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Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:34 pm
by aria
...the song on the video is called "Hooray for Love."
Maybe cassieiswatching has affected how closely I look at things, but I'm pretty sure Bree liked it.
Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:35 pm
by Eric
Keep in mind that there seem to be multiple story arcs. I'd think it would be nearly impossible to keep all of them up to date in every episode, especially when you consider that each is only about two minutes long.
Personally, I'm happy to see this type of episode. I liked the way that the story was originally presented as the video blogs of a couple of teens with occasional "unintentional" glimpses into something possibly darker. It's seemed to me that the last few episodes have felt more contrived and more like a "regular television show". I can't understand why the "In the Park" video was put up under the Lonelygirl15 profile on Youtube instead of the Daniel one in the context of the story. I can't come up with any plausible reason why the character of Bree would want that shown.
Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:36 pm
by ogami1972
don't be so quick- the video does NOT have a 'hamster' tag- there are lues, but maybe they just needed to lighten things up for a moment. after yesterdays cassie freak-out, we all need a breather, i think.
1. What kind of kiss wasit? she never says...but goes to town on thor!
2. why 'scimitar' in tags?
3. yes, cthulu, she is looking tired...are those really iron pills she is taking?
discuss (and sorry for typos- my hand is broken
p.s. good point, eric!
Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:39 pm
by Kasdeja
I forsee more sneaking out with Daniel.
Also, on Leno, Jessica said that "Bree is no longer lonely." She didn't say SHE wasn't, she said BREE wasn't.
Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:40 pm
by heh
onion13 wrote:
They had a chance to do breakthru creative work....then decided on warm & fuzzy schlock...hurray for the status quo!
I hope I'm wrong....but I'm probably not.
As I posted on this board, the decision to go this direction (if that's what has happened) was taken out of their hands. They were creating a dark, sinister, storyline about a vulnerable teenage girl using basic templates and then everyone wanted to "out" Bree as Jessica Rose and the media decided to cover this whole thing and they said, "Good evening, America. We present to you a story today about a 19-year old actress who portrayed a bubbly 16-year old facing your everyday 16-year old issues-- overbearing parents and boys." And the Creators probably said, "Ummm... that's not exactly what this is about." But, it was too late. The verdict on what this "show" is about was made. The end. It's a lesson they learned the hard way, I guess.
Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:41 pm
by piratesour
Possible themes:
* na‧ive‧té (she had to 'google' kissing)
* not being ready for her fate (what daniel/the future has in store for her)
* going in for the kill (bang bang)
Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:41 pm
by heh
Kasdeja wrote:I forsee more sneaking out with Daniel.
Also, on Leno, Jessica said that "Bree is no longer lonely." She didn't say SHE wasn't, she said BREE wasn't.
Oh, you bet. It's a WB teen drama, now.
Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:47 pm
by curriguy
heh wrote:onion13 wrote:
They had a chance to do breakthru creative work....then decided on warm & fuzzy schlock...hurray for the status quo!
I hope I'm wrong....but I'm probably not.
As I posted on this board, the decision to go this direction (if that's what has happened) was taken out of their hands. They were creating a dark, sinister, storyline about a vulnerable teenage girl using basic templates and then everyone wanted to "out" Bree as Jessica Rose and the media decided to cover this whole thing and they said, "Good evening, America. We present to you a story today about a 19-year old actress who portrayed a bubbly 16-year old facing your everyday 16-year old issues-- overbearing parents and boys." And the Creators probably said, "Ummm... that's not exactly what this is about." But, it was too late. The verdict on what this "show" is about was made. The end. It's a lesson they learned the hard way, I guess.
I think you're jumping to conclusions. That's like getting half way through a book, and then throwing it away...because your gut tells you that you know how it'll end. Just be patient, give them serious writer wants to put out something cliche.
hmm on the question of whether or not she liked the kiss?
she seems to be feeling a TON of emotions from it...embaressment, surprise, confusion, worry ("This will change things a bit"), and joy (Hooray for Love). but she's a teenage girl! Of course she'd be all wound up by something like this!
I, for one, welcome the lightening of the atmosphere. I don't think it needs to permanently be like this, but after all that cassie-stuff...I wanted a return to old lonleygirl.
Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:48 pm
by zoom
I find the scimitar tag to be a bit strange and out of place with the rest of the video. Our old friend wikipedia tells us it's a sword used in "Middle Eastern warfare more than two millennia before the advent of Islam". It also goes on to mention that it is a favorite weapon for fantasy or role-playing games... hmmm...
There might be more in this video than first appears.
Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:48 pm
by Traegorn
heh - of course it's a teen drama. That's what it HAS been - a teen Drama with some mysterious elements.
Part of it is the mystery, and part of it is the life of a 16 year old.
Some of us LIKE soap operas though.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:49 pm
by monokote
Is the first video posted by LG in the morning?? IIRC most are uploaded in the late evening.
Is this significant?
Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:49 pm
by Jeet_DM
I wonder if this means that they are replaceing Daniel with a female character since hes banned from the house. I dont think they will be talking soon except for the most liekly event that Daniel will post a Response to the first kiss video. Well aleast that is what they should do.
Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:03 pm
by heh
Eric wrote:I can't understand why the "In the Park" video was put up under the Lonelygirl15 profile on Youtube instead of the Daniel one in the context of the story. I can't come up with any plausible reason why the character of Bree would want that shown.
Because the Creators were wanting to assist all the people who knew nothing about lg15 before the media blitz. Having vids be under some other account is needlessly confusing-- and everyone understands that the two are basically the same unit anyway, so it doesn't make much sense anymore. It's like having episodes of a single show on two different networks. I wonder if there will ever be another Danielbeast vid.
I think the Creators were wanting to fastforward on the sinister and dark angles to the plot so they could conclude this arc (with Bree managing to survive death, against all odds) before their time ran out. Then the cassie thing happened and screwed that plan all to hell.
Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:03 pm
by PushedButton
scimitar; a curved oriental saber; the edge is on the convex side of the blade
Posible a ref. to H.P. Lovecraft's
The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath
Which feature a charater that carries a scimitar and is called Carter
Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:05 pm
by steamywndr
we always knew it one of the plot themes would eb the love story btw daniel and bree...that doesn't change that the story has a dark undertone.
what sounds better? ceremony, cult, love
ceremony, cult, some guy you hang out with