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Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 1:05 am
by longlostposter
SoulAndroid13 wrote:longlostposter wrote:I think it's ridiculous to conclude that Bree is with the Order. They look she gave is the look of a trapped animal; and we know that Bree is indeed trapped. She's justifiably angry as hell; these people want not only her life, but her soul as well. I think anyone in these circumstances would be reduced to an animal-like angry glare.
Referring to Trainer's pics, we can see Jonas' angry eyes are almost identical to Bree's. We know Jonas is not in the Order now, and his look was just the look of someone feeling trapped. This is why Jonas' look in "Interrogation 101" is similar to the look Bree gave in this video.
Didn't I say that already?
Well, I read the whole thread, and I didn't see it, but perhaps as I was skimming I missed it.
It's best not to get your heart broken about people either posting the same thing you have said accidentally, or having your theory thrown about without credit to you, as has happened to me many times. This happens. Sorry if you were offended, but I honestly didn't see your post.
Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 1:35 am
by Ravensnow27
I have to say that Bree was way sexy in that shot.....I've never seen her look so hot
Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 11:15 am
by mellie3204
SoulAndroid13 wrote:longlostposter wrote:I think it's ridiculous to conclude that Bree is with the Order. They look she gave is the look of a trapped animal; and we know that Bree is indeed trapped. She's justifiably angry as hell; these people want not only her life, but her soul as well. I think anyone in these circumstances would be reduced to an animal-like angry glare.
Referring to Trainer's pics, we can see Jonas' angry eyes are almost identical to Bree's. We know Jonas is not in the Order now, and his look was just the look of someone feeling trapped. This is why Jonas' look in "Interrogation 101" is similar to the look Bree gave in this video.
Didn't I say that already?
....yeah, but not as expanded on and in as much detail. I wouldn't diss people for agreeing with you and trying to expand on your thoughts.... if we did we wouldn't have a forum
People are as bound to agree as disagree, and really there are a finite number of points of view that can be taken from each individual vid, and everyone's entitled to their own post and opinion.
So yeah, better to be inclusive rather than exclusive, y'know?
(hope this makes sense, I've had rather a large amount of tequila this evening!

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 2:17 pm
by longlostposter
Thank you, Mellie. You have gotten across I was trying to convey much more accurately.
Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 1:04 am
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
longlostposter wrote:I think it's ridiculous to conclude that Bree is with the Order. They look she gave is the look of a trapped animal; and we know that Bree is indeed trapped. She's justifiably angry as hell; these people want not only her life, but her soul as well. I think anyone in these circumstances would be reduced to an animal-like angry glare.
Referring to Trainer's pics, we can see Jonas' angry eyes are almost identical to Bree's. We know Jonas is not in the Order now, and his look was just the look of someone feeling trapped. This is why Jonas' look in "Interrogation 101" is similar to the look Bree gave in this video.
I was not trying to say Bree is in the Order.
I'm trying to say her agreement to do the ceremony was a bluff.
Those eyes were kind of like a cue or a wink like "fools... you haven't seen the last of me!"
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 6:23 pm
by ladysolitary85
I just thought of something twisted. I know its off topic but I promise theres a point to it. If anyone has played the video game Silent Hill 3, where the girl sees the "evil" side of her and has to fight her? What if they had made a clone of Bree and the ceremony is something similar to that? Like having to sacrifice her life in that way?
I know the idea is just way out there but could you guys imagine seeing videos of Bree telling Daniel and Jonas to go home that shes fine and its really not Bree?
So if thats the case, maybe Daniel isn't Daniel since he was kidnapped in miss me.
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:01 pm
I think Tachyon taught Bree really well. And that stare was a way to basicly give the order a big "f u"