OpAphid - "The Ends Justify The Means" [01/16/07]

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Post by jenlight »

Ziola wrote:Actually jenlight, that might prove to be more prophetic then you think. After all, right now we are all assuming that the line in question is in reference to Gemma and Brother. But, depending on whether or not Bree has acted on some ulterior motive and truly has no feelings for Daniel and is just using him to further her own agenda, this might actually pertain to our own little "Romeo and Juliet"...

After all, I'm sure that Op knows exactly where they are and what they have been doing....since I think that Jonas is an OPerative himself..
If your theory is true, why would Op be telling Daniel to "get away?"
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Post by Ziola »

Op works in very mysterious ways...and telling Daniel to go away so that Bree was isolated and alone with Jonas seems right up her ally.
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Post by jenlight »

I think Op is pissed that things have gone wrong lately, really HATES Daniel, and knows Bree is going to break his heart. Oppy is being spiteful.
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Post by butterfly »

I still think Jonas is a wolf in sheep's clothing....
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Post by jenlight »

butterfly wrote:I still think Jonas is a wolf in sheep's clothing....
:lol: Brilliant!

Honestly, I'm on the fence about the whole Jonas being good/evil thing. I have no theories. I do think he's gay, however. But that just means he's very happy.
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Post by cynicar »

I posted this on the thread in the Op forum, but on second thought, realized it might be more interesting to the LG side of things. As already mentioned, Op's new vid has the tags "forever, thirty-six, secrets."

So, I googled "thirty six secrets thelema" and came up with this site:

http://secondsightresearch.tripod.com/b ... /id16.html:
Other scholars conjecture that different individuals completed the Hermetic writings over several hundred years. Perhaps the most important piece of evidence to back up this claim is the Syrian philosopher Iamblichus crediting Hermes with writing over 20,000 books and an Egyptian priest named Manetho crediting him with writing more than 36,000 books. Both of these men lived around 250-300 BC. Iamblichus went on to state he had seen forty-two of these books, thirty-six of which contained "the whole of human knowledge".
I then, having misread, googled "Manetho thirty-six," which, despite my error of focus (should have gone with Hermes, not Manatho), brought me to here:

http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/sta/sta08.htm; where I pulled this from a description of an Egyptian ceremony based on Hermetic writings:
There are then forty-two books of Hermes indispensably necessary; of which the six-and-thirty containing the whole philosophy of the Egyptians are learned by the forementioned personages; and the other six, which are medical, by the Pastophoroi (image-bearers),--treating of the structure of the body, and of disease, and instruments, and medicines, and about the eyes, and the last about women.

One of the greatest tragedies of the philosophic world was the loss of nearly all of the forty-two books of Hermes mentioned in the foregoing. These books disappeared during the burning of Alexandria, for the Romans--and later the Christians--realized that until these books were eliminated they could never bring the Egyptians into subjection. The volumes which escaped the fire were buried in the desert and their location is now known to only a few initiates of the secret schools.
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Post by Killthesmiley »

in all honesty...
no i don't get where you are going.
maybe i'm slow.
i don't see how this connects to things, and the quote "the end justifies the means"

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Post by cynicar »

Well, we know that the Order is protecting some secret right?

Or did I make that up in my head? I hope not....

I'm basically guessing that these thirty-six books are the secret.

They'd fit because they could be used by any religious cult with Egyptian roots, rather than tying to any specific group, since the creators have said they made up the Order.
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Post by Killthesmiley »

cynicar wrote:Well, we know that the Order is protecting some secret right?

Or did I make that up in my head? I hope not....

I'm basically guessing that these thirty-six books are the secret.


well yea the order is protecting secrets, but i think thats more so along the lines of how they run things. If you look back in the time line, secrets were revealed to not only us, but Bree as well, that were potentially damaging to OpAphid's image and longevity.

What OpAphid really stands for and the fairy tale they tell their children
the information Tachyon stole
Bree's Dad revealing information about how and where the girls come from for the ceremonies.

I think all the information will be revealed to us in due time. But OpAphid is trying her damned hardest to keep that from happening.

I dont think it's a physical secret she's talking about. But I don't doubt she has physical secrets like that that she is hiding. They must have something like that to make them SOOOO important.

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Post by joygasm »

nobackspacebutton wrote:Anyone else think these tags are strange?

forever thirty-six secrets tachyon gemma ordeal lonelygirl15 order daniel jonas gemmers19 lg15 opaphid danielbeast jonastko
[quote="YouTube: "Bree and I Hooked Up""]

Tags: LG15 lonelygirl15 daniel danielbeast jonas jonastko bree kiss night movie long time talk forever [/quote]

I don't know if anyone noticed that "forever" is a tag for the "Bree and I Hooked Up" video too. I don't know if that is supposed to mean something... It's kind of strange.
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

joygasm wrote:"forever"... It's kind of strange.

I think he just meant forever because it felt like forever...the kiss or how long she held him, perhaps?
What ever happened to that girl BA?

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Post by Inigo »

Why did they post that video showing how Daniel finds the camera? I think it will be related to future events.

Maybe because when Daniel found the camera and left, they had a watcher follow him, so they may have followed him straight to Jonas'

By the way if it really is true there wont be any more Gemma/Jackie I will miss her very very much :cry:
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Post by iamcool »

they should have posted one of daniel snooping around brees room when he went to her house

i bet he went thru her drawers and sniffed stuff
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Post by cynicar »

iamcool wrote:they should have posted one of daniel snooping around brees room when he went to her house

i bet he went thru her drawers and sniffed stuff
Hahahaha. That would be brilliant.

I think maybe she used this clip because it was the one thing that's genuinely caught her off guard? She does compliment him on it...
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Post by Killthesmiley »

Inigo wrote:Why did they post that video showing how Daniel finds the camera? I think it will be related to future events.

Maybe because when Daniel found the camera and left, they had a watcher follow him, so they may have followed him straight to Jonas'

By the way if it really is true there wont be any more Gemma/Jackie I will miss her very very much :cry:
i hope so because i really was disappointed. It's ubber old news that Daniel found that camera.

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