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Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 12:59 pm
by marlasinger
as for maddy BEING zipp, of course I would be inclined to investigate that...
going to eat breakfast, will post my musings in a moment.
something to remember, that we all know: the only two people, possibly three, that knew maddy's passwords were Mr. Zipp, Maddison, and Adam.
The last video was uploaded to her account.
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 3:09 pm
by Lurker
marlasinger wrote:something to remember, that we all know: the only two people, possibly three, that knew maddy's passwords were Mr. Zipp, Maddison, and Adam.
The last video was uploaded to her account.
Like TheeBerean said, though, if they'd been able to trace correspondence to Maddy, one would think they'd be able to get into her account.
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 3:46 pm
by marlasinger
I'm not so sure about that - Maddison was easily traceable without access into her accounts - truth be told, she was fully public. Not once did she send a private transmission, because in the maddiverse, that doesn't exist.
Zipp said that both the sender and the recipient will be terminated.
Did Zipp die? Was he implying that he would be killed by someone?
Did he mean that if things didn't go as planned he'd kill both Maddy and himself?
Where was he. Close enough to Maddison to see her, to walk to her house. The pigeon made us all assume he was far away, but then we found a note on her door with NO pigeon. Was Zipp always watching her, close by?
Now that I've let go of Maddison as a character I feel much better about analysing what has happened...
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 3:56 pm
by selizabeth
Where was he. Close enough to Maddison to see her, to walk to her house. The pigeon made us all assume he was far away, but then we found a note on her door with NO pigeon. Was Zipp always watching her, close by?
I always just assumed that the pigeons didn't fly there. They had always been dropped off. Homing pigeons always fly HOME right? Maybe I'm wrong.
I thought the pigeon/s had always been an invitation for Maddy and us to reply back to Mr. Zipp. This also seems to coincide with the fact that after we DID reply, no more pigeon. Almost as if we had used the service that had been offered.
I guess what I'm saying is that I always assumed that Zipp was relatively close in distance to Maddison because the pigeons didn't imply distance to me.
oops, how did i screw that quote up?:)
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 4:52 pm
by lg15panda
selizabeth wrote:I always just assumed that the pigeons didn't fly there. They had always been dropped off. Homing pigeons always fly HOME right? Maybe I'm wrong.
I thought the pigeon/s had always been an invitation for Maddy and us to reply back to Mr. Zipp. This also seems to coincide with the fact that after we DID reply, no more pigeon. Almost as if we had used the service that had been offered.
From the videos it seemed to imply that the pigeons were waiting by their respective doorways without being anchored/tied down. So that offers up some questions:
1) If they were dropped off, and they were homing pigeons, wouldn't they have flown back home before Maddy came upon them?
2) If they were anchored, wouldn't Maddy have noticed that and told the rest of us?
3) Assuming they were homing pigeons, and were dropped off just moments before Maddy/Adam came upon them to receive them before the pigeons managed to fly home, is Zipp really capable of disappearing that quickly without a trace?
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 4:57 pm
by marlasinger
^ only if he's on foot.
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 5:30 pm
by hollyxmas
I didn't think about that! I wonder who it was who left the pigeon on the door. Mr. Zipp or maybe someone helping him?
lg15panda- Number 1 is true. Unless the pigeon was tied down, it would have definetly began to start flying 'home' as soon as it was able. Normally, they are kept in cages and as soon as the door is open, they begin on their way.
Maybe it wasn't even a homing pigeon? What if Maddy was supposed to think it was so when she would try to send a reply it wouldn't get to mr. zipp. (this may not make sense, I need to rewatch the videos..)
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 6:51 pm
by marlasinger
there were two pigeons, right? or did we determine that htmlvis and the second one were the same pigeon?
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 7:12 pm
by TheeBerean
marlasinger wrote:there were two pigeons, right? or did we determine that htmlvis and the second one were the same pigeon?
I don't think this was ever determined for certain. The first pigeon was caught by Adam and then immediately released. A second pigeon came later (HTMLvis) and was kept by the couple until they sent back a reply.
I asked Maddison if they were the same pigeon or different ones. She said that pigeons all look the same to her and she couldn't tell... she said watch the videos and see what you think.
in the OOG chat, Jeromy stated there were two pigeons used for shooting, but I *think* one got away and only one was used in video. I could be wrong though, until we can look over the transcript and read it more closely.
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 9:31 pm
by QtheC
One way to look at it is that
Mr. Zipp in the Maddison ARG = Jeromy in the Meta-Maddison ARG
The Maddison ARG consists of the MaddisonAtkins videos, #maddison IRC room, etc. Characters are Maddison, Adam, Warpylol, Mr. Zipp, and the rest of us as IG players.
The Meta-Maddison ARG consists of the Jeromy Q&A videos, #outofgame IRC room, etc. Characters are Faye, Jason Z., Jason Mc., Jeromy, and the rest of us as OOG players.
It's just another layer of alternate reality.
Under this theory, The Maddison ARG might be Mr. Zipp/Jeromy's "child" that Maddison needed to "fill the room" in order to save, thus saving both herself and Mr. Zipp.
Oh, And it all exists on a mote of dust on the head of a pin, and there is no spoon.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 9:46 pm
by TheeBerean
I too thought that "empty box seats" may have referred to the lack of commerical support and "no audience, no curtain call" referred to the inability to generate a large following outisde of LG15.
new question: Why box seats? Box seats are usually expensive or reserved for important VIPs....
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:01 am
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Hey, I might sound totally stupid saying this, but does anyone think Maddison might be an "Order baby" like Bree? I mean, lonelygirl15 is always a tag, so this HAS to relate somehow, right? Maybe Maddy was taken from her parents because she had "potential" for the ceremony, or something of that nature. Maddison never really shared a lot about her life with us. And, while we all may feel like we knew her well, it is entirely possible that she had some very dark secrets. Of course, we know she exists in OUR world, because she saw the private videos, but it's possible that's just to make it more real. After all, the PM doesn't have to use the same reality as LG15, just a similar scenario.
Again, I apologize if this idea has been suggested or already proven wrong or something. I haven't been keeping up as much as I used to on these forums. Be patient with me.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:24 am
by marlasinger
yeah, we've all thought that before jalg: but jeromy has confirmed that without the response from the lg15 creators that he wished, there will be no combined storyline of maddison and lg.
which means she's not an order baby.
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 1:44 am
by fsk282
if he got inspiration for mr. zipp from that page of the book it would seem mr. zipp is a sailor, no? mr. jonas? i still think that is the best response. the only question is, how is he connected to maddison?
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:37 pm
by marlasinger
I truly think that it would have worked out perfectly - if the creators had agreed to it.
they haven't. and jeromy prepared for that. so the option of him being jonas's dad is discounted, but the alternate option of him being someone else is pretty much confirmed.