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Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:50 pm
by Marbella
BA, do you want to set up a poll with those 3 options in it? It would be VERY interesting how people would vote.
I'd be with Bree IF she had Tachyon and Brother backing her each step of the way. On her own, I feel she would be overtaken.
I'd be with Jonas IF I did not still suspect that he has ties to the Order. I think one reason he didn't seem in a hurry to get up the stairs is that he may know the Order people and know they would never harm him.
I'd be with Daniel, except for that he's way too passive. After such an ordeal, I'm sure he is tired, overwhelmed and has just had it, though.
So, my choice would be ????
None of the above??
I do not know what they should do.
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:53 pm
by amybagofdonuts
well if they are listening to what we say in the forums, i hope they have jonas take off his shirt when he 'hits back twice as hard' oh god...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
wow i'm way excited about getting a reply on the second page!
also i chuckled when jonas brought up prohibition seeing as the last video was 'drinking problems' ohhhhhh sweet irony.
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:54 pm
by amybagofdonuts
...and by second page i really mean third.
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:26 pm
by daydream183
I think in order for any plan to work, Bree is going to have to tell Jonas and Daniel everything she knows about the order. Tachyon needs to be in on that discussion too. Jonas and Daniel can't make an informed decision on what to do otherwise. Part of their arguing may stem from Bree still not giving up any details about her "religion".
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:38 pm
by Lurker
daydream183 wrote:I think in order for any plan to work, Bree is going to have to tell Jonas and Daniel everything she knows about the order. Tachyon needs to be in on that discussion too. Jonas and Daniel can't make an informed decision on what to do otherwise. Part of their arguing may stem from Bree still not giving up any details about her "religion".
Very good point. Bree made a move toward the exit point of my shitlist by actually having a plan and getting Daniel out of the mess he was stuck in, but she's going to stay there until she acknowledges that they deserve to know her precious secrets.
They really can't make a move until they know everything.
That said, I thought this was a pretty good video. It tells us both Bree and Jonas are interested in finishing things. It's nice to see them hanging onto their proactive behavior. Now if only they will go with
this suggestion.
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:02 pm
by Steph1636
Happy Valentine's Day!
Interesting video, glad we know that Jonas is alive now. I love how he know's such much stuff about the past

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:03 pm
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
daydream183 wrote:I agree they need to come up with a plan of action fast. They also need to stop posting videos on the net telling the order that they don't have a plan.

"Thing's aren't going to plan... or are they?" -Oppy
btw, Jonas was the one who suggested storming the castle; seems like he's the most pro-action of the group, where daniel's legs are a lil too fast

and Bree doesn't seem to have much of a will of her own. "I'll do the ceremony" "I won't do the ceremony" "I'll run" "I'll trade myself for Daniel"
strike that last one
Bree's growing a spine
\. /
and i LIKE it!!
edit - dots to even the #&$% thing out
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:26 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
I thought those were sad faces with unibrows at first.
But anyway, I wonder if there are any clues in the story Jonas told us? idk, I feel like we analyze every little detail and he tells us this random story and I can't think of any connection really...
Btw, I had to watch this on youtube, because the sound didn't work on revver. Is this happening to anyone else?
0133 - Valentine's Day Massacre [2/14/07]
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:28 pm
by Kate
I loved the girl power quote.
The videos have been following a pattern.
It's been one video not in Jonas's study and then one video in Jonas's study.
127: Me for Daniel (hidden)
128: Storm the Castle (study)
129: Human Ransom (road, opaphid place)
130: Rescuing Daniel (study)
131: Drinking Problems (hidden)
132: Valentine's Day Massacre (study)
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:30 pm
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:I thought those were sad faces with unibrows at first.
But anyway, I wonder if there are any clues in the story Jonas told us? idk, I feel like we analyze every little detail and he tells us this random story and I can't think of any connection really...
Btw, I had to watch this on youtube, because the sound didn't work on revver. Is this happening to anyone else?
i don't like watching the vids; sound quality is くそ so i just read the transcripts. all i can say is agreeing that it's a lil too convenient he mentions the prohibition after danny's alcohol story.
....but i dunno the historical link with the valentine's day massacre, so...
Re: 0133 - Valentine's Day Massacre [2/14/07]
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:31 pm
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
Kate wrote:I loved the girl power quote.
The videos have been following a pattern.
It's been one video not in Jonas's study and then one video in Jonas's study.
127: Me for Daniel (hidden)
128: Storm the Castle (study)
129: Human Ransom (road, opaphid place)
130: Rescuing Daniel (study)
131: Drinking Problems (hidden)
132: Valentine's Day Massacre (study)
if the trend holds true, next vid will kick utter ass!
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:32 pm
by Magesa
Wow... this is a slow topic.
If Bree can get help from Tach and Bro, then she should attack. But ONLY IF.
I think running is pointless. The Order will find them anyway.
So I'd have to go with Jonas... They can probably fight better at home anyway. And the Order won't hurt Bree, at least not physically (although they sure don't care about hurting other people to get to her). He has the middle ground. I'm going to have to trust him on this one. He seems fine to me. (Of course I thought Gemma was good too. Even though I've watched over her videos and she was TOTALLY giving bad advice.)
The Al Capone reference was interesting. Title scared me too!
Whoever said they wanted to see all of the characters together in the same room at the same time, you were right. They should film the three of them together. And Bree should tell them (and us) EVERYTHING she knows. If not us, then at least them.
Yes, this was quite good for a filler video. Really.
I think our trio just has to all really communicate and make friends.

I know, that's corny.
I just really want to see all three of them together!!!
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:46 pm
by mushab00m
I like the whole "hitting the order twice as hard" thing. Hitting them twice as hard = MORE ACTION!!! I love LG15, but when it's like confessionals, it kind of turns into the same old thing of Bree and Daniel. And Jonas, the third wheel. I just hope it doesn't get too repetitive.
And Jonas is amazingly attractive. Just had to throw that one out there.
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:23 pm
by Laurilea
I got a little panicked when I read that title at first! This study shot has the same not so crisp and slightly blue and blurry foreground effect on the speaker. I guess they are at Jonas' house, but maybe they need to clean the lens of the webcam?
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:24 pm
Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:daydream183 wrote:I agree they need to come up with a plan of action fast. They also need to stop posting videos on the net telling the order that they don't have a plan.

"Thing's aren't going to plan... or are they?" -Oppy
btw, Jonas was the one who suggested storming the castle; seems like he's the most pro-action of the group, where daniel's legs are a lil too fast

and Bree doesn't seem to have much of a will of her own. "I'll do the ceremony" "I won't do the ceremony" "I'll run" "I'll trade myself for Daniel"
strike that last one
Bree's growing a spine
\. /
and i LIKE it!!
I don't know why but this spine thingy creeps me out!!!