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Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 2:56 am
by looking4answers
ooooooo thanks for that!!!
hey just wondering, is this him?
if so, its Randy Harrison from "Queer as folk" he is an openly gay actor. Found him while looking up gay celebrities. (I don't know why I was doing that!)

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 8:41 am
by Sappho
Stellahella wrote:
looking4answers wrote:
islandlove wrote:
I'm glad someone posted this cause I do not know how to doscreen caps and I wanted to talk about this photo.
What is he putting in his mouth? I saw this right away and I was like "WTF?!?! is that a two headed dildo he's putting in his mouth? EEWWWW!!"
I dunno. If anyone knows what that thing is, please let me know. It's really bothering me.
I own one of these! (Note: not the gay guy, the item in his mouth.) It's a Rabbit wine opener corkscrew thingy. While it's tempting to pose seductively with it, I usually use mine to just open wine. (and rhyme)[/size]

Looking at it again, I see the seam down the middle. Not a veggie. My friend wanted a Rabbit corkscrew, and they are hard to find! Too popular. Must be all the gay people around here buying them up to flirt with--don't think so!

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 9:27 am
by Languorous Lass
Lurker wrote:EDIT 2: The stuff with the blond guy and Jonas was great. Very funny. That was obviously done to tell us he isn't gay. The Creators do, indeed, have a sense of humor.

Jonas could still be completely gay. He could just have thought that guy was a loser. (Which he clearly appeared to be.) :roll:

Gay guys aren't attracted to every single other gay guy (or straight guy), any more than straight guys are attracted to every single straight girl (or lesbian).

Jonas could simply have the hots for Daniel and not be interested in anybody else. 8)
alysaface wrote:i'm hearing clearly to leave.. not drunk...
Me too.
Lurker wrote:
longlostposter wrote:
Lurker wrote: EDIT: But he seemed happy about Carla liking him.
Did he take the room key?
I don't know, but he did do that whole "Oh my God" thing.
The "'Oh my God' thing" could have just been Jonas being flabbergasted, and/or amused, about such a thing happening to him.
longlostposter wrote:
michiev wrote:Yeah i agree with Juli, daniel really needs to do something about that alcohol problem
Do you know you are only the second one to call me by my name on the boards? Thanks, sweetie.
And I was the first. :smt039 (preening)

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 9:53 am
by joygasm
Languorous Lass wrote:
Lurker wrote:EDIT 2: The stuff with the blond guy and Jonas was great. Very funny. That was obviously done to tell us he isn't gay. The Creators do, indeed, have a sense of humor.

Jonas could still be completely gay. He could just have thought that guy was a loser. (Which he clearly appeared to be.) :roll:

Gay guys aren't attracted to every single other gay guy (or straight guy), any more than straight guys are attracted to every single straight girl (or lesbian).

Jonas could simply have the hots for Daniel and not be interested in anybody else. 8)
alysaface wrote:i'm hearing clearly to leave.. not drunk...
Me too.
Lurker wrote:
longlostposter wrote:Did he take the room key?
I don't know, but he did do that whole "Oh my God" thing.
The "'Oh my God' thing" could have just been Jonas being flabbergasted, and/or amused, about such a thing happening to him.

WHY?!?! WHY!?!? Why must you insist that my man is gay???

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 9:57 am
by Languorous Lass
longlostposter wrote:
Chelseyrl wrote:
longlostposter wrote:Do you know you are only the second one to call me by my name on the boards? Thanks, sweetie.
Ha, was I first?
Yes, Chel, you were. :D Thanks to you, too.

ETA: oops, I forgot Joy. Thank you, Joy (even though she's not here).
HEY! WHAT ABOUT ME? :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 I called you Juli when I posted those song lyrics for you.

Sigh. How soon they forget . . . :smt090
joygasm wrote:WHY?!?! WHY!?!? Why must you insist that my man is gay???
Because I'm an eeeeeeeeeevil hooooooooomosexxxxxxxxyuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaal. :twisted:

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:04 am
by Breepop
Stellahella wrote: I own one of these! (Note: not the gay guy, the item in his mouth.) It's a Rabbit wine opener corkscrew thingy. While it's tempting to pose seductively with it, I usually use mine to just open wine. (and rhyme)[/size]

LMAO :lol:

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:10 am
by Languorous Lass
immortal1 wrote:I think I'm just feeling overwhelmed with the arrival of so many new characters. I hope they don't all make vids.
Oh, I'm sure they won't. They don't seem like the vid-making types.
immortal1 wrote: In Training Hard, Bree said "So, I brought along an old friend. I haven't really had much time to hang out with him lately, so, yeah. And to be honest, I think I'm a little old to be playing with stuffed toys. Sad but true." I would have preferred she said, "So, I brought along an old friend. No not to talk- when I look at him it I remember how things used to be. It takes me to a safe place in my mind and reminds me that the Order has taken all that away from me." You do that and no longer is PMonkey and imaginary friend or toy, it becomes a symbol.
But P.Monkey already is a symbol. If the creators had Bree do what you suggest, it would be hitting the viewers over the head with a sledgehammer -- "SYMBOL! SYMBOL! SYMBOL!" Eliminating any semblance of subtlety, and also of quality.
longlostposter wrote:OK, I guess a lot of people have called me by my name. So has Lass come to think of it.

lol, I guess I am loved after all.
I guess I am too. Since you remembered. :smt050

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:02 pm
by Lurker
Languorous Lass wrote:
Lurker wrote:EDIT 2: The stuff with the blond guy and Jonas was great. Very funny. That was obviously done to tell us he isn't gay. The Creators do, indeed, have a sense of humor.

Jonas could still be completely gay. He could just have thought that guy was a loser. (Which he clearly appeared to be.) :roll:

Gay guys aren't attracted to every single other gay guy (or straight guy), any more than straight guys are attracted to every single straight girl (or lesbian).
I know this very well. I was just commenting on Creator intent. Jonas being hit on extensively by a guy and apparently not even being flattered, but then being hit on extensively by a lady (she practically said "I'd like you to come to my room and take me") and looking rather thrilled about it doesn't look much like an attempt to say he's gay or bi. That's just my guess, though.
Languorous Lass wrote:The "'Oh my God' thing" could have just been Jonas being flabbergasted, and/or amused, about such a thing happening to him.
Why wouldn't he have had a similar reaction with the guy then? Were he gay or bi, he should at least be flattered, flabbergasted or amused at such a thing happening there too, right (especially if he was gay)?

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:20 pm
by Languorous Lass
Well, I thought the guy was clearly being depicted as a freak (that whole tonguing-the-corkscrew thing). While the woman was simply being depicted as drunk and into young guys.

I wouldn't be flattered by having a freak coming on to me (regardless of the freak's gender) -- simply grossed out. Whereas if a drunk person I thought was moderately attractive, but just drunk, came on to me, I'd just be flabbergasted, or amused, or both -- depending on the circumstances.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:50 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Languorous Lass wrote:
Lurker wrote:EDIT 2: The stuff with the blond guy and Jonas was great. Very funny. That was obviously done to tell us he isn't gay. The Creators do, indeed, have a sense of humor.

Jonas could still be completely gay. He could just have thought that guy was a loser. (Which he clearly appeared to be.) :roll:

Gay guys aren't attracted to every single other gay guy (or straight guy), any more than straight guys are attracted to every single straight girl (or lesbian).
I'm glad someone finally said this. I was getting kind of irritated reading all the "OBVIOUSLY he's straight NOW!" comments. Not saying that I think Jonas is gay at all. I just don't think it matters, at this point.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 2:02 pm
by Lurker
Languorous Lass wrote:Well, I thought the guy was clearly being depicted as a freak (that whole tonguing-the-corkscrew thing). While the woman was simply being depicted as drunk and into young guys.

I wouldn't be flattered by having a freak coming on to me (regardless of the freak's gender) -- simply grossed out. Whereas if a drunk person I thought was moderately attractive, but just drunk, came on to me, I'd just be flabbergasted, or amused, or both -- depending on the circumstances.
Fair enough. If Jonas wasn't even slightly attracted to the guy and he was coming on that strongly, Jonas may have completely bypassed the flattered, flabbergasted, or amused stage and gone right into "Get the f**k away from me!"

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 2:07 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Lurker wrote:
Languorous Lass wrote:Well, I thought the guy was clearly being depicted as a freak (that whole tonguing-the-corkscrew thing). While the woman was simply being depicted as drunk and into young guys.

I wouldn't be flattered by having a freak coming on to me (regardless of the freak's gender) -- simply grossed out. Whereas if a drunk person I thought was moderately attractive, but just drunk, came on to me, I'd just be flabbergasted, or amused, or both -- depending on the circumstances.
Fair enough. If Jonas wasn't even slightly attracted to the guy and he was coming on that strongly, Jonas may have completely bypassed the flattered, flabbergasted, or amused stage and gone right into "Get the f**k away from me!"
lmao, i love the word flabbergasted.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:19 pm
by Kanazaka
I didn't like this quite as much as the original "Uncle Dan", but I did like Daniel's confrontation with the guy who antagonistically asked Daniel if he had a girlfriend. The acting was very good, and we got some insight into Daniel's personality (not as much as a ladies' man as he would like to believe, and not great at handling confrontations).

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 6:42 pm
by jeezy
Barely saw the video and it was good to see what happened that made Daniel say..."everybody hates me."

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 7:55 pm
by longlostposter
islandlove wrote:
kellylen wrote:just watched it again and definately heard file so change one of the drunks to file.

and haha I just noticed this when the gay guy was talking to Jonas. It's like hes trying to seduce him.


lol, this guy is obviously creative with his use of wine openers for seductive

Oh, and Lass, I love you too. And also thank you for the compliment about my posts. I think yours are intelligent as well, and when I see your avatar, I know that I'm going to be reading some good stuff.