0117 - "Daniel's a Liar" (1/17/07)

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Post by ericski »

tigxpup wrote: Good video...and it seems like Bree is starting to return a bit to her normal self.

and of she has feelings for him.
actually i'm thinking that maybe it was d-bone's (gotta love it) way of snapping her out of her funk.
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Post by agent_fondue »

Maccaboy17 wrote:
agent_fondue wrote:I am really starting to dislike Bree.
Daniel would do anything for her and has and continues to do so much for her.
Not only is she is not in the least bit greatful, she also sends him mixed signals and follows them with a harsh humilliating video.
maybe she still hasnt forgivven him for for leaving her when she joined jonas
She begged him to come back... and he really didnt have to leave with her in the first place, I think she needs to be a little more greatful of the beast instead of treating him like something she stepped in.
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Post by iamcool »

bree is turning into a bitch :shock:

she reminds me of this girl: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhP8XsRP09w
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Post by ApotheosisAZ »

Ok, I didn't want to believe that Bree and Daniel made love. I still don't want to believe that. One of them is telling lies.

Either Bree is telling lies to protect Daniel, or Daniel is telling lies to protect Bree.

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Post by ViolinAddict »

Hahahahhahaha. Oh excited boys. They're funny.

Hm... so, this could be bad. Could Daniel be leaving again? This may not end up so well...
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Post by trainer101 »

Wow, Daniel got smoked. Can I say "told you so"? Nah, I wouldn't do that... :lol:
On another note, Bree is losing her "likeability" but that goes along with the loss of innocence and growing up, I suppose. It will be interesting to see how people react to the "new Bree".
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Post by Maccaboy17 »

ericski wrote:
tigxpup wrote: Good video...and it seems like Bree is starting to return a bit to her normal self.

and of she has feelings for him.
actually i'm thinking that maybe it was d-bone's (gotta love it) way of snapping her out of her funk.
you mean like a counter worry?

deliberatly act weirdly to give her somehting else to think about

makes sense and it seems to work

and how noble does that make DB essentually running the risk of losing the girl he l'cares so he can help her get better
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Post by aideen »

Broken Kid wrote:
tigxpup wrote:can we spell DENIAL!
...which is an anagram for DANIEL. :)
Damn, beaten to it :D

And what was with the Bad News Bears thing? Is it something really well known that I have missed over here in the Southern Hemisphere?
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Post by itsreallyreal »

Well I like the part about pushing him away... Because she fears he will share her fathers fate...

So it is clear that the Dinner went wrong... But the thing is... Why would Bree go out of her way to make a statement SO bold... What if she did have feelings for him.. Then he blabbed to the whole world and now she is like, "Oh shizzle!" so now she has to distance herself...

No matter what Daniel screwed the pooch and in the end part of me wonders if Jonas won't be the one to finally make Daniel pull his head out! :shock:
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Post by ericski »

i can't think like a 16 yr old girl, but i'm guessing that telling the world or at least leading everyone to believe bree gave it up, might have ticked her off. i think her response is muted from that standpoint. she did qualify her position as sort of saying "i don't have those feelings, right now is not the time to explore that anyway"
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Post by Maccaboy17 »

aideen wrote:
Broken Kid wrote:
tigxpup wrote:can we spell DENIAL!
...which is an anagram for DANIEL. :)
Damn, beaten to it :D

And what was with the Bad News Bears thing? Is it something really well known that I have missed over here in the Southern Hemisphere?
at a guess it a reference to the 'my first kiss' video where she demonstrated the yawn technique on her bear thor

so there for any one she kisses she sees a s bear
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Post by aideen »

The way she kept putting her hair behind her ear was ticking me off. I just wanted to grab her arm and shake it like, shutupshutupSHUTUPSTOPDOINGTHAT


And when she started talking, waving her arms everywhere, I was just sitting there like, not believing a word of this. It was bad acting, but on Brees part, not Jessicas
"You guys stuck a fish in the face"
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Post by ViolinAddict »

aideen wrote:
And what was with the Bad News Bears thing? Is it something really well known that I have missed over here in the Southern Hemisphere?
It's another MOVIE REFERENCE! Woo.
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Post by aideen »

Maccaboy17 wrote:
aideen wrote:
Broken Kid wrote: ...which is an anagram for DANIEL. :)
Damn, beaten to it :D

And what was with the Bad News Bears thing? Is it something really well known that I have missed over here in the Southern Hemisphere?
at a guess it a reference to the 'my first kiss' video where she demonstrated the yawn technique on her bear thor

so there for any one she kisses she sees a s bear
Or simply a beast? :P
ViolinAddict wrote:
aideen wrote:
And what was with the Bad News Bears thing? Is it something really well known that I have missed over here in the Southern Hemisphere?
It's another MOVIE REFERENCE! Woo.
Seriously? The Creators sure like their flicks
"You guys stuck a fish in the face"
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Post by JerseyJohnny »

Lauren wrote:"I can't understand why anyone would want to be with me right now." Clearly, she feels badly about what happened to her father and is scared to get close to someone....
She might be on her period???
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