaction, getting into the car, suggests she's "good". However, if that's the case why would she leave with the Order? Even if she's pissed off by their behavior, she's convinced them before that she's not evil - just walking into the Order's arms after betraying them is the most stupid thing she could do...especially after she heard from BD&J what happened to them after Las Vegas.
- "I don't have a choice" meaning the situation at hand makes no sense...they are right at the car, and they have a gun. It's not like their capturing by the Order is inevitable. What's more problematic with this is what she says after "I don't have a choice": "I don't have a choice, alright?! I still have to do--" and "They're not here for you anyway, they're here for me, I have one more--" - both clearly implying that this was in no way a coincidence, but the Order called her for one last job, and this is the agreed pick-up location.
- If she was really "good", on the side of BD&J, loving Jonas and growing feelings for Daniel, then Jonas pointing a gun at her should majorly devastate her - not turn her Order within one second.
- And all of that doesn't take into account Alex understanding. I mean, she takes them to a deserted beach somewhere at the ass of Mexico, and right then the Order shows up. Every sane human would know what that looks like. She'd understand that this looks bad for her, continue screaming that she's innocent, just so there's no doubt, stay close to Daniel, who's protecting her from Jonas, and get with them into the car to try to convince them later, when they're calm. Just leaving them for the Order when she's actually on their side, just because they think she set them up, when it obviously looks like she did, makes no sense at all.
(Which is all not taking into account "meta" reasons of bad script, bad acting, and the like.)
It's on.Lurker wrote:Speaking of which ... now to Renegade's post. Round 2, huh?

I was playing with the fact that it would mean her reaction was out of anger, like I said, rather than out of bitterness, like you said. Anger resulting from bitterness, but anger nonetheless.Lurker wrote:Why not? Less rational things happen, like a father blaming his kid for the mother dying in childbirth. If Bree had just gone along with the ceremony way back when, the Order would have never called up Alex for a favor.Renegade wrote:Which would, ultimately, make her angry at Bree?Lurker wrote:Why wouldn't it? If something bad is going to happen to her, she might blame Bree for it a little.
I agree that we won't agree.Lurker wrote:I don't think we'll be able to agree on that particular point, but I can live with that. I think it was just bitterness.
They don't have to get close. They can sit "comfortably" behind their car and let the others shoot. Only if the Men In Black go for it and storm the carstle, they'd jump into action...in close combat, where it's easier to evade bullets, if the Watcher is stupid enough to try shooting at all.Lurker wrote:I think you're misunderstanding my use of "they're not going to do a thing." They're not going to do anything in the sense that they're going to get mowed down before they can even get close.
I assume that, if a fight broke out, it wouldn't be an easy victory for the Order, and if it came to close combat, Bree and Daniel wouldn't be all useless - the fear for your life should be a pretty good motivation.Lurker wrote:I actually almost suggested that you were assuming that (because of the reference to Daniel or Bree fighting).
That's all assuming P.Monkey isn't in the trunk, of course...he'd just roundhouse kick the Order to hell if they let him loose.
Well, dead people can't capture teenagers. At least not until Bree does the ceremony. (hehehe...kidding, kidding)Lurker wrote:I rather disagree. In part because I don't think they're that worried over losing a couple of agents. Heck, OpAphid offed her assistants and security detail on concerns of negligence or betrayal when Tachyon knew when Op would be posting a video.
To be serious, though, think of it this way: There are not unlimited Watchers around. If shit happens, Lucy might stand there, in the middle of nowhere, with only Alex as her backup - who's either under Daniel's control, or not much of a problem, 'cause she's attacking from the same direction. In the middle of nowhere.
You're also assuming the people "joining them" at the beach obey similar rules as OpAphid. We don't know that, yet. And even if they did, OpAphid got rid of people for failing her/them - not as cannon fodder. Just because they decide to not let traitors and incompetents hang around their top secret facilities that doesn't automatically mean they'd sacrifice anybody for anything.
Not only would that require him to not watch them closely while they drive away with his Aunt that just betrayed him again, but it'd also mean Daniel or Bree would definitely pick up the gun and start shooting, while the Order could mostly not return fire until they left their cars. Or Bree and Daniel just start running, giving them a few extra seconds until the Order is out of the car, and a whole lot of directions to run to, cause all Orderites are in the cars. (And no, they can't just shoot them, too, if the run back to the beach - there's first the car and then the "rock wall" you mentioned in the way.Lurker wrote:I didn't say shoot him and drive away. I said pretend to leave, shoot him while they were driving past him, and then hop out and take the others.
Or at least that's what I meant to say. Sorry if it wasn't clearer.
Perhaps because they didn't see the camcorder? I'm not sure I'd recognize a camcorder with a sideglance over a hundred meters distance while distracted with abducting and killing people.Lurker wrote:The people they were allowing to run away were still witnesses - and if they were looking toward Jonas at all, they would have seen the camcorder. Jonas said they didn't even seem to give any consideration to them and just went about removing the body of Bree's dad.
If they just thought it's the usual BD&J gang, they might have been arrogantly sure they wouldn't go to the police, simply because they didn't so far.
As I said at the top, "they are in a small town in Mexico" does not equal "they'll be at a deserted beach way off the main ones at about 5 PM tomorrow". And the more deserted their surroundings get, the more easily they'd have spotted a follower.Lurker wrote:Orrr ... if they fired up their internet browser and went to LG15.com or Revver. These MexiHo videos have been public videos which Lucy and the Order have known about since at least October (regardless of what was said in a recent retcon).
Yes it is...when Bree just left them for Tachyon, they were at least relatively safe - in a new house, with no indicators the Order knew where they were. Alex just lead the Order directly to them.Lurker wrote:A bit selfish, sure, but no more selfish than Bree's been. [...]
Oh come on. You're totally screwing the video style there! You first have to have a sad montage by Daniel, then a video by Daniel saying Jonas has been pretty down for the past few days, that they all can't quite understand what happened and how he could be so stupid to trust Alex, and that he and Bree will try to cheer Jonas up. Then a vid posted by Bree of her and Daniel actually trying to cheer Jonas up, and then one by Jonas apologizing for not saying anything for so long, and explaining to us how he totally cannot understand how Alex could betray him like that, and how he's now totally confused about whether or not his parents are alive, whether Bree is safe, or anything else she says, but he does know the house is not safe anymore and they have to move. (Two weeks later...yay for LG15 logic.)Lurker wrote:As for Jonas' last memory of her being that she was "the c**t who sold us out to the Order," I hope to God Jonas is more intelligent than to stand around doing this after they drove away:
Jonas: "That evil bitch! I can't believe I ever trusted her! She totally sold us out! Look at her ... riding away in that Order vehicle ... which she seemed less than thrilled about to begin with ... while we're back here safe and sound ... and after she dropped a bomb on us like 'They don't need you anymore, Bree'! I just ... ugh ... I can't believe this. What a horrible bitch. Well ... ... ... who's up for foosball? I hear they don't need Bree anymore, so it should be cool. Yep, don't need her anymore. Just like we don't need that evil aunt of mine who sold us out to the Order!"
Stay with the style, man.

(Alternatively, you could do it the other way round - second post being by Jonas, all aggressive, third being Bree alone, saying they've both been pretty down, and fourth being Bree trying to cheer them up.
...would leed to Dawson's Creek love triangle setup again, though.)
Alex thought they weren't there for Bree, and Lucy didn't touch Bree as long as they still needed her.Lurker wrote:As we already know, though, Lucy won't take Bree by force. Even back during the rescue of Daniel, Lucy told her "It's your choice." And Alex knew they weren't there for Bree anyway.
Think about it: Bree's Dad was actually in the Order and knew almost nothing. And Alex, who's more of a "freelancer", is supposed to know what the Order plans in advance?
Even if they assured her over the telephone they weren't going to take them - it wouldn't be the first time the Order lied to her, and it wouldn't be all that stupid to not be honest to someone who potentially betrayed you.
Alex knows nothing. Blindly trusting that the Order reveals their ultimate plans to a semi-outsider who's also a family member of one of the targets and has been giving them shelter for the past few days is just stupid.
You seem to only consider something betrayal if harm resulted out of it...that's a logic like "my underling tried to kill me, but he missed...so it's fine". Do you think one company would be fine with an employee selling their secrets to a competitor, just because the competitor decided not to use them?Lurker wrote:Do we even know that she said "Be there at such and such time"? In any case, no, that doesn't look like a heinous betrayal at all - because they did absolutely nothing to Bree, Daniel or Jonas.
Just because her treason didn't result in physical harm for BD&J doesn't make it any less treason. And "physical" is the important word there - because psychologically, they were harmed. Both by the fact that they've been betrayed by someone they liked...again, as well as the fact that they're not safe anymore...again. They had a nice little kind of life down there, and Alex totally f**ked them over. She just didn't kick them in the balls afterwards.
I'm an unemployed student...I gotta make an income somehow.Lurker wrote:Familiar with several, I guess?

That depends on how important Lucy and her supporters are in the Order, and on how high she wants to be in it - if she strives to be Head Mistress one day, looking weak by not being able to take out a few kids is not a good base to start from.Lurker wrote:Is that really a problem? Is success or Lucy's ego more important?
Well, they've got to live somewhere. They don't just spawn in the fields...Lurker wrote:If that's a problem, then why send them in as a caravan? If their destination is the middle of nowhere (presumably outside the city), then why send them through the middle of the city like it was a parade?
Actually, I took the ocean into account...we know that at least Bree can swim, and I assume the others can, to - so what disqualifies the Ocean as an escape route, when the other option is death or captivity?Lurker wrote:Actually that beach would be a beautiful place for an ambush. It's less than 180° to flee, Ren. There's an ocean on one side, a large natural rock wall on another, and then a steep hill on yet another side, with the slope BDA&J went down apparently being the only way up/down along there. That leaves only one open side to use to try running away - and if the Orderites were to approach by way of both the slope and the open stretch of beach (or even just the slope), what could go wrong (especially if you left some people back at the car in case one of them somehow got that far)?
And you seem to think they're kinda locked to one direction. They do have 360° to run - they may have to change directions once they reach the rock wall, but what gives? As long as running towards it helped escaping the order?
About that "steep hill" that's supposedly blocking their escape...have you seen the blue stuff next to it in the first picture? It's water. Humans can pass through it. So they can circumvent the "hill", and are then protected from Order bullets and sight...so it's actually a great way to escape.
And in the second picture, it actually looks sloped enough to be passable normally. It may be steeper than a stairway, but it's by far not "blocking their way". Parts of it are even less steep than the slope we see the TAAG come down.
Last but not least, the rock wall: I am actually not convinced it's impossible to climb it up. It's not entirely vertical, there are lots of ledges on it, and the plants make for good things to grab. Sure, the other ways might be smarter choices, but if they run parallel to it until they find a good spot to climb up (the slope they took down being proof enough there are such spots), they can escape over it just as well.
So I don't quite see how they're limited to two blockable ways there.
P.S.: There are houses in wallaq3.jpg. No relation to the discussion, but I found it interesting to note.
You're saying there are only two ways to access the beach - one wide open one, where you see the attackers from kilometers distance, and one where the attackers are exposed on the slope of the hill, unable to spread wide, the only moving things on the entire rock wall...and you call that an advantage?Lurker wrote:The Orderites would have had the complete advantage in approaching. Not just in what options would be available to BD&J when they knew they were under attack, but in what kind of visibility the group would have had in seeing an approaching enemy (hills, slopes, etc.) By the time BD&J knew someone was there, they'd be as good as toast.
The only advantage here would be to have some snipers lay down on the rock wall and take them all out at the same time.
...but even for such a cheap tactic, this is one of the more stupid ones, because, while, in terms of shooting, the exposure of the targets and the protection of the shooters might be nice, the targets are constantly, unpredictably moving.
If they wanted to do it the cheap way, it'd be way easier to use this opportunity to break into Alex's house to poison their food instead of following them out to the beach just to shoot them over a long distance, not knowing if they'll ever get a good shot.
Truth is, even assuming I'm right, and Alex being a traitor is the only logical explanation for everything, that doesn't mean it'll be The Creators' explanation. It wouldn't be the first time totally weird and inexplicable behavior is absolutely normal in the Breeniverse.Lurker wrote:Fair enough. Alex may be a traitor, but I still say it's a stretch to call her that based on this particular event.
Yes...but there's a difference between saying "how could you do this???" and raising your fists and going insane and pulling out a gun.Lurker wrote:That's possible, I suppose, but weren't you the one who said you should expect people that you're trying to kill to fight back?
As you can see from my response, I disagree.Lurker wrote:Well, I personally feel like I argued it pretty well. I guess I'll have to wait for your response to see if I can change your mind or if you can change mine, but right now I'm thinking that if I ever worked for a malevolent organization that wanted me to ambush and kill some people, I'd feel like the geography was on my side at that beach.

Just showing up doesn't.Lurker wrote:Again, this is true. But just because the Order showed up (possibly because Alex told them where she'd be) doesn't make her one.
Showing up because Alex told them where she'd be does.
Again, this is the first time we hear they could do that now...who knows how long Alex knew that? Maybe they just called her up the day before and told her to abort the mission, they found someone better?Lurker wrote:I'm talking about in the time since they started living with Alex. Even in the time since a decision to kill Bree would have been made. Bree's been sleeping in the woman's house. I don't know how much more perfect it gets (that may be even more perfect than that beach).
The fact that they showed up after Alex called them to arrange a meeting at a deserted location, and made sure the TAAG would be there.Lurker wrote:Based on what, though? The fact that they showed up? That doesn't really do it for me.
Again, treason, betrayal, is not limited to bringing physical harm to somebody. The very fact that they will (should) decide to go on the run again now means a great stress for BD&J. Not to mention that the very fact that she disclosed their location to the Order is betrayal on its own - no matter if or what kind of harm followed because of it.Lurker wrote:She did nothing that would bring harm to BD&J there, so I can't see her behavior as traitorous. At least not at the moment.
Pfft. Think about it this way: If it was that easy to expose the Order, why is there a need for TrueFreeWill and Tachyon and Brother?Lurker wrote:No. But they presumably don't control LG15.com, the fans who frequent it, the blogs they write, the telephones they would use to harass their local media outlets, the reporters (like Nikki B) who watch and who have their own means of spreading the word, etc. There'd have to be a whole lot of dead people and vanishing websites to keep these uncomfortable facts concealed.
All they need is to control the police, the few, big media outlets, and a few higher political offices. That may sound like much for us, but after what's been implied and said in the series before, it sounds like the Order controls much more than that.
Think about it: Maddison Atkins decides to call the police. Calls 911. If she does it anonymously, people will think it's a stupid prank ("Secret Order controlling the country and abducting chosen girls...yeah right.") - so she leaves her name and more data, enough for the police to identify and find her. Police is under Order control, so the Order knows someone knows about them and talks, gets the address, and sends the Men in Black.
Now, how many people would you try to tell about the Order, after, after you made just one call about them, two big guys in shades and suits stood before your door and told you you and your family might have "a freak accident" if you ever opened your mouth again? How many others would open their mouths if they heard your story?
That goes for small, independent reporters as well. And those in the big media outlets are just silenced by "someone higher up" deciding that "their story sounds ridiculous and we're not gonna destroy our journalistic credibility by sending it".
Yeah, right...people were convinced LG15 was fake because the lighting was too good and the videos were too clear - and you expect them to believe in a nationwide conspiracy up into government because some random chick on youtube says so?Lurker wrote:There's reasons for some of those that are more simple and less sinister than an agenda of covering up the truth (I won't go into them because that's a whole other topic to itself; though hiding the truth was the idea in some cases), but I will say this: Ordinary people didn't have access to the info on those cases. That's different here. The media was the gatekeepers there. Not necessarily so here.
9/11 had its images on media outlets all over the world. Many of the sites questioning the official government report use footage sent by CNN or similar sources, even the governments own texts, to support their arguments.
Some random girl on the internet does not have this kind of credibility. It just takes five Order shills to start a discussion about her being fake in the video comments, and it might be over already. If they then fake some evidence that she is fake, it's definitely over. Sure, a few dozen people might believe her, but hey...let the police handle it. Who's gonna believe them?
Argh. Spent at least two hours on this. No proofreading for you.
- mellie3204
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like, WOW guys. Seriously. Awesome posts.
Is it wrong that I want to agree with both of you, simply because your arguments are so well thought out and argued?

You guys would have made an extremely good living in Ancient Greece as original Sophists (using the ancient meaning, not the current one!!)

Jonas: I don't care, I don't care! Idon'tcareIdon'tcareIdon'tcare... I don't care. You can't come and I don't care.
- Men are from Mars
- Men are from Mars