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Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 12:09 pm
by Marbella
Remember "school house rock?" That is the ONLY cool thing about the fake cup of coffee!!

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 12:20 pm
by Lgirlfan11
Marbella wrote:Remember "school house rock?" That is the ONLY cool thing about the fake cup of coffee!!
Haha..thats funny.

I went back to the "Holy S" video..and bre was deff. wearing a pinkish along with the name of the video, Jonas' high on bre..they most likely did it. Hah...these episodes just keep getting jucier and jucier =)

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 12:30 pm
by Corey Maddox
Could that shirt seen in teh video possibly be Sarah's from the video "Bedside Manner" ???

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 12:48 pm
by laurenesque
Corey Maddox wrote:Could that shirt seen in teh video possibly be Sarah's from the video "Bedside Manner" ???
Not unless Jonas is hooking up with Sarah too, which would really piss DB off. And while that would admittedly be great and soap-opera-y, I doubt that's it.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 1:15 pm
by tripwires
laurenesque wrote:
Corey Maddox wrote:Could that shirt seen in teh video possibly be Sarah's from the video "Bedside Manner" ???
Not unless Jonas is hooking up with Sarah too, which would really piss DB off. And while that would admittedly be great and soap-opera-y, I doubt that's it.
actually I noticed the same thing, it looks like it is the shirt of sarah...

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 1:32 pm
by Steph1636
I am not sure if anyone had mentioned this but did anyone notice how comforable Jonas was to open the shower curtain?

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 1:49 pm
by MintyBeast
I think it was more along the lines as Bree didn't answer and made NO noise that a person should in a shower. He knew before he even snatch that curtain open she wasn't going to be there.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:01 pm
by Steph1636
Yea, that could be it but did you see the simle on his face when he opened it?

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:01 pm
by kwicherbichen
Who didn't see that coming? I mean really...

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:07 pm
by Think-of-me
Another thing to note is how , rough jonas looks. Im used to seeing him as a clean cut guy. Im almost positive he looks rough because of some provocative fun that may have occured between him and bree.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:10 pm
by MayhemII
Steph1636 wrote:I am not sure if anyone had mentioned this but did anyone notice how comforable Jonas was to open the shower curtain?
A bit too comfortable. Somone suggested that Jonas knew Bree wasn't going to be in there, hense his casual attitude. This theory would add to the idea of perhaps "The Morning After" being merely a hoax to through off the HoO.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:21 pm
by Sheqinah
LesterG wrote:
Sheqinah wrote:Without reading all the board, I will say....

I do not believe Jonas and Bree had sex. I think Jonas respects Bree too much and I don't think Bree would go there. Remember him sleeping in the tub that time at the hotel when there was only one bed for him and Bree? It was just there first kiss.

I think he was in her bedroom in the morning, blogging and waiting for her to come out of the shower and so any clothing left laying around is reasonable.

Keep in mind they (BDJ) have hung out together in close intimate quarters for months on the run. They are close, maybe closer than most families. They saw each others jammies and bad hair and all.

As for the coffee cup, I heard him slurp and swallow. The slurping you can fake... the swallow a little harder. Maybe it was just not so full?

Anyway, the 'did - they?' or 'didn't - they?' debate, I am settled on. OF Course They DIDN'T!

At least the silly debate of whether or not Jonas is gay is over.

Which leaves the more serious coffee cup debunkle,... I can tip either way...
yea, cause that really explains the ''Glowing, can't help smiling cause I got some'' look that jonas gives in his bare chested vlog right? Or did you NOT notice his flushed look and ruffled up hair? oh sorry you were staring at his chest right?

if he had soo much respect for her, that he didn't touch her... he wouldn't be like that... TRUST me, I've been in that situation and I respected her so much I tucked her in and locked the front door after she invited me into bed... I know what your talking about and I DID NOT have the same look the next morning, so stop trying to justify the Bronas relationship's Innocence, please....
I thought it was the ''Glowing, can't help smiling cause I am hooked up with Bree'' look Jonas had. I already explained the bare chested part and no I was not looking at his hairless body (me likes a little carpet) but I was impressed with the quick peek at the six pack. But really, he is a kid to me and my thoughts went along the lines of, oh he worked out to get the tone just before shooting.

Not too sure what the heck the rest of your post is Lester, but I think the Bronas part is cute!

Definitely, no sex happened IMO. Bree, if Bree is still a HoOvian and not quite out from under it's spell, then she thinks her purity and chastity are everything to this ceremony, (not allowing herself to comprehend that her blood is thee desired element) so even if Jonas was not a gentleman with greater intentions that people you apparently compare yourself to,... She would be.

Anyway, just keep watching the show. The truth will come out and we will know.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:06 pm
by marlasinger
I don't care if they had sex - although, who knows, (and this may have already been mentioned) maybe she's gotta be pregnant for the ceremony and jonas is a good candidate for some odd reason. Does the nasty, takes off, ready to give the wee little embryo that's sure to have the trait to the Order.

But either way, damn does this vid make me hate Jonas - not because he hooked up with Bree, that part I'm all about, but the coffee, and the arrogance, and the "oh man I'm sooooooooo cool - and I'm GLAD my first kiss with Bree is on film!" buuuuulllcrap.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:13 pm
by MintyBeast
Steph1636 wrote:Yea, that could be it but did you see the simle on his face when he opened it?
Could be nervous smile? I mean he was just boasting and all that jazz and now Bree is not where she should be.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:21 pm
by Woo
marlasinger wrote: But either way, damn does this vid make me hate Jonas - not because he hooked up with Bree, that part I'm all about, but the coffee, and the arrogance, and the "oh man I'm sooooooooo cool - and I'm GLAD my first kiss with Bree is on film!" buuuuulllcrap.
This video didn't make me hate him, but it made me feel a bit weird about him for the same reasons you said. Although, he has been totally burned by Bree running off - saying he's glad the kiss was recorded "for posterity" as if it was going ot be the start of an amazing long term relationship, and then she runs off. :lol: