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Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:33 pm
by Sami

My name is Nina, I'm 19.
LG has been a part of my life since the beggining and I'm still having fun with it.
And btw I'm from Norway and I don't speak English

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:07 pm
by betz28
Betsy here ~ well I've been watching LG since September and I have to say I love it . I log on every day. I've made many friends on this forum ~ I just absolutely love it!!
Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:32 pm
by jobee13
Hi I'm joey, and I've been lurking since like...forever, and following the series for ages. I'm obsessed with the character of cassie, and I pretty much suck at analysing puzzles and stuff, so I leave that to the experts

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:01 pm
by autumneternal
Hey, I'm autumneternal. You can call me AE, autumn, or even Gwen if you want.
I've been on the boards since December and was lurking since before then. I actually got into LG15 because I kept hearing the name pop up and negative things about it, (after the big reveal), and googled it to see what it was about. Within no time I was hooked on the videos, (I believe I watched them all in one day), and eventually got into the ARG vids, (though I don't solve the puzzles, I just watch and contribute very rarely in various threads). I stick mostly to the LG15, FanVids, and Cassie sections, though I tend to keep up on all boards.
I also welcome any PMs from any newbies who happen to have any questions or who just want to talk.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:44 pm
by gogo
Hi. My name is gogo, and I was a bit apprehensive about posting an introduction because I don't have anything very special to offer. I certainly don't have any answers that other people don't already have. I am no good at
solving puzzles, and I am not very good at keeping track of
"clues" from Bree's story. I am simply a supporter of this series who wishes it well. I
am an advocate of the
LGPedia, and find that the hard work that the LGPedians do to keep it updated is very helpful and admirable. It's also the place I go to when I need to catch up and/or find information (like clues and answers to puzzles that I will never ever find on my own).
However, I do welcome those who are new here.
There are many people who work very hard to solve puzzles, create theories and explore story elements, and many people are very serious about their discussions here, etc. Therefore, they can get pretty caught up and focused on their tasks at hand, and this sometimes can feel intimidating to new folks. Don't let it intimidate you, though. Most of the people here are quite thoughtful and willing to help others. The Mods and Admins here are also quite supportive and helpful.
I enjoy reading, long walks on the beach with that special someone. In addition, I like
pina coladas and getting caught in the rain. I am also shamed and devastated by any errors that I make in grammar and spelling, but I am not judgmental about the errors of others. I have accepted the fact that I am also odd.
Very, very odd.
See? Such a long post and really not much to offer, but my welcome to those who are new. Anyhow, enjoy the series and what it has to offer...
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:01 pm
by trainer101
Friends, Gogo is far too modest. She is one of the most respected members of this forum. She also happens to be a
very, VERY close friend of Ms. Kelly of
Homeschoolers Aggregate and a vicious supporter of fanfic.
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:02 pm
by loobylou
trainer - I'm really glad you bigged up gogo - she was obviously far too modest to do so herself.
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:33 am
by kellylen
Heyyy! I'm one of the many Kelly's here and I'm 19 and have been watching since Sept. I'm wayyyy too addicted to LG15, and I'm secretly in love with Jonas.
I'm also from the US.
I try to solve puzzles and give input but it doesn't work

so I just lurk more than I post lol
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 9:23 am
by lostgurl
I'm lostgurl and I just joined the forum today. I've been watching LG since sept. and I have been trying to figure out the whole ARG thing. I love solving puzzles, but couldn't quite figure this out.
Anyway, I followed a link this morning on the video comments that led to the disscussion.
Anyway, I found something in one of the pics that hadn't been found yet and here I am.
So, little questions that have been bugging me: what's with orange slurpies and *meep*???
I think that I'll be here a lot......
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 10:08 am
by KrystalRayne
Hello KrystalRayne here... but you can call me Krys or V (RL Nickname). Been watching LG15 from the beginning, just reall got into the whole aspect of it about 2 months ago and I have been helping crack codes since two days
I am 26 yrs old, from the east coast (Philadelphia, born and raised), so I know I cannot help going out and running around like I would LOVE to do, but I can help with codes and everything from here.
I am learning all of the programs that are used and every character that is involved in the plot, so if I miss anything I am sorry. I might need a tutor.
The one thing that I hope from these boards is to have a close group of "internet friends". My RL has taken an odd turn, so this is a place for comfort. I do play video games and I do love the outdoors, but the outdoors need to be put on hold for a while.
Ok, I am done this novel.
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 10:11 am
by SapereAudeo
lostgurl wrote:I'm lostgurl and I just joined the forum today. I've been watching LG since sept. and I have been trying to figure out the whole ARG thing. I love solving puzzles, but couldn't quite figure this out.
Anyway, I followed a link this morning on the video comments that led to the disscussion.
Anyway, I found something in one of the pics that hadn't been found yet and here I am.
So, little questions that have been bugging me: what's with orange slurpies and *meep*???
I think that I'll be here a lot......
Welcome Lostgurl! Orange slurpee and meep are some of the inside jokes that originated with the video commentors, and now are a special part of the entire forum (especially the community forum section) ... le=Slurpee
The LGPedia will explain everything in a lot more detail than I can!
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:07 pm
by lonelycrackerjack
lostgurl wrote:
So, little questions that have been bugging me: what's with orange slurpies and *meep*???
The origin of *meep* and orange slurpies is on the comment board that you see below the video on the main page. Now you see only 20 comments below the video, and you have to hit "More Comments" to get the rest, but at one time it would get to over 2000 comments between videos.
Unlike the forum, where things are arranged by subjects or threads, the comment board was always a free flowing discussion area. After a new video came out, the discussion would center on the video and discussing clues and speculations on where the story was going. But, with up to three days between videos, there just weren't enough video related things to talk about.
Hence, people sitting on the board waiting for a video, had to find other ways to entertain themselves. A culture grew up as many of the same people commented for long hours everyday. Running jokes would keep going and growing.
The word Meep started with someone saying that was the sound of their cat rubbing against their leg. People liked the word Meep and it became kind of the official word for the commenter board. It could be used as a comfort word....... if someone had a big fight with their partner, others on the board would wish them many *Meeps*. It could be used to indicate frustration, as in "I want a New Video!!...*Meep* *Meep* *Meep*. It could be used to replace swear words, but generally its use stayed positive and well wishing.
As to the orange slurpie, I wasn't there to see its birth as a commenter term, but somewhere along the line it was decided that the orange slurpie was evil and was a way the Order would try to take control of you. The most effective way of fighting off orange was by surrounding yourself with purple. Grape Nehi became the official drink of the commenter board. Now you could hand out Grape Nehi's to the others on the board while wishing them many *Meeps*.
Unfortunately, the technology of updating the full comment boards along with the videos lagged behind, and the video update times slowed. This led to the great Commenter/Forumer War - but that's a whole other topic.
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:22 pm
by lostgurl
thank you lonelycrackerjack, I guess I did have it kind of figured out. I thought that there might be more to it than that.
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 3:12 pm
by Marbella
Hi LonelyGurl!
Lonelycrackerjack did an excellent job explaining our "culture" of meeps and Orange Slurpees.
For more detailed info ('cause there IS a lot!)
Click on the link below my signature for the "catch up." At the very top is the "Newcomer Guide." Under the "Culture" category, there are links to all these subjects and more.
I hope this helps!
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 5:10 pm
by lonelycrackerjack
Sami wrote:Hi

My name is Nina, I'm 19.
LG has been a part of my life since the beggining and I'm still having fun with it.
And btw I'm from Norway and I don't speak English

I'm confused. You say you don't speak English, but you have 868 posts. I just realized that I speak Norwegian and didn't even know it. WOW!!!!