Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 12:49 pm

Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
Personally, I think itscassie is OpA's cassie. There was some discussion of them looking like the same person in another thread...fantasma wrote:Actually, the Creators said "itskassie is not canon"
Somewhere along the line that direct quote got altered, but I was there and they never referred to "itscassie" that way.
I could be mistaken, but I know they specifically referred to itskassie because they then changed the subject to voyboy being responsible for itskassie vids.iamcool wrote:i was there and they said itscassie
The chat transcript that was posted said itskassie, didn't it?iamcool wrote:i was there and they said itscassie
iamcool wrote:it was before where the transcript starts
but miles definetly said itscassie, and they said joking that neither is itskassie
From screen-caps, they look enough alike that they could be the same person. Not saying they are, but without watching eithers' videos (therefore having no stake in it), it's a possibility I wouldn't entirely rule out.Kasdeja wrote:itscassie may be pretending to be Opa's cassie...but obviously not made by the same people.
Unless they're just messing with us...Kasdeja wrote:Production quality rules it out, without a doubt, lol.