[Discussion] Semiotics Contents: Image/Symbols

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Post by sweetie55 »

Lurker wrote:
ApotheosisAZ wrote:I think they may be a pair of two-dimensional images of the same three-dimensional object.
Thus, parallax?
That actually makes sense! /.\
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Post by itsreallyreal »


I like that allot...

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Post by McPackage »

Slight tangent, and I realize this one is pretty out there, just a similarity I noticed while staring at the greek alphabet page on wikipedia.

The greek letters theta and nu correspond to the Phoenician letters Teth and Nun, respectively. They look like this:

Image Image

Now look at the OpA logo:


See any similarities?

Again, not that I think anything intentional is going on here, but it's funny that the two greek characters in one of the symbols we were given somewhat resemble the symbols in the OpA logo.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

sparrow wrote:Pi comes from Pe (Phoenecian letter), which probably came from "mouth." The voice of the sun/heaven?

Is there any possibility that the two-legged watcher-like sign comes from theta + omega? Omega comes from Ayin, the eye. Eye of the sun? Another type of watcher?

Sorry if this has been looked at. :?

I like Apotheosis's idea about them being two different "shots" of the same object.
I also like this idea a lot. If the Watcher symbol is an eye, then the Pi symbol is a mouth, and they would be the communicative branch of the Order.

Oh, and Apotheosis, those are the cutest little watcher symbols ever.
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Post by tiltingwindward »

I'm chiming in to say that I'm also a fan of Apo's theory, especially since the title of this arc is "Parallax"...what we're seeing here (if Apo is right) is a pretty good example of why parallax is an important concept that should be taught to every child above the age of 3 (or something...).

However, if Apo is on the money here, we need to think about what this means. The title of this puzzle is Semiotics--which, as we all know, means that these symbols should have the same meaning to people, no matter whether they are familiar with the three legged one or the two. What change in perspective is being highlighted here that would cause some people to see a three-legged Watcher symbol and some people a two-legged one? Normally with parallax, the change in perspective happens because you are physically located in a different position, or because you are looking with a different eye. What is the metaphorical equivalent here that can explain this conundrum?
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Post by sparrow »

tiltingwindward wrote:What is the metaphorical equivalent here that can explain this conundrum?
Anybody have an idea if:
a.) Each symbol represents a separate organization
b.) A branch within the Order
c.) Both Watcher symbols, but one drawn by "outsiders", perhaps as warnings or signs (a warwalking type thing for eavesdropping/locating Op's mini cameras and using them against her? haha, that's out there, I know).
d.) Something completely different?


In case anyone has forgotten/didn't know, here's the definition of "semiotics":
se·mi·ot·ics /ˌsimiˈɒtɪks, ˌsɛmi-, ˌsimaɪ-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[see-mee-ot-iks, sem-ee-, see-mahy-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun (used with a singular verb)
1. the study of signs and symbols as elements of communicative behavior; the analysis of systems of communication, as language, gestures, or clothing.
2. a general theory of signs and symbolism, usually divided into the branches of pragmatics, semantics, and syntactics.
and "Parallax"
par·al·lax /ˈpærəˌlæks/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[par-uh-laks] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. the apparent displacement of an observed object due to a change in the position of the observer.
2. Astronomy. the apparent angular displacement of a celestial body due to its being observed from the surface instead of from the center of the earth (diurnal parallax or geocentric parallax) or due to its being observed from the earth instead of from the sun (annual parallax or heliocentric parallax). Compare parallactic ellipse.
3. the difference between the view of an object as seen through the picture-taking lens of a camera and the view as seen through a separate viewfinder.
4. an apparent change in the position of cross hairs as viewed through a telescope, when the focusing is imperfect.
[Origin: 1585–95; < Gk parállaxis change, equiv. to parallak- (s. of parallássein to cause to alternate, equiv. to para- para-1 + allássein to vary, akin to állos other; see else, allo-) + -sis -sis]
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Post by tiltingwindward »

sparrow, I'd suggest that you check out these two threads for some speculation on your questions:

"A new theory on the symbols"
http://www.lonelygirl15.com/forum/viewt ... 623#239623

"Semiotics: Egyptian Hieroglyphics"
http://www.lonelygirl15.com/forum/viewt ... 849#239849
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Post by bubbleteagirl »

i'm not sure if anyone has suggested it as an idea yet... or, if anyone hasn't, maybe because it's totally outta left field...

well, when i saw the watcher symbol and then later the almost-watcher symbol, like almost everyone else, the first thing i thought of was greek letters.

but, when i first saw the top two symbols in that file... instead of thinking first of greek letters, i thought "math". on their own, if you break the two symbols up into their parts (just like people are doing for the greek letter theory) then they are all symbols used in physics... and, physics is a subject we know Bree likes and there have also been "strange" tags in past videos to do with physics (tychon, lepton).

now, obviously, mashed up together like that, a couple of math symbols mean nothing... but just like people are trying to combine meanings of greek letters... maybe it would be possible to combine the meanings of the symbols if they were in fact mathematical symbols instead of "letters".

might also be interested if the two watchery symbols really do have to do with Egyptian fractions. i dunno...
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Post by sparrow »

Oops, thanks tiltingwindward.
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Post by trainer101 »

tiltingwindward wrote:Normally with parallax, the change in perspective happens because you are physically located in a different position, or because you are looking with a different eye. What is the metaphorical equivalent here that can explain this conundrum?
"Although we see the same fishbowl, our perspective from outside is different than that of the fish."
If I'm outside the fishbowl, I see three fish. If I'm inside the fishbowl, I see only two.

EDIT: To try and make some kinda sense.
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Post by Nieriel.Manwathiel »

trainer101 wrote:
tiltingwindward wrote:Normally with parallax, the change in perspective happens because you are physically located in a different position, or because you are looking with a different eye. What is the metaphorical equivalent here that can explain this conundrum?
"Although we see the same fishbowl, our perspective from outside is different than that of the fish."
If I'm outside the fishbowl, I see three fish. If I'm inside the fishbowl, I see only two.

EDIT: To try and make some kinda sense.
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Post by McPackage »

In the new "What The Hell" video, near the end, there's an unnatural-looking mark in the snow. It looks kinda Arabic. Look at the bottom right.


Post by Lurker »

Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:
trainer101 wrote:
tiltingwindward wrote:Normally with parallax, the change in perspective happens because you are physically located in a different position, or because you are looking with a different eye. What is the metaphorical equivalent here that can explain this conundrum?
"Although we see the same fishbowl, our perspective from outside is different than that of the fish."
If I'm outside the fishbowl, I see three fish. If I'm inside the fishbowl, I see only two.

EDIT: To try and make some kinda sense.
:sits back and listens to her brain fry from the trippyness:
This is your brain:


This is your brain on trainer-theory:

Last edited by Lurker on Thu Mar 01, 2007 9:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by trainer101 »

At least my theory is high in protein!
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Post by tiltingwindward »

It's not so much that the fish inside the bowl sees three fish where we see two. The fish inside the bowl sees the fish outside the bowl with a different perspective than the person looking at the outside fish through the bowl.

Of course, I have no idea what fish trainer is looking at, nor what sort of controlled substances he consumed before he started making fish hypotheses... ;)
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