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Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:06 am
by silvermoon
Do we know that Jonas is good? Really?

Maybe this video is just a way to explain why he'll be at the ceremony. I wouldn't be surprised if, at the last minute, he turned into his true, evil self.

Of course, I'd still make out with him. :shock:

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:43 am
by nobackspacebutton
silvermoon wrote:Do we know that Jonas is good? Really?

Maybe this video is just a way to explain why he'll be at the ceremony. I wouldn't be surprised if, at the last minute, he turned into his true, evil self.

Of course, I'd still make out with him. :shock:
Sounds like one of my theories! :lol: haha. Who knows? At this point, even if he is supposed to be viewed as the 'voice of the forums' (him representing us)---he could still be on anyones team, afterall there are a lot of people here that are Ops side, not just Brees.

I agree that the Creators got lazy, read the forums (I saw them here yesterday in Plot Discussion), and posted a video based on what they read.

So I guess at this point, we assume they are still waiting for Lucy's email? By the way, what is BREE'S EMAIL...?

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:00 am
by nobackspacebutton
Also something else I just thought of...

Daniel wasn't allowed to go watch the ceremony (the afterwards FAKE ceremony) but went anyways. That ended up pissing off the Order. What do they think is going to happen to Jonas?

I guess what they are going to do is recieve the location for a meeting place, then go and command the Order to turn over Daniel. After the order turns Daniel over, I guess Bree thinks she'll just go with the Order. But all that is a little dramatic, but boring. After that, will Daniel be back to normal? Will he and Jonas 'storm the castle'?? I don't know. I hope the next video is soooooooon.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:29 am
by iamcool
finally someone is going to stand up to the order geeeeez

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:43 am
by kisselle
Awww, the title of this video so made me smile.

But please don't let's have any more footage of Bree shouting shrilly.

I hate it when she does that.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:47 am
Epogen, despite what Jonas suggests, is not mind-altering in any sense; it merely increases red blood cell production. Given one of the creators' (I forget which) medical background, I find it unlikely that this is an inaccuracy on their part - Jonas probably just doesn't know what he's talking about.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:22 am
by kgurl84
Just woke up this morning and watched the the background, there is a row of encyclopedia's and the "D" one is missing.

Nothing uber important but something interesting that I caught....

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:38 am
by kellylen
jonas was looking up daniel in the encyclopedia to see where he is.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:39 am
by betz28
gotta run....but wanted to comment on the video. i dunno about jonas ~ i just have mixed feelings. sometimes i think he is bad but in this video he seemed truly concerned for brees safety.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:43 am
by milowent
kgurl84 wrote:Just woke up this morning and watched the the background, there is a row of encyclopedia's and the "D" one is missing.

Nothing uber important but something interesting that I caught....
good eye. bree took that volume off the shelf in her last vlog from that room (time to grow up on jan 23), looks like they didn't put in back.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:11 am
by aquanetnightmare
GO jonas!! :smt027

I'm so ready for an lg vs order battle.

I'm not sure where I heard this, but for some reason, I want to think the ceremony has a lot to do with Cassie. But i'm stll not sure. And no time to research at the moment, gotta get to class

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:15 am
by EternalGoddess
Why does it seem that Jonas is the only smart one, who is willing to stand up to the Order? What they need to do is get Tachyon and Brother and devise a plan to get Lucy. They need to have Bree ask Lucy to meet her alone. Brother hould be up high out of the sight of them, with them still in his visual. I would suggest he carry tranqualizer gun incase the other Order members show up, so he can knock them out or a reguar gun and have a happy hunting. Jonas should his car near by and ready to go. Tachyon should have perhaps a pistol so Lucy wouldn't put up a fight. Before they get her to the car, they can simply got Lucy hard enough to knock her out. They get her to the car. And there we go. Grant it there would need to be more details added than that, but Tachyon could figure out the rest. I would love to see Tachyon's interogating skills on camera. But that's what they need to do. Find a way to get Lucy.

Maybe we are the ones who need to do the planning. I bet if we all came up with a solid plan, Bree and the rest of them would be more then willing to follow it. I don't know if you guys would be willing to do it, but I think we need a little mission impossible 007 thinking going on.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:47 am
by Mvidrine
OK this video has me frustraited because it seems the Creators are going to do it again. This video says absolutly nothing. We know Bree won't go to the police, or do anything productive, cause its Bree. I remember when Bree's parents went missing, and Bree and Daniel did absolutely nothing for at least two weeks, just running, sleeping, and arguing. I fear that we'll see a repeat of that. As for Jonas being the "voice of the forum" lets not forget the last person who we called that, Gemma, and look where she ended up. Also if he was the voice of the forum, maybe he'd hear the collective cry of DO SOMETHING!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:30 am
by stickyvalentine
kellylen wrote:jonas was looking up daniel in the encyclopedia to see where he is.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:06 pm
by Mgz
Mvidrine wrote:This video says absolutly nothing. We know Bree won't go to the police, or do anything productive, cause its Bree.
i agree.
if the police enter in the story it would change everything, and however if the creators wanted the police intervention they have already called it long time ago.
the police is not the solution to this bad situation...