I know this is long, but I feel the need to vent about this one...
Apo, I understood completely what you said. I myself was an avid OpAphid player. I was on the forums, IRC, YT... and actually started workign on my own fanfic character about 2 weeks before GlennGate broke (thanks milo;) )
As far as comparisons of OpAphid to CiW, that honestly infurates me. There is NOTHING about how CiW went out that is even comparable to how OpAphid went out. CiW died because of neglagence. CiW died because of a PM that didn't have their story straight and they couldn't correct their numerous mistakes. Opahid died because of a small situation that was made enormous by people who didn't get their facts straight before running their mouth. OpAphid died because the creators do not rescpect the players who dedicated their time and effort to the game and the influence it had on Lg15 enough to post something in closure. THE CREATORS made people associate OpAphid with CiW
I do not regret a second i spent on OpAhid. I met some of the most AMAZING people. people who I let into my life, people who I can honestly say I love more than people in my real life. I stand on the inside of the house looking out, and I wish that newer people had the opportunity to play this amazing game, meet the people I was fortunate enough to cross paths with, and become involed in something that was truly amazing.
I am one of the ones who "abandoned" the OpAphid forum a few weeks ago. I couldn't bare to hang on to somethign I knew the creators were going to let dissolve and not have the guts enough to handle and put to rest. The whole situation is beyond "GlennGate" now. This is now the sole fault of the creators and their negligence to OpAphid, an ARG they helped make official, and the dedicated ARG players.
Apo, I hope that this thread shows the creators that we want answers, and them dancing around the issues is showing how "DEDICATED" they really are to their fans. (Or lack there of)
I am rambling... its been a long month.
And as always, I will close this long post with
Edited to Add: Ihave no idea what FacilityJ or Hymm of One is. I stopped watching lg15 videos and participating with this weeks ago. Once they killed Op, they killed my love for this series.