(First of all, sorry for the length of this post...)
Thank you CG, for your remarks. They allowed me to consider some of the elements that keep me involved as a viewer.
I would agree with your assessment of the elements of mystery, CG. It seems that “clue-finding,” speculation and assessment of potential clues seems to have become a significant part of the fan culture on this board. While I will not dismiss the way anyone else engages with these videos, I will say that I rarely propose theories or seek clues anymore. For me, the process feels rather futile. It could be that I am a viewer who needs closure of smaller, earlier issues, so I can note the patterns or themes that emerge. Therefore, for me, extending energy to focus on issues and ideas that could be “shots in the dark” is just no fun. I am still waiting for some resolution to come from summer and early fall “clues.” (Before someone accuses me of wanting the characters to turn to the camera and ramble off the significance of Crowley, etc., understand that I am not looking for that at all.) I would also agree with CG when he states that the writers are facing a different way to tell this story, so it must be challenging to satisfy all aspect of viewer culture when creating these videos.
There are many people who find seeking out clues and researching these ideas to be an engaging practice with opportunities for socializing on the boards with others. I am happy for them, and I am glad that they have found a fun way to participate with the series. However for me, it is just too frustrating to see pages and pages of discussion on ideas that seemingly will never be resolved. Working so hard in vain is nothing that appeals to me. Even when people seem to get close to figuring something out, it seems that in the next video, a whole new set of potential “clues” come along to create more and more pages of discussion. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with this, but it is not satisfying for me. (As a disclaimer, I do not feel as anyone has any obligation to satisfy me personally.) I have found ways to engage with this story in ways that satisfy me.
I could just be an old dog refusing to learn new tricks. I consider my comments neither as a desire for the writers to call me and check with me to be sure I approve of each script, nor am I being critical of their exploration of this medium of storytelling. Nor am I expecting an Aristotelian approach to this story. Nor am I plotting the points on Freytag’s Pyramid of plot structure (although it might be an interesting practice or pursuit for me personally).
I am not very good at figuring out the ARG clues, but I think I can understand why some people are so eager to do so: these are mysteries and questions with resolutions for those involved. And although I am not particularly interested in the background of this production, I can see why some people are eager to figure out more about the credits in the story (who is playing which characters and their connections to the lg15 franchise): these are questions with attainable answers. (Please let us not get into accusations of stalking for information that is usually listed in a show’s credits, in various newspapers and on showbiz resumes.)
I guess I find myself being a viewer who is interested less in the “clues” and more in how this experiment plays out. I support this series and find some elements quite engaging. For example, Bree had no trouble slipping into a bed with Jonas (who chose the bathtub instead), but Bree had Daniel sleep on the floor after “hooking up/smooching.” This demonstrates the complexity of this character and the fickleness of people's feelings in general, especially after facing a seriously traumatizing situation (witnessing the murder of a father). These are the kinds of elements that keep me involved.
There is space here for all sorts of ways to engage with the story. This kind of “meta-discussion” is interesting to me. I hope we can continue this kind of discussion without being accused of being Negative Nellies, Bitter Bobs or Dismissive Don(na)s. I’d like to think of myself and those interested in this kind of examination to be seen as Deconstructionist Dianas, Analyzing Abes, Supportive Stans and Interested Irenes.
Or something like that…
(Again, sorry for the long blah, blah, blah