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Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 11:27 pm
by robtomorrow
random lurker wrote:Sad Panda wrote:Anyway, for me this video raises the question we've been hearing over and over in different forms: Is Gemma going to be able to see this? If Jonas can see Tachyon's videos, will this make its way to Gemma?
Since Bree could only see our advice when it's convenient to the plot (and not when we told her the solution to the dry cleaning message puzzle), I must reluctantly say that I think there's never going to be a clear definition of who can see whose videos. I suspect Gemma will only see Tachyon's video if that helps the MegaMind's overall story.
That is the best answer that I've seen to the 'who can see what where' question
One character can see another characters videos when it is convenient to the plot, and cannot when it's inconvenient to the plot.
Not very rational but at least it's simple.

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 11:31 pm
by bethy
Let's go back to the AA/BB puzzle...I think Tachy was telling us what was going to happen right there:
But first, perhaps we should make a little time to see to it that Ms. Pouty Lips does not escape the reward of her action?
PS. Be aware, this might mean we have to cross paths with Greg Tolan (and I wish I were only referring to William Zabka).
Sounds like they're prepared for some Oppy resisitance.
Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 11:46 pm
by Scrawnyfish
uncreativename wrote:ChristinaBeast wrote:Wow, I'm really impressed by the editing.
I don't know what this is, but I noticed it right away.

It's probably just her backdrop or something, but it caught my eye.
((feels good to be back in the forums))
Isn't that the dead rose?
but wasn't the rose red? This one is white..
Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 11:58 pm
by Aenarchye
random lurker wrote:Since Bree could only see our advice when it's convenient to the plot (and not when we told her the solution to the dry cleaning message puzzle), I must reluctantly say that I think there's never going to be a clear definition of who can see whose videos. I suspect Gemma will only see Tachyon's video if that helps the MegaMind's overall story.
I agree. The characters' referencing of each other's videos (or fan feedback, for that matter) doesn't seem terribly consistent. I also think it's significant that we haven't seen any vids from Gemma since she was "outed." And now we have Tachyon sampling (for lack of a better word) OpAphid's videos. Particularly the "Oh Dear" that we know so well... Fine - but if Tach can see OpA's, why can't OpA see Tach's, and get to the drops? or at least trace her general path? Granted, right now we don't know what Op knows mainly b/c she hasn't logged in in FOREVER, but still...
For the record, I'm okay with that, just making an observation.

(I can't believe I did the quote thing right! Yay!

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 11:58 pm
by robtomorrow
If what everyone is saying is true, and Tachyon and Brother have plans to assassinate Gemma, then somehow the reasons behind the Order/OpAphid wanting Bree, has to be a lot more serious than just wanting her for a ceremony.
So far we don't have any indication of what those other reasons might be. Are they going to give us more clues at what they are? I mean, if someone is going to die, I'd like to have some idea as to why.
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 12:06 am
by Ashley
Scrawnyfish wrote:uncreativename wrote:ChristinaBeast wrote:Wow, I'm really impressed by the editing.
I don't know what this is, but I noticed it right away.

It's probably just her backdrop or something, but it caught my eye.
((feels good to be back in the forums))
Isn't that the dead rose?
but wasn't the rose red? This one is white..
If you look down to the right a bit, you can see a red rose.
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 12:22 am
by tiltingwindward
Having seen the video (hours late, I know), I'm not convinced that an actual fire alarm is being pulled. I think it's more likely that Tach is showing Brother where Gemma is hiding (putting her on a silver platter, as Panda suggested), and suggesting a course of action. Just as the calling card of yore was not a physical calling card, I'm inclined to think that this is not a physical fire alarm. Instead, it's the act that pulling a fire alarm when there's no fire engenders--panic, and foolish action. I think Tach's suggesting that they do something to cause people to panic needlessly (just Gemma, or others?) and make a mistake.
If that's the case, it sounds like Tach's taking OpA's suggestions about how to deal with enemies to heart.
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 1:36 am
by solrac_krad
I saw the video. Great one, Im really looking forward to see what is brother going to do.
Im really hoping to see something from gemma, is she been forced or not?
Im kinda happy Im still, little by little, following opaphid arg.
I may sound silly, but the cameras from the hotel arent really hijacked right? XD The shots seems like normal shot, only with the "elevators" o2 "lobby" thing added.
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:47 am
by shanabanana19
Ganesha wrote:Don't the tags for the video at least hint that "Gemma's gone", and that Brother could "go for it"? Maybe Brother is off to do some snooping.
I think maybe they will not KILL or ATTACK Gemma... But pull the alarm and wait for her to come out so that they can enter her room. That's what she could mean by "Gemmas gone" and Brother "go for it".
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:49 am
by islandlove
i googled 17 story hotels in san francisco
the most repeated results were the Omni and the Serrano
Gemma............... calling Gemma.
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:56 am
by shanabanana19
Op: A story is told, as much by silence, as by speech.
Ok--- That's a direct quote from the video.
What I think it says is simple. It's showing Gemma's guilt in the matter. If Gemma hadn't been guilty, or chosen a side, she would have posted another video. But she hasn't. Since the rose video, she hasn't NEEDED to speak. Her silence confirms her guilt. And she didn't STOP TALKING until Tach outted her.
Does anyone know the last time Gemma logged in? If it's lately, then she's just NOT POSTING. Fishy.
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:58 am
by mellie3204
shanabanana19 wrote:Ganesha wrote:Don't the tags for the video at least hint that "Gemma's gone", and that Brother could "go for it"? Maybe Brother is off to do some snooping.
I think maybe they will not KILL or ATTACK Gemma... But pull the alarm and wait for her to come out so that they can enter her room. That's what she could mean by "Gemmas gone" and Brother "go for it".
That's exactly what I'm thinking, particularly when you combine it with tach's message on the Youtube vid "I hope you're happy with your Christmas gift, bro! LOL. When I get to where I'm going, I expect to see some results...So don't screw it up now, ok? Because seriously, a monkey could finish this job once the timer sets off the alarm.

xoxox, T"
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 4:15 am
by liesbyomission
islandlove wrote:i googled 17 story hotels in san francisco
the most repeated results were the Omni and the Serrano
Both of those hotels have online virtual tours and photos, and neither seem to match up to the shots in the video. There's also a 17 story Hyatt Regency in SF, but photos of the inside weren't very helpful. The Omni and Serrano seemed really elaborately decorated, but the hotel in the video seemed much more like a standardized hotel chain, I think.
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 6:03 am
by Corey8806
The whole 32/32 cameras in place made me think of Bree's metting with her father. I dunno, just a tip
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 7:29 am
by Killthesmiley
cynicar wrote:ChristinaBeast wrote:
Edit - Did anyone else hear the "I was here" at the end, or am I just going crazy?
I heard it too!! There was also the "Whatever happened to that girl Cassie" quote that seemed kind of out of place. There've been alot of CiW references lately.
It's so awesome to finally have a new vid, bee tee dubs.
oh thank god someone else heard that a made a note about it. i had a feeling people would miss it because it's kind of mungled in there...
btw i freaked when i heard it...
so were are all these cassie mentionings going....hrmmm