Daniel's "Alien" Line (Illuminati)

Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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Post by krmurr87 »

Luv2Skydive wrote:
krmurr87 wrote:Mrs.Cop I like your theory especially the part about Bree being taunted that she was from a star...I never made that connection good work!

sry it was early here when I wrote that.. meant to put you
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

No prob bob. :)
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Post by MrsCop »

krmurr87 wrote:
Luv2Skydive wrote:
krmurr87 wrote:Mrs.Cop I like your theory especially the part about Bree being taunted that she was from a star...I never made that connection good work!

sry it was early here when I wrote that.. meant to put you
aww, and I never made that connection either. Luv is the bright one in here :D
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

By bright you mean I can find a connection between things that have absolutely no connection? Yep, I'm "bright" that way. 6 degrees of separation anyone? :lol:
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Post by MrsCop »


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Post by 04SSHD »

can I have some too?
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Re: Daniel's "Alien" Line (Illuminati)

Post by annie »

Luv2Skydive wrote:"Ever see that movie, Alien? I feel like Ripley."

Daniel could have chosen from a huge list of movies but he chose Alien.

So I tried to figure out why and I found a few things......

Soooo.....Alien = Zeta = Nibiru (planet aka Wormwood) = Illuminati

Did I say Wormwood? Remember Chartreuse as a tag? What's it made out of?

quote from Strange Tags:
"Went back and looked at tags last night and came up with chartreuse, the original and secret recipe liquer, like absinthe, contained thujone, from Wormwood" which us very psychoactive."
That's some excellent research, Luv2Skydive. You found a whole other "wheel" within teh plot wheels.

I used to plant Wormwood in my herb garden because a tea of it makes a good insect spray for the garden and I also wanted to try my hand at homemade absinthe...
Mainly, I was interested in its medicinal properties, and I was studying herbal medicine at the time. It is a potent vermifuge, but here are some things that might relate to Bree, (and her taking iron, in particular):
“In laboratory studies, iron needs to be added to enhance the
effects of artemisinin."
(artemisinin is another of the active ingredients in Wormwood)

"In addition to the high affinity for iron in aggressive cancer cell
types, most cancer cells also lack the enzyme catalayse and
gutathione peroxidase. Catalayse breaks down hydrogen peroxide. A
low catalayse content means a higher hydrogen peroxide load, which
can release superoxide free radicals when properly stimulated to do
so. This is in fact one common mechanism among chemotherapeutic
agents as well as vitamin C. These traits make cancer cells more
susceptible to oxidative damage as compare to normal cells in the
presences of hydrogen peroxide. For this reason, administration of
vitamin C in high dose is acceptable, although a gap of 2-3 hours is
(Special diets with supplements are part of the natural cancer
"According to Dr Rowen , a naturally oriented medical doctor and
editor of the medical newsletter " Second Opinion" , the Hoang family
of physicians in Vietnam had used arteminisin in the treatment of
cancer for years. They have reported that, over a 10-year period,
more than 400 patients were treated with artemisinin in conjunction
with a comprehensive anti-cancer program with 50 to 60 percent long-
term remission rate."
http://www.drlam.com/A3R_brief_in_doc_f ... isinin.cfm

The idea that Bree has leukemia or something and is getting a specialized form of treatment is pretty far-fetched, but that small wheel in the plot that involves Absinthe/Chartreuse/Wormwood is pretty fascinating, and who knows?

Wormwood is in the "Artemisia" plant family, by the way, named after the Greek goddess Artemis. She was the eternal virgin. And The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World... but is off topic.

Your post inspired me and I did a little more looking into my little garden buddy, wormwood... this is interesting, though Biblical reference may not be applicable to Bree's religion:

Wormwood, is mentioned as a star that falls onto the Earth poisoning the freshwater sources at the third trumpet in the end times (Book of Revelation 8:10-11)
This is believed to be a comet that falls but disintegrates before striking; the remains of which fall on the rivers and lakes, thus poisoning the waters. Thousands will die from drinking it. It is believed and accepted by some that believers will be spared. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribulatio ... _Judgments

There’s that star reference again.
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

Amazing information!

Isn't crazy how many parallels there are in all of this? :D

Now, if we could just get some confirmations of ANY of it from the Creators. :?
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Post by annie »

Luv2Skydive wrote:Amazing information!

Isn't crazy how many parallels there are in all of this? :D

Now, if we could just get some confirmations of ANY of it from the Creators. :?
I agree, Luv2Skydive... some more confirmation of some of the good theories on this forum would be really good!!
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

annie wrote:
Luv2Skydive wrote:Amazing information!

Isn't crazy how many parallels there are in all of this? :D

Now, if we could just get some confirmations of ANY of it from the Creators. :?
I agree, Luv2Skydive... some more confirmation of some of the good theories on this forum would be really good!!
Even if we're wrong, it's not a bad thing. I just WANT TO KNOW! :?
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Post by annie »

Luv2Skydive wrote: Even if we're wrong, it's not a bad thing. I just WANT TO KNOW! :?
Agreed. Even a "you guys are barking up the w-r-o-n-g tree" -- feedback other than a hint or two in the videos -- would be great.

To be fair, though, they undoubtedly have lots to sift through and to manage anyway, all for minimal pay.

Anyway, don't you think they don't confirm or disaffirm theories so that we continue to churn and discuss and stay in suspense? :)
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