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Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 4:41 pm
by twelfthofnever
house wrote:
I wonder if Bree spiked Jonas' eggnog with something so that he'd be totally wonked out when she stole his car and credit cards?
Fun theory! That would explain why she looked nervous and pensive during Christmas, because she knew what she was going to do.
I know it's relatively easy to use a credit card without an ID (Funnily enough, I've spent over $100 at Macy's when I didn't have mine on hand, but when I stopped at Wal-Mart to pick up some photos and they wouldn't let me touch 'em. ), but Daniel says that the only thing missing was the car. Was Jonas just saying she took money and credit cards to make it look like she left on her own, or did Daniel just accidently omit that information?
I found it odd that Jonas complains about Bree, but doesn't mention the fact that Daniel is still there. Actually, in the beginning I thought he was opining that Bree didn't care for him the way he might've been (thus the LoveLine ref, though I immediately thought "Tachyon!)
Also interesting is the internal issues vs. outside problems thing he mentions. Is he a mole or is he aware someone from outside is trying to get them?
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 4:42 pm
by ixlr8
I'm sure she's fine. She's going to meet up with her dad and she'll be back. I'm sure the cash and the credit cards was "just in case." She'll probably show up soon, and there will be another video about it soon.
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 4:42 pm
by Ruberic
I was thinking, this cryptic message from her father had to many holes in it for us to figure out clearly.
I am wondering...does any of this have to do with the mysterious letter she still has (the one left by her parents)? We still have too little information about that to go on; however, this may have held the clues to what her father was hinting at.
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 4:42 pm
by livelongandprosper77
gogo wrote:
I would agree with those who said she was going to meet her dad. Perhaps she didn't want to tell the guys because she would be afraid that they would demand to go, and she wanted to keep them from danger.
Yeah maybe she feels the weight of the responsiblity on her shoulders from this whole situation with the Order and wants to do this alone.
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 4:42 pm
by lonelyfake15
when did Tachyon mention loveline??
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 4:44 pm
by Lauren
It may be unlikely that she drove herself because we know she can't drive well, but that doesn't make her completely incapable of maneuvering a car. What I find really strange is that this happened right after Daniel arrived, and she seemed so happy to finally see him.
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 4:50 pm
by livelongandprosper77
Yeah she was so happy to see him but then totally flipped the opposite direction and was sad. She must have been thinking of how great it was to be with Daniel again but she knows she will have to leave him yet again to keep the appointment with her Dad.
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 4:53 pm
by Maccaboy17
sorry to bring it up again but once again my mad old biblical theory seems to be coming up trumps (see Daniel Vs Jonas Biblical theory in the daniel section)
daniel and jonas are now left to work together to bring down the Order!
Will Daniel walk in into the lions den?
or will Jonas go in all guns blazing and preach to destroy the order or will he be thrown over the side?
i dont know the OPAphid stuff very well, but i beleive no one knows what hte D stands for (sorry if this has alread been said) but it is possoble that the D mentioned in Gemmas phonecall is deceive not destroy?
the deception in the form of the message from her 'father'
and this deception is like the plot by the courtiers of darius wh tricked their emporer thus having daniel thrown into the lions den
of course that plot proved their down fall and this might prove the same for the order because daniel and jonas i feel are destined ot destoy them!
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 4:53 pm
by gogo
Perhaps with Daniel being "safe" at Jonas's house, she felt like she could take care of her family business on her own. Unfortunately, she doesn't have a video camera or a computer, so if something does happen to her, everyone would be in the dark.
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 4:55 pm
by trainer101
lonelyfake15 wrote:when did Tachyon mention loveline??
Here's the Tachyon Loveline puzzle.
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:00 pm
by Absynth
no im sure she has her own camera... and she is prolly coming back after she meets her dad (unless shes been kidnapped) so she can upload us a vid hopefully when shes back, but maybe daniel happened to bring his laptop along and just hasnt noticed it missing yet.
going through dads VM to bree, it does say to meet one week after she leaves a secret code for him. i guess thatll be a week after the movies vid then, where she said CUSOON. but to me 7 days isnt awefully soon, maybe so, that would put it at Jan 1st or maybe Dec 30, not too sure
edited: spelling
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:01 pm
by voyboy
jesus i hope its an automatic and not a stick shift

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:09 pm
by voyboy
ixlr8 wrote:I'm sure she's fine. She's going to meet up with her dad and she'll be back. I'm sure the cash and the credit cards was "just in case." She'll probably show up soon, and there will be another video about it soon.
LOL ... Mike? Are you not watching the videos? Bree is somewhat of a little tornado.
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:21 pm
by lonelyfake15
Nope! still dont get it sorry.
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:23 pm
by britty_43
twelfthofnever wrote:
I know it's relatively easy to use a credit card without an ID (Funnily enough, I've spent over $100 at Macy's when I didn't have mine on hand, but when I stopped at Wal-Mart to pick up some photos and they wouldn't let me touch 'em. )
A little bit off-topic, but I couldn't help but add (having worked at a photo counter for a year and a half), the reason we do that is so that no one can go in and buy photos that aren't theirs. If you walk in without a claim tag that was given to you by us, we're supposed to ask for ID. I agree, it can be a hassle, though, because how often do people really go in and try to pick up someone else's photos just to screw with them? LOL.
On-Topic: Anyone else find it super weird that the guys weren't freaking out? They both care about Bree a LOT...but Jonas just sat there whining, and Daniel decided to "look for clues" in Bree's old vids. This is coming from the guy who broke into Lucy's apartment! He's supposed to be freaking out right now, looking for Bree, not doing research. Isn't research Bree's thing?