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Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:52 pm
by Onewen
Smelltheflowers wrote:Okay, first off, I have to say: I haven't watched the video yet. I'm at home for the weekend and my parents think I'm studying right now. I doubt they would understand me postponing it to watch new LG15 videos
Anyway, did anyone else recieve 3 different email notifications for 3 different videos?

The first video is "Miss Me?", the second video is "Lose Something?", and the last video is titled "Then Ends Justify The Means". 3 videos at once!?
Yes, that happened to me it that Op vids are now on Revver?
BTW: this totally freaked me out!!!! What on earth?

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:52 pm
by kellylen
oh my god oh my god oh my god
i still dont know what to say. the way the video is done kind of makes it look like it is a hologram of daniel. Like op did it through a computer.
and yeah the we have daniel thing is reallyyyyyyy creepy.
holy shiz im freaked out.
... going to go watch this again
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:52 pm
by TheFatLady
I am in a dead faint on the floor. (But still typing.)
Somebody hurry up and do the reverse audio translation!
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:53 pm
by breakinahabit05
plus has anyone else noticed that opaphids videos have been moved onto LG15!!! have they been hacked by Op?!!?
it's either that...or OpAphid is trying to prove to us that she has Daniel!!! OMG!! I think thats exactly what it is.....oh no!
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:55 pm
by Laurilea
They have Daniel! They've brainwashed him into thinking he's a rapper!
What a great video.. even though the story was already pointing in that direction, the way it was presented was awesome!
Now, what will Bree do? I'm thinking Jonas will try to convince her to go through the police, but she'll do something daring on her own if she has to in order to make this right.
I really thought the Order didn't want Bree anymore because of the opportunities they have had to grab her, but didn't. Maybe it has to be something she decides to do. If her mom's interest in philosophy is similar to the Order's, she'll have to come of her own free will to do the ceremony.
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:56 pm
by Sami
Some thoughts:
Is Daniel foreced to do this video.
Is he high? (The way he talks, and being so happy for getting ice cream)
Has Daniel been a bady all the time?
Why did he lie in the swimming video?
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:56 pm
by Smelltheflowers
Oh my goodness, I decided to sneak a look at "Miss Me?" and I'm getting the message "Sorry but we were unable to load the video you requested, please try back some other time"

*Runs around in circles* I need to see it now!
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:59 pm
by Sami
I don't think Daniel edited this video. It's so op style, and som not Daniel-style
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:59 pm
by Onewen
TheFatLady wrote:Somebody hurry up and do the reverse audio translation!
Tigerlilylynn posted in the OP forum:
Reverse audio
by Washington Irving
Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them.
(thx Tiger!)

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:00 pm
by breakinahabit05
yay for tiger!! my hero!!
no but head is spinning from all of this!!
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:02 pm
by bethy
Okay, here's what I could get of the audio
it does NOT include the reversed part. I'm totally comfortable with everything except the part where I have (???) marked. The rest of it I'm sure about. This is definitely an OpAPHID video, not a Daniel video. Of the three posted today, "Miss Me?" is new. The other two have been around for sometime now in the ARG.
What up, Bree? It's me, DannyB. You know what I'm sayin'?
You know, I heard you've been looking for me. Check it out, I have new friends.
We're having a great time here.
I remember I had all these concerns about the religion you were into. You know? They're treating me great. They're good people.
We have Daniel.
Yo, yo? When we gonna hit up that ceremony? That's all we've got to do, ain't no big thing.
C'mon, just do the ceremony, that's all you need to do.
Think about the good times. Last summer, thinking you were going to do the ceremony back then. It's all good. Well now, well you're not doing the ceremony, everything's kinda bad. See the connection?
You know, I know I've only gone to community college. The last job I had was at a gas station. But that's math that even I can do.
It's amazing. I think you should do the ceremony. Bring the puppets along, too, baby, no problem. P Monkey and Owen? I got mad love for them.
You know? I wa--I'm gonna try to join the Order. I hope they let me in. I really like what they're about. It's cool.
Them being evil? It's wrong. They treat me better than you do.
You know, I'm having the best time here. We have pizza, I had ice cream--we even did spin art. How cool is that?
That thing with your dad? Just a big misunderstanding. He actually wanted that to happen.
Don't you want all this to be worth something? Come back to us.
Yeah, I remember that girl, Cassie. She was in my class. She'd want you to do the ceremony, too.
Listen to your friend Daniel. Do the ceremony.
edited to correct the transcript a bit...thanks to quizoc.
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:03 pm
by breakinahabit05
AND CASSIE!!! Is she with them?!!!!??? Drugged "Daniel B" said something about Cassie and how she would want Bree to join too!!!
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:05 pm
by Flautapantera
Thanks for the transcript, bethy!

It's nice to read through it after listening/watching.
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:06 pm
by breakinahabit05
Did anyone notice that "NO GOOD" w/ some letters changed around is "O GOD NO" just something random that was just realized
Does Cassie work w/ the order?? Or do you think she is just like Daniel...drugged up almost robot like?!!?
OH MAG Gah....Daniel is a robot!!

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:06 pm
by Sami
They gave Daniel pizza and ice cream, they could have drugged it. He seemes so sedated