Loretta, I am praying for your cousin's safe return to your family. Please let us know the minute you hear anything.
I you need someone to talk to, PM me.
betz28 wrote:longlostposter wrote:I am praying for the injured, the dead, and the families of all involved. I ask that those who believe in a Higher Power do so as well.
i will juli....this is just terrible ~ i just found out about what happened...saw your post.
Thank you, Betz. Prayer is needed for all those connected with this tragedy.
FP wrote:I've been following this story off and on all day. Crap like this destroys all hope in my mind. It's so depressing.
I know, Flaunta. I'm 46 years old, and this stuff still effects me deeply, no matter how many times I see this kind of thing. If anything positive can be derived from tragedies such as this, it's that we can become more determined to love, and not become angry, hard, or cold, and that we cherish every moment we're given.
Sorry, my spiritual side took over.
consideration wrote:I just can't understand why people would do this to each other.
Me neither, consideration. I think people sometimes just snap when they have a lot of anger that hasn't been dealt with. This is no excuse, though. We can all make a conscious decision as to how we will deal with what we've been dealt...we can either pass the pain, or continue to love in spite of it.
I know all involved need those prayers, Aithne, and would thank you if they could do so.
Kassia wrote:I just want to lock myself away from the rest of the world forever.
Don't do that, unless it's absolutely necessary for your sanity (BTW, I'm pretty sure you don't mean this literally). Some of us have to be strong and love anyway, in order to counteract the hate.
Voyboy, I have a tendency to overprotect my children, and they really get upset with me for it.
Sorry I had to leave, but I had to do some prayer and meditation. I don't handle things like this well.
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
Proud member of the DB Fan Club.
Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.