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Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:17 am
by Kimmy
I can't imagine anything more interesting than watching Jonas, Daniel and Bree all trying to get along like happy campers. Daniel's naturally cheerful nature will make him the life of the party. Since Jonas is used to living alone he will easily adapt to two roomates hunted by an evil order. He'll enjoy messy rooms, sharing his favorite toys and plotting with Daniel to protect Bree from herself. This sounds like fun to me.
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:20 am
by Lurker
GoodGollyItsHolly wrote:How can they trust gemma? We know she was in the order at one point. How do we know she isnt here to mislead bree?!
While I do think Gemma may now be a forced mouth for the Order (I believe she is actually on D&B's side), in all fairness, what you've suggested here is as much reason not to trust Bree is as it is not to trust Gemma. In fact, with what omegawoman said in mind -- that Bree refuses to say anything she knows -- I actually trust Gemma
more than I trust Bree. At least in so far as being helpful goes. Bree's as likely to get them killed as anything.
Ennovi wrote:We have no reason not to trust Jonas.

I couldn't disagree more. Consider the timing of his appearance: just when they happen to be in need of the resources he so conveniently can provide.
And then, in addition to the money and the big house, we've got his sob story and his physical appearance. He just comes off as way too convenient to be genuine.
Also, the fact that he won't give them anything unless they come to him says to me that he's not trustworthy. If he really cared about their concerns, he wouldn't be saying "trust me" over and over and over again -- he'd say "I don't blame you one bit for not trusting me, so I'm going to have some money sent to a place of your choosing. If you want, I can have it wired through someone else even so I won't even know where you guys are going to go to get it."
That's what he would do. He would send them money (which I seem to remember him offering to do in the chat on the 28th of November -- funny how that money never showed up, isn't it?) if he was truly concerned about them getting off the street while not putting themselves in the potentially precarious position of trusting him. But no, either they go to his house and submit to his will or they get nothing.
He's as phoney as they come in my opinion. He wouldn't even show us any of the rooms in his supposed mansion. What's more, his appearance only makes me feel more sure he's fake -- as though he or whoever he may be in cahoots with knew Jonas could win Bree over instantly just by showing her what he looks like (which he did; the girl already had her brain off with how she's been carrying on with those stuffed toys, but I'm beginning to wonder if there's a chance of it ever coming back on since she was instantly all about getting to Jonas' house).
So, yeah, Holly,
in summary let me say this: B&D absolutely should not trust the guy. However, if they don't go to his place, the story's probably not going to go anywhere (but I think it's obvious the Creators want them to go to Jonas' and that's where things will end up going no matter what we say here; and, really, that's the way it should be; if the Creators know what needs to happen, then they should say "Here's what's going to happen" and not even worry about what we'd prefer or this interactivity thing). I think you could have maybe worded the options in the poll better, though, or had more options. Suggesting they go to Jonas' shouldn't be synonomous with suggesting they trust him, because it isn't for me.
For the sake of the story, they need to go there. That, and for the sake of us finding out what Jonas' part in all this really is and maybe making some steps toward other revelations and resolutions. However, they shouldn't trust the guy. I'm going to vote "no" in the poll because of the question. I do think, though, that they should go to his house -- but again I reiterate they should not trust him any further than they could throw him.
Re: Do we trust Jonas?
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:26 am
by Loopy_lulu
Alot of people are saying for sake of the story line yes but if they dont go other things could happen to them!! I'm sure THE ORDER has people who know about internet and could be tracking them through their computer what about a bug in the laptop??? Anyone heard of keyloggers??? They could get caught living in the warehouse and someone could offer them help after they explain whats been going on!!! Or what if jonas tracks them down
Trust Jonas
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:27 am
by KimmyKrump
I already PMed Holly, but I didn't really say why.
a.) Gemma said her date story was supposed to clear things up. I think she was trying to tell Bree that she's under the influence of the Order. Therefore, it's the Order who wants Bree and Daniel to go home. The Order is Bad. Thus, B and D should not go home. (There needs to be a video where Bree explains what the story meant.)
b.) If Bree and Daniel go to the police, Daniel could get in trouble for going off with a minor (not sure what age limits are in CA). Either way, it would take a while for the police to believe them (if ever). By that time, the Order will have figured out where Bree and Daniel are. This is assuming that the Order doesn't already have spies in the police department.
c.) Opaphid is monitoring B and D's rooms.
d.) If B and D go to a friend or family member, they are possibly putting that loved one's life in danger. At least Jonas is asking to be part of this and knows that he's taking a risk.
e.) I'm not even sure what the resolution would be at this point. I guess finding Bree's parents. Maybe Bree has some idea of how to track them down. Jonas can use his big bucks to pay for whatever James Bond gear this may require. And maybe some of those books on the shelf behind him hold some valuable information.
f.) Jonas's "Parent Story" has a lot of holes, but it is something that a trip to the library could verify. I know he used terminology that sailors don't use, but it may be because he himself isn't one. Even if it isn't true, a lot of kids make up stories online. He could still be well-meaning at heart. Maybe his parents are always away on business or died some other way, and he makes up crazy stories to make himself feel better. Hey, Bree talks to puppets.
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:28 am
by who_is_friend
Hey, new here. Just wanted to chime in my 2 cents.
I voted yes because honestly, nothing else would happen if they didn't go to Jonas's house. They need to in order to further the plot.
I don't see any reason to trust him, but at the same time, I don't see any valid reason not to trust him either (apart from his excellent timing).
They should meet him first though. That's really important.
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:31 am
by sundayxwarningx
NO! Would you trust someone who randomly pops up on the internet offering you a place to stay? Who is this dude? What makes ANYONE think they can trust someone that litereally pops up out of no where? Besides the fact that he has a big house, money and no parents, what do you know? I think it's a total trap. People say The Order isn't watching him? Um, I think he's working with The Order. I would never in a million years go to some random persons house and live with them, especially in this day & age. Have you ever thought that his parents 'disappearing' was the same thing that happened to Bree's parents? I would NOT trust this guy. Many of you say 'he seems nice', the unibomber was a Harvard professor and NO ONE knew it was him until his brother turned him in. Bad idea guys. You don't know this kid well enough. Don't be naive, PLEASE! Do not trust this guy. As for Daniels comment about Gemma...Bree knows Gemma, why doesnt Gemma offer them a place? It sure seems a lot safer than staying with Jonas. I don't trust Jonas.
Re: Do we trust Jonas?
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:37 am
by Lurker
Loopy_lulu wrote:Alot of people are saying for sake of the story line yes but if they dont go other things could happen to them!!
Those other things wouldn't necessarily do much toward giving us revelation on Jonas or resolution of this subplot. Which is something that this plot really needs to start thinking about: wrapping up currently existing plot threads. There's too many loose ends already to start making more. It is in the story's best interest that they go to Jonas', I think, even if it's not in B&D's best interest.
sundayxwarningx wrote:As for Daniels comment about Gemma...Bree knows Gemma, why doesnt Gemma offer them a place? It sure seems a lot safer than staying with Jonas.
Gemma's on the other side of the Atlantic from them. And they're on the other side of the US from the Atlantic. She's way too far away.
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:39 am
by alex
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:40 am
by turkeyfeather
Could they at least meet him somewhere first, maybe to get a vibe from him like good or bad? I think jumping into his arms of wealth without a care is a bit reckless, but staying on the streets is reckless as well. At least advise them to meet him face to face first.
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:44 am
by sundayxwarningx
Lurker wrote:"Gemma's on the other side of the Atlantic from them. And they're on the other side of the US from the Atlantic. She's way too far away."
I understand that. But, doesn't it seem odd that she hasn't offered? I know that if one of my sisters (I'm in a sorority) was in trouble, no matter how far away they were, I'd do my best to help them. I would MUCH rather have someone I loved (or at least knew) staying with me, where I know they are safe, than with some orphaned 19 year old trust fund baby. I bet as soon as Holly tells Daniel to stay with Jonas, pictures of his house will appear. Why doesn't Bree ask Gemma how she distanced herself from The Order. Doesn't that seem logical? Obviously, she's done it.
- sorry, all the edits are me trying to figure out this quoting thing. obviously, i haven't gotten it down yet!
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:45 am
by KimmyKrump
turkeyfeather wrote:Could they at least meet him somewhere first, maybe to get a vibe from him like good or bad? I think jumping into his arms of wealth without a care is a bit reckless, but staying on the streets is reckless as well. At least advise them to meet him face to face first.
I'm not for the "meeting with him first" route only because I think it'll drag out the storyline and make for a rather boring video. Even if Jonas is a bad guy, I doubt he'll meet them all hunched over, evilly twiddling his fingers a la Mr. Burns the first time he meets them, whether it's in a public place or at his house. Which is unfortunate 'cause who wouldn't want to see that?
not quite
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:59 am
by Angela
I voted yes, but I don't think they should completely trust Jonas. I feel he is their only option, and that they would be better off with him than on the streets, but they need to be extremely careful and watch each other's backs once they get there.
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:01 am
by lilhypernicki
Oh heck I'm all for them going to Jonas' becuase otherwise the plot will continue to go no where and viewers are just going to get bored and leave!
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:09 am
by SharpI
I agree with Lurker about many things, especially Gemma's situation. I don't agree, however, that if B & D don't go to Jonas' that the story will go nowhere. Although I long as much as anyone for Three! People! On Screen! At Once!! I think there are plenty more options than (a) go to Jonas (b) go home (c) live in a warehouse forever. Bree and Daniel don't belong on the street, and realistically, someone will cut them a break.
To recap: the Order wants to keep tabs on Bree and Daniel. Bree violently resists this, for reasons she cannot or will not share. B&D seem to have slipped away from the Order at present. Will going to Jonas' make them easier or harder for the Order to find? I say easier. For one, Jonas may well be with the Order. For another, he should be pretty easy for the Order to find. How many 19-year-old males living alone in a big house "in the middle of nowhere" with lots of money inherited after being orphaned by the disappearance of parents in a sailing vessel approximately 200 miles off the shore of Northern California in the year 2000 are there in the LA area?*
Bree wants to stay out of sight of the Order. My loyalty is with her. So I am voting No, Stay Away From Jonas.
* Of course, Jonas may have lied about all this. All the more reason not to trust him!
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:17 am
by Mintgurl
This all depends.
Im not sure if Jonas is the alternative for the order in case Bree and Daniel decide not to go home. Maybe they are using Jonas to find them as well? But from what I see in Op's new vid. Home is the best bet.