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Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:46 pm
by krig
parakeet100 wrote:essie wrote:I don't know why.. but I have this feeling that two sets of missing parents.. I'm not sure if it's been ever raised before but what if Jonas and Bree are actually siblings! Maybe her real parents are Jonas. And they were murdered by the Order and then.... I don't know. Interesting twist though. I remember reading in previous thread that someone predicted that Bree's dad wasn't Bree's dad. Video is a bit laggy on revver I'm excited! Bree seems more grown up now.. and the whole series.. just got a lot more.. serious.. More serious then what I'd prefer. Yeah. That's all I have to say before I finish watching the whole video. So happy I'm on PAGE 3 =)
You might be right. It's like Star Wars or something...
Which would make Danielbeast the Han Solo of this story! I am excited...maybe we will see a bit more B and D romance after all!
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:47 pm
by NillaWafers
spaciegirlreturn wrote:Nilla?! Hey girl, I haven't "seen" you in forever!
<--ok, done being a dork.
Hi hi! /me waves across cyber-space.
Anyways, really good video! Much better than the last one. I wonder how this whole adoption ( or perhaps not even adoption?!) thing pans into the whole storyline.
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:48 pm
by kellylen
First of all GREAT acting by Jessica.
Secondly this was a definate shock to me and it made me want to know what happened with her mom. I think the stolen baby idea is a good idea. It would explain why she was homeschooled, so nobody would find out about her and possibly try to "steal" her back.
I still wonder what her "dad" told her about the order though...
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:50 pm
by TheFatLady
I had that same question about what does "this" mean when Bree says, "My dad went through this recently." It could be that HE thought he was her father all along, too, and somehow just now found out he wasn't.
If that's the case, it raises all kinds of interesting questions about how he could not have known. Perhaps it was Mom who pulled the fast one on her husband and Bree, and that's why Bree isn't planning to speak to her?
Another thought: She says dad decided to get in touch, as though he had the option to just casually see her around. Are her parents kidnap victims, or not? Surely Dad would have "decided" to try to find his kid from the very beginning of their separation, knowing Bree would be losing her mind with worry.
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:52 pm
by essie
agent_fondue wrote:I thought it was a little wierd that she said her dad was going through a mid life crisis and thats why he wanted to get together.
My thoughts exactly. Now thinking back, what if the parents decided to abandon Bree because they were tired of taking care of someone elses daughter
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:52 pm
by robtomorrow
TheFatLady wrote:I had that same question about what does "this" mean when Bree says, "My dad went through this recently." It could be that HE thought he was her father all along, too, and somehow just now found out he wasn't.
If that's the case, it raises all kinds of interesting questions about how he could not have known. Perhaps it was Mom who pulled the fast one on her husband and Bree, and that's why Bree isn't planning to speak to her?
Another thought: She says dad decided to get in touch, as though he had the option to just casually see her around. Are her parents kidnap victims, or not? Surely Dad would have "decided" to try to find his kid from the very beginning of their separation, knowing Bree would be losing her mind with worry.
Good point, she didn't say she was adopted, she said her dad wasn't her real dad, her mom could still be her real mom.
Edit: on rewatching the video Bree did say her mom isn't her real mom.
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:53 pm
by kellylen
I thought I heard her say that her mom isn't her mom either
maybe im wrong.
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:53 pm
by UpbeatMarshWiggle
TheFatLady wrote:I had that same question about what does "this" mean when Bree says, "My dad went through this recently." It could be that HE thought he was her father all along, too, and somehow just now found out he wasn't.
If that's the case, it raises all kinds of interesting questions about how he could not have known. Perhaps it was Mom who pulled the fast one on her husband and Bree, and that's why Bree isn't planning to speak to her?
Another thought: She says dad decided to get in touch, as though he had the option to just casually see her around. Are her parents kidnap victims, or not? Surely Dad would have "decided" to try to find his kid from the very beginning of their separation, knowing Bree would be losing her mind with worry.
This is a really good theory! It explains Bree's dad not being Bree's "dad", the "crisis" he just went through (finding out Bree really wasn't his) and certainly explains Bree not wanting to talk to her mother, either.
EDIT:Whoops. Maybe not. I just re-watched the video, and Bree said her mom wasn't her real mom, either. So I guess this might not work after all.
Great stuff!
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:53 pm
by parakeet100
I think the "this" she's referring to is the fact that she is questioning everything she's been told her whole life... her "dad" probably started questioning it too (like when he agreed not to give her any more injections because he thought it was strange & she didn't want to participate anymore), and starting seeing his life from a different perspective, thus the honesty with Bree about her history and the Order.
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:54 pm
by thelogicpuzzler
[quote="trainer101"]That was Bree/Jessica's most compelling performance to date. Truly moving.
I must agree! She seems, different, not in personality, but in something else.
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:54 pm
by TheFatLady
No, she said neither of her parents were "real."
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:54 pm
by omegawoman
Didn't both her parents tell her that she didn't have to go through with the ceremony? Sounds like maybe they took her to raise her just for the ceremony, but maybe got attached to her as she was growing. Dad wanted her to know the truth, and he was killed for it.
Maybe this was his mid-life crisis- feeling fatherly to a girl he was not supposed to become attached to.
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:54 pm
by breewithcrackers
i agree kellylen....that was great acting.
poor bree

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:54 pm
by kellylen
TheFatLady wrote:
If that's the case, it raises all kinds of interesting questions about how he could not have known. Perhaps it was Mom who pulled the fast one on her husband and Bree, and that's why Bree isn't planning to speak to her?
Bree's Mom is a slut!!!

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:55 pm
by parakeet100
kellylen wrote:I thought I heard her say that her mom isn't her mom either
maybe im wrong.
She did. Neither one of them is her real parent.