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Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:03 am
by kiyoshi
janesalteredstates wrote:AHHHHH revver wont load!
Uh oh. O.O
It works perfectly fine for me. Hopefully it'll load properly for you soon.

And btw. That's one creepy avatar. o_o
OpAphid + Jonas = Feeeeeeearrrrr...

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:06 am
by janesalteredstates
kiyoshi wrote:
janesalteredstates wrote:AHHHHH revver wont load!
Uh oh. O.O

And btw. That's one creepy avatar. o_o
OpAphid + Jonas = Feeeeeeearrrrr...
I love it :)

Oh and I got it. Had to restart Firefox.

So, not much really. Daniel "loosened" the ropes or whatever. Kind of a filler vid. I was really hoping it was Jonas. We should expect something from him since he took the camera.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:08 am
by kiyoshi
janesalteredstates wrote:
kiyoshi wrote:
janesalteredstates wrote:AHHHHH revver wont load!
Uh oh. O.O

And btw. That's one creepy avatar. o_o
OpAphid + Jonas = Feeeeeeearrrrr...
I love it :)

Oh and I got it. Had to restart Firefox.

So, not much really. Daniel "loosened" the ropes or whatever. Kind of a filler vid. I was really hoping it was Jonas. We should expect something from him since he took the camera.
Agreed. I'm hoping for a vlog from him soon.

But this new video was posted awfully fast. Unexpected for me at least at like. 1 AM in the morning. o.O

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:13 am
by iamcool
woooo 2 :shock:

they werent very good vids but i have a feeling its going to pick up soon :)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:20 am
by raindown
so much going on.
I can't keep up with all the action and excitement.

seriously, Jonas looked so miserable, tied to a chair. it looked honest, and once again Bree looks like she knows something we don't.
Daniel being his glorious admirable self.

I think Jonas is just scared of them. I hope he comes back.
he's all alone. cold and hungry. :cry:

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:27 am
by kiyoshi
raindown wrote:so much going on.
I can't keep up with all the action and excitement.

seriously, Jonas looked so miserable, tied to a chair. it looked honest, and once again Bree looks like she knows something we don't.
Daniel being his glorious admirable self.

I think Jonas is just scared of them. I hope he comes back.
he's all alone. cold and hungry. :cry:
I think he'd like those strawberry fields by now.

I would think that Bree's had contact with Tachyon again, but Daniel confirms that she doesn't want to talk with Tachyon. Maybe she figured out something on her own?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:00 am
by itsmeforreal
I miss Jonas now...
even angry jonas is better than no Jonas.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:02 am
by aideen
kiyoshi wrote:
aideen wrote:yeah, what's this about a camera?

And Kiyoshi, you had practically the exact same reasons as me in defence of Jonas

Great minds, etceteraetcetera


I am Mrs Jonas now. I ran into Jonas and the Order in the woods, and they *forced* me to do a ceremony where I married him

It was so traumatic

Now for the honeymoon! :D

Which I am also forced to do, of course...
Most definitely!
Great minds think alike.

I'm sure you were SO traumatized by the entire ceremony to the point where you're scarred for life now. Right, right? :o

Damn right they do

If by scar you mean able to live for ever and always with Jonas, then yes, of course. It's terrible

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:08 am
by kiyoshi
aideen wrote:Damn right they do

If by scar you mean able to live for ever and always with Jonas, then yes, of course. It's terrible
Ahhhhhhh I couldn't help it.
I knew I had to put something in my signature area.
And I think I found it.

It's interesting how Jonas has so much love from his fans,
No matter which side he ends up going to.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:32 am
by saralynn
Another video?! Nice!

I dunno if they should leave or not. If Jonas is innocent, they have nothing to be afraid of. They have a roof over their heads, and if they don't have the keys to the car what do they expect to do? Maybe Jonas left money, or a card, and they can use it to get a car. I don't know of Daniel would want to do that though, he feels pretty bad.

If Jonas IS bad.. well.. I guess they should leave, but I don't know how much luck they'll have walking. It'll take them days or more.. and it's cold!

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:33 am
by ShardinsKitten
freakish wrote:
R1kk1 wrote:What could he proove in the woods though? There's nothing for him unless he knows more then he's letting on, in which case he needs to tell us, STAT!

Also, people spotted a camera, and there are ALWAYS mountain rangers etc. to look for lost people. Can't B&D contact them? I mean, they aren't exactly top authoroties, are they? They could phone in and not use any names if they were scared of being caught.

I just think that stalking of into the woods, alone, with nothing but a pair of keys and a video camera after your friend let you loose isn't doing anything good for his reputation right now.

I still stick to my theory that he went to the rest stop that Bree went to the toilet to on the way up to the mountains ("Yelow Snow" vid). Why else would they give 10 secs of Vid to a place that doesn't matter?
what do you mean by people spotted a camera?
It was actually in the same pic you showed the dock, in the tree in front. I'm not convinced it was a camera, but some people think it is.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:52 am
by aideen
kiyoshi wrote:
aideen wrote:Damn right they do

If by scar you mean able to live for ever and always with Jonas, then yes, of course. It's terrible
Ahhhhhhh I couldn't help it.
I knew I had to put something in my signature area.
And I think I found it.

It's interesting how Jonas has so much love from his fans,
No matter which side he ends up going to.

aideen + jonas + shaved almonds = gajillion babies.

That's kind of scary and awe-inspiring at the same time.
Seriously? LOL Omg you did.

Well, either way Jonas is all good even when he's bad ;P

Oh, and only a gajillion? :/ That's a bit disappointing...

(I added your signature for future reference)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:12 am
by mellie3204
Well, at least we know something. Jonas got outta there under his own steam after Danny-boy loosened the bonds. That reduces some of my "OMG the order got him!" tension.

I reckon he was just really, really p'ed off. We have seen him being a bit of a hot-head of late, and boy, was he pushed by D & B. So he stormed off, maybe got someone (caretaker?) to pick him up by the road or even hitch-hiked into town...

Please Jonas, please please please cool off, forgive them, and come back! [-o<

I do think Bree's gonna have to say sorry though.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:19 am
by Ziola
Ziola's unimportant 2 cents...

~I'm not surprised that Daniel is the one who loosened the ropes. He made it clear to us that he was extremely uncomfortable with the whole situation and that he thought Bree was going about it the wrong way.

~I don't blame Jonas for hightailing it out of there. If my "friends" tied me up, I'd leave them twisting in the wind as well.

~Bree is gonna be uber-pissed when she sees this video :twisted:

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:21 am
by Kasdeja
So, Jonas' tracks end at a road and DannyB loosened his ropes...
I was shocked to see two new vids when I logged in, today. I think something is going to happen this weekend.