Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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Post by HazelButtercup »

GoodGollyItsHolly wrote:Maybe she is with daniel still and this was all to throw the order off the right path.. that would be genius...
I like this- but they can't stay at Jonas' house because they will be found. The three of them will have to keep running- Bree, Daniel, and Jonas on a road trip!
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Post by omegawoman »

I think the whole meeting that we saw on tape was staged. Bree and Daniel did trust our judgement and met with Jonas off record. They then teamed up to make the fake meeting (like the fake ceremony) to throw the Order off track.

We know Daniel can't go home, his room is being watched. So where else is he going to go? He may be at Jonas' with Bree, or he could be out collecting clues as to where Bree's parents are, and getting more info about the Order.

Either or, I think the 3 of them have teamed up and used a fake meeting to buy more time.
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

kiwi_banana12 wrote:Ok, im not really all with it right now, but I have this theroy, call me crazy, but i like it


Bree goes down to see Jonas, Jonas sees that shes alone, she keeps the video tape rolling, and thinks shes smart by doing so, then Daniel is gone so Jonas attacks Bree, gets the tape, edits it, and then "CLAIMS" Bree is in her bedroom, when she in fact is hurt in a basemnt or something...

Watch ill be right...

You are very suspiciously absent...and your summary is a perfect summary of the vids that just were posted this weekend....especially "Bree goes down to see Jonas"...she did go DOWN to SEE jonas...and Daniel is gone...and Jonas does "CLAIM" that "BREE IS IN HER BEDROOM"...o.o
What ever happened to that girl BA?

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Post by Psychojenny48 »

I also think it's suspicious that Bree wasn't shown in the last video. Although she has a history of "emo moping", she usually makes a point to let us know herself how she feels.
I am really disappointed that she and Daniel split up, if it turns out to be exactly what happened. I mean, Daniel agreed to the test - why back out after all that? But he doesn't deserve all the blame. I think Bree should have used that big brain of hers to devise a way to test him, like the many that were mentioned here in the forum. Who knows - this could all be a hoax created by Bree and Daniel to throw evil off the trail, as some of you suggested. (I kinda hope it is, ya know?)
I love this whole LG thing, but sometimes Bree annoys me just a little bit because of her naivety. Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan.

Please don't yell at me, thats just how I feel. 8-[ At the end of the day I love Bree and all the other chars.
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Post by ericski »

there is no way daniel just walks away from bree. there has to be a plan here whether it is staged to throw off the order or what. daniel is still our guy. he is bree's hero. he risked everything to help her and be with her. there has to be a plan.
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Post by livelongandprosper77 »

ericski wrote:there is no way daniel just walks away from bree. there has to be a plan here whether it is staged to throw off the order or what.
Agreed ericski there is some plan at works maybe to catch the Order off guard, kick some major Order butt, and rescue Bree's Parents! Heck yeah :smt068
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Post by kellylen »

ericski wrote:there is no way daniel just walks away from bree. there has to be a plan here whether it is staged to throw off the order or what. daniel is still our guy. he is bree's hero. he risked everything to help her and be with her. there has to be a plan.
Team Daniel!!
I definately agree.

team daniel for life!
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