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Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:04 am
by Skunkwaffle
you know what?
no one really liked Jules. We all kind of hated her. So to deal with that, the Creators put her in a shitty situation to make us all feel sorry for her, so that we won't mind that she's a crappy actress.
Way to go way overboard to gain the support of your audience.
Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:09 am
by laurachel
Okay, what I don't understand is why Bree never tried a normal approach (i.e. calmly walking up to her, casually chatting, winning her trust and THEN busting out the Order and the Ceremony).
Sure, she tried messaging her (I can't remember, did she IM about the Ceremony? I don't think so), but her next way of reaching out to Julia was to run up to her and start yelling about it. Who would respond well to that?
So now there's this kidnapping thing. Seriously? It came out of nowhere! What about sending letters, making phone calls, trying to talk to her again, etc. Why why why would they need to kidnap her? It's just so incredibly ludicrous (read: shark-jumping).
Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:26 am
by Lurker
laurachel wrote:So now there's this kidnapping thing. Seriously? It came out of nowhere! What about sending letters, making phone calls, trying to talk to her again, etc. Why why why would they need to kidnap her? It's just so incredibly ludicrous (read: shark-jumping).
Well, if you go with the theory that they thought she'd be dead in a few days (which I really, really, really hope is the case, what with how much I've defended them on this; I mean, there was at least a hint in Jules' blog that the ceremony might be soon), it makes a lot more sense.
Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:47 am
by laurachel
Lurker wrote:Well, if you go with the theory that they thought she'd be dead in a few days (which I really, really, really hope is the case, what with how much I've defended them on this; I mean, there was at least a hint in Jules' blog that the ceremony might be soon), it makes a lot more sense.
True. Well, I hope it's the case, too.
Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 4:41 am
by Languorous Lass
Lurker wrote:At least you know somebody got the "Crisis of Infinite Cassies" thing, right?
Lurker wrote:I really hope I'm right too. If so, this will have been wonderful. At least I think so.
Well, it has the potential for being wonderful. Everything depends on the execution. After "Naive Girl," it certainly looks like Bree is being taught a lesson about what she can and can't accomplish by blundering around without careful planning, and without considering the other person and how she might feel/react.
You know, that idea reminds me of everything you've been saying about Bree for the past few months -- how she was turning into a self-centered bitch -- and makes me wonder whether this entire storyline, months and months' worth of it, has been designed to set up the gradual transformation of Bree's personality, in something resembling a hero's quest, but with a particular slant: learning -- in a particularly dramatic way -- not only what she can realistically accomplish through the exertion of her own will, but how her actions affect others.
I'm thinking again about the book THE MAGUS, in which the main character was drawn into a remarkably elaborate deception -- which also changed in response to the character's actions -- that was designed to show him just how selfish and self-absorbed he was, and how devastating his thoughtless brutality was for the women he'd essentially used and thrown away.
Of course, in LG15 we also get to see two other main characters, Daniel and Jonas, learn and (we hope) grow. Daniel is certainly being handed his share of emotional devastation; maybe Alex was deliberately thrown at him so he could learn not to throw himself on the nearest seemingly-available woman in that desperately needy way.
Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 9:42 am
by Beckers
Bree is stupid and so is Jonas and Daniel for even thinking this was the best idea
Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 12:09 am
by exanimatebylove
I just really stopped caring a while ago. I mean, it was STUPID and idiotic for them to kidnap someone. Horrible and stupid. The only part of this story I care about anymore is Jonas&Bree. (BTW...their closeness in the last vid was adorable.)
Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 11:42 pm
by Skunkwaffle
This would have never happened if Tachyon was still around...
Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 12:02 am
by Luminous
Skunkwaffle wrote:This would have never happened if Tachyon was still around...

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 7:58 am
by Skunkwaffle
ha ha