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Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:27 am
by LadyBugGirl
I've never been out of the country either. I agree with you about Africa though. I don't really desire going there either.

I would love to go to every state at least once though. I'm sure some are more boring than others but I just always thought it would be cool to say that I actually did that.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:29 am
by kageyuki
car... bus... plane... I've traveled in a few different ways.

Driving was fun, but it took too long and a lot of effort. Driving for even two or three hours straight starts to wear on you. Definitely not something you want to do on your own if you're trying to go more than 200 or 300 miles...

Traveling by bus was almost the same as driving yourself, except you aren't the one driving, obviously.

I love to fly, but it gets pretty expensive. I remember my last trip (to Fresno, CA) cost me at least $500 for a round trip...

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:33 am
by LadyBugGirl
Holy moly! That's pretty expensive. It was cheap to fly to Oregon. I think it was like $200 round trip. We drove a lot there too...Over 1000 miles in a rental car. LOL pretty pointless to fly somewhere and then drive all over anyway. But it was fun and definitely worth going back to.

I haven't ever travelled by bus.

I think our next vacation is going to be to California to see the Redwoods but it's going to be by car.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:39 am
by kageyuki
That's going to be quite a trip, Kurishi-chan... Then again, you're closer to Cali than my friends and I were when we drove from Chicago to Los Angeles... Took us a little over five days, driving non-stop, taking shifts...

Some people say travelling by bus is dangerous, and Ican see what they mean, but from what I'd experienced, people are generally pretty kind unless the bus is waaay behind schedule.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:43 am
by LadyBugGirl
Yea it'll be fun! I can't wait to see the trees and the ocean there.

I take that back about the bus thing. I have travelled by bus but it wasn't too far. It was about a 1 hour ride up to the casinos in the mountains. It was fun. haha aren't going to like me for this and I'm sorry but I'm wore out from shoveling snow the last couple days so I'm going to get offline and get some rest.

But BIG HUGE HUGS for talking to me! :smt058 We have a great connection on here. Its fun talking to you!
(and alysaface...she always makes me laugh)

Goodnight both of you guys

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 10:07 am
by kageyuki
Man, I must be pretty bored to be posting here... I'm not sure I should even be here... I have to leave for work in a few minutes. I won't be back until late, either. I've got my other job, tonight.

*sighs* yep... it's Christmastime for me, too... Joy!!

For me, the holiday season is torture... Anyone who's been alone for the holidays knows this feeling, but try going through it for nearly ten years straight... Sure I've had girlfriends, but I usually get dumped before the holidays.

I don't have any family... Well, none that would want to talk to me, anyways, in the country that I live in. Not sure if any of my family in Japan or the Philippines would be the same way as these bastards...

I'm kinda expecting this place to be pretty slow for the next week or so, anyway. Those who do have family who want to spend time with them should do so. Since I don't, I'll be around here... somewhere. :P

... yep... time to go... :lol:

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 10:52 am
by kageyuki
Sheesh! I stayed on here waaaay too long...

... okay, maybe I am an LG15 addict... maybe... :P

gone for the day... (seriously, this time!)

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 9:39 am
by wintermute
kageyuki wrote:That's going to be quite a trip, Kurishi-chan... Then again, you're closer to Cali than my friends and I were when we drove from Chicago to Los Angeles... Took us a little over five days, driving non-stop, taking shifts...
:shock: Five days?! When we went from LA to Lancaster, OH, it only took us two. Well... Three, if you count the breakdown, tow back to Barstow, and cross-loading of the u-haul ourselves. I didn't drive at the time, so my buddy drove the entire trip himself. I was just there to make sure the caffeine did it's job ;)


Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 9:55 am
by kageyuki
'mute wrote::shock: Five days?! When we went from LA to Lancaster, OH, it only took us two. Well... Three, if you count the breakdown, tow back to Barstow, and cross-loading of the u-haul ourselves. I didn't drive at the time, so my buddy drove the entire trip himself. I was just there to make sure the caffeine did it's job ;)

Let's just say we took the 'scenic route'... Then again we also made stops to meet up with friends in other states along the way...

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 9:57 am
by nobackspacebutton
lets all take a road trip 8)

lol just kidding. usually things like that go way amiss with online friends..

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 10:06 am
by kageyuki
They go amiss with RL friends, too. So, don't feel too bad, BA...

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 10:06 am
by nobackspacebutton
Nah, the past is the past...and it shall stay in the past.

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 10:08 am
by AutoPilate
Ah, but I am your future. Didn't you know that?

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 10:10 am
by wintermute
kageyuki wrote:Let's just say we took the 'scenic route'... Then again we also made stops to meet up with friends in other states along the way...
My trip was under a bit of deadline :lol: I took a week's vacation to fly out to LA to help a friend move back to Ohio. I started the vacation on a Friday, so I had to be back the following Friday. The plan was for me to fly out, start loading the u-haul on Saturday morning, and have all week to drive back.

My flight out was nice, but after I landed, everything went to pot :lol: The u-haul place was closed when I got in, and was also closed on Saturdays... So we had to wait until Monday to even load the truck. Monday evening, we pulled out of LA (well, 10 minutes from LA)... We were halfway across the Mohave by midnight when the engine of the u-haul blew up. So we were towed back to Barstow and had to wait for u-haul to open. Then we had to wait for them to decide to give us another truck. Then we had to wait to see if they could find someone to cross-load it for us. When they couldn't, they finally let us cross-load it ourselves. So Tuesday night, we pulled out of Barstow. We got in to Lancaster, Ohio, around mid-afternoon on Thursday. I had to be back to work on Friday :lol:


Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 10:21 am
by kageyuki
dang!!! talk about nightmares about moving! Glad to see you all finally made it there, but... dang!

The only time I'd had to deal with "transferring" to a different state (from Illinois to where I am now) I pretty much ended up leaving everything behind and starting from scratch...

I tried to have what I had shipped out here, but the people that I had holding my property was very untrustworthy...