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Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 10:12 pm
by Smelltheflowers
Flautapantera wrote:Smelltheflowers wrote:Is anyone else getting the message "Sorry, no posts matched your criteria." when trying to view the video on I have yet to be able to watch it as it isn't working for me

STF, yeah, I was able to watch it a while ago but am now receiving the same message. Hopefully it's just a burp in the system.
That'll teach me for not checking the video as soon as I got my notification email as usual. University paper be damned!

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 10:13 pm
by Flautapantera
If you're having trouble accessing the new vid on, try
watching it on Revver.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 10:14 pm
by islandlove
Smelltheflowers wrote:Flautapantera wrote:Smelltheflowers wrote:Is anyone else getting the message "Sorry, no posts matched your criteria." when trying to view the video on I have yet to be able to watch it as it isn't working for me

STF, yeah, I was able to watch it a while ago but am now receiving the same message. Hopefully it's just a burp in the system.
That'll teach me for not checking the video as soon as I got my notification email as usual. University paper be damned!

your avatar is amazing!!!!
i love love love love veronica mars

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 10:19 pm
by Luminous
So here is the list of people Jonas mentioned & the list of initials. This is a Matching test. Start now.
Human rights lawyer
Economics professor
Publishing heiress
Man who owned a radio station
Regenerative(?) medical specialist
Former CIA director.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 10:21 pm
by mistabroadway
Posted by Flautapantera:
Funny how Jonas specifically pointed out the regenerative medical specialist, eh? "Sounds important."
Maybe he wants that hole in his hand regenerated.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 10:21 pm
by FyodorReader
islandlove wrote:something tells me that scrapbook is gonna have its own mysterious disappearance to deal with soon
it also may be the reason aunt is out on biz trip... maybe shes now trying to investigate what happened...
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 10:22 pm
by AllHailOppy
So happy they are finally speeding up these videos ...
Well ... Hopefully it's a good one!
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 10:23 pm
by Smelltheflowers
islandlove wrote:Smelltheflowers wrote:Flautapantera wrote:
STF, yeah, I was able to watch it a while ago but am now receiving the same message. Hopefully it's just a burp in the system.
That'll teach me for not checking the video as soon as I got my notification email as usual. University paper be damned!

your avatar is amazing!!!!
i love love love love veronica mars

It's worth going a little off topic for Veronica Mars, isn't it?

Don't mention anything about Season 3 though, I haven't seen it yet and have been trying to avoid any type of spoilers desperately.
As for the video itself, I have a feeling that mentioning that scrapbook wasn't the best idea. With all that information locked inside, it would to ridiculous to think that the Order isn't going to want to steal it in order to protect everyone's identities who are / were involved.
As for Jonas mentioning that things between he and Bree may 'never return to normal', who knows what that
really means. He could in fact be hinting at the development of their relationship into something more. You know, once he is able to get past the whole 'being taken hostage and questioned ruthlessly' thing
I'm still pulling for a romantic relationship between Bree and Daniel, but have pretty much lost hope in that ever happening. Daniel seems to be looking toward the future, one which does not neccessarily involve Bree at all. And really: Who can blame him?
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 10:26 pm
by Chelseyrl
Kinda wished Jonas would've matched the initials to the professions... (and talked a smidge slower

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 10:28 pm
by Lurker
aideen wrote:Makes you wonder if the aunt disappeared of her own accord or not.
She didn't disappear. Jonas said she's in Italy on business.
Anyway, this was cool. We got some answers about something. We're always asking for answers and they delivered. I'm surprised no one's commenting on that.
Not only did they answer who the people on the CC list were, but they've all but confirmed that Jonas' parents were offed by the Order.
We also now have a suggestion that Jonas' aunt could be coming into the picture soon. I thought this video was great for advancing the plot (which is, again, something else we ask for a lot).
So, thanks for a good video, Creators.
Smelltheflowers wrote:Daniel seems to be looking toward the future, one which does not neccessarily involve Bree at all. And really: Who can blame him?
No one.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 10:38 pm
by PinkoLady
It's not working for me... it's saying "Sorry, no posts matched your criteria."
So... boo.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 10:38 pm
by ShardinsKitten
Lurker wrote:aideen wrote:Makes you wonder if the aunt disappeared of her own accord or not.
She didn't disappear. Jonas said she's in Italy on business.
Anyway, this was cool. We got some answers about something. We're always asking for answers and they delivered. I'm surprised no one's commenting on that.
Not only did they answer who the people on the CC list were, but they've all but confirmed that Jonas' parents were offed by the Order.
We also now have a suggestion that Jonas' aunt could be coming into the picture soon. I thought this video was great for advancing the plot (which is, again, something else we ask for a lot)
So, thanks for a good video, Creators.
Smelltheflowers wrote:Daniel seems to be looking toward the future, one which does not neccessarily involve Bree at all. And really: Who can blame him?
No one.
But they told us things we already knew pretty much. Which is what always happens. They give us information we've already figured out. Though the list was nice... there's not much we can do with it... other then know it. I just wish they would of given up some real information, well some more information. That would of been nice.
Also just because Jonas said she was in Italy on business doesn't mean that's the truth. She could have lied, and if not something still could of happened to her away on business. We really don't know anything other then she is supposed to be in Italy on business.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 10:41 pm
by cbizzle44
ahhhh! mysterious disapearances! the plot thickens!
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 10:45 pm
by Flautapantera
Luminous wrote:So here is the list of people Jonas mentioned & the list of initials. This is a Matching test. Start now.
I've always had an affinity for Gemma even when allegedly fingered as a member of the Order - but all of that aside. I know I read Gemma's last name as being Ka-------- on LGPedia at one time. I remember a last name was added (whether in jest or from super-sleuthing) and later removed. This may seem very far-fetched to some of you as Gemma was apparently offed by Brother, but let your minds wander elsewhere for a moment: what if Gemma
wasn't a part of the Order but of the anti-Order. What if she only posed as such to grow closer to and obtain info from those on the inside (namely: Lucy)? This may seem a bit off topic but the initials struck me as particularly interesting.
Also, for reference, the paired initials are:
O.M.A. & D.T.A. (note: Nikki Bower jokingly said D.T.A. belonged to Bree's father after her naming of him in a video)
M.B.C. & S.B.C.
J.C.N. & C.R.N.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 10:45 pm
by Chelseyrl
How does Jonas know that she is in Italy on business? He said that he hasn't talked to her in, roughly six years. I'm wondering, does the aunt know that her nephew and 2 other people are at her house or not?
Well, she does now I guess, considering Jonas said he was going to call her. But how did Jonas know in the first place that she was in Italy?
Edit: he's a nephew/not a cousin