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Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:42 am
by HyeMew
I agree with Milo, PLEASE drop by the East Coast! I'd love to witness a filming!
A change of scenery to Bree acting as tour guide sharing interesting facts about places she visits would be interesting. I personally have always wanted to see her drop by James Buchanan's grave and give us nutty facts about him.
I liked this video. Daniel's line about eating the stuffed animal tri-nimal (my forced name to describe all three of them as a unit) was hilarious, even funnier because of the plain way he said it. Good work with this one, but be careful about the motel scene getting stale. It just isn't the same, and rather unbelievable that they have yet to make a sting on cult headquarters or something (I'm sure Bree knows where it is). They should call Paul & Andrea back home and instruct them to try and sneak their way in and look for Bree's parents.
Oh yeah, and would it just be terribly ironic if Gemma = us and our thoughts, yet we almost all hate Gemma?!
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:56 am
by DontHaveAClue
HyeMew wrote:
Oh yeah, and would it just be terribly ironic if Gemma = us and our thoughts, yet we almost all hate Gemma?!
Yes, that made me laugh. I do think it's terribly ironic.
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:02 am
by Killthesmiley
This video really upset me.
Its as if Bree isn't taking the situation seriously enough.
I mean if someone is warning her to not call the authorities, and telling her about the "dangers" and the "wierdness" of the order, and then says "Hey...i think one of them is following you," she should not investigate...but leave.
I mean that is what I would do. I wouldn't sit there and make jokes the way she is...
I would pack up and leave. Even if I couldn't find anything. Because if the order is even involved with the authorities, they know how to hide, and they know how to hide well.
they are blending.
I read a suggestion that Bree doesn't like Gemma. I think Bree is just confused. I don't think she has ever had to make such serious decisions before in her life. And now she is getting advice from both sides, and she probably feels pulled in every direction...
but in this situation...
i'd run.
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:03 am
by Kasdeja
I pretty much agree with the smiley murderer.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:10 am
by sororyzbl
milowent wrote:
What would be proactive for Bree and Daniel?
2. FBI is infiltrated too, you say? OK, make up an Anti-Order, which is like a network of former Scientologists or something, to contact them and help them. Get a cellphone call from them that you record on video.
The Lone Gunmen!!!
or ya know, maybe the scientologists would be the ones to help. They after all did kill Jack Parsons.
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:22 am
by ericski
p-monkey identified and struck the trash can in the line-up, the "rubbish person".
bree has this attitude every time in response to gemma's "help"
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:30 am
by Yoga Bear
omegawoman wrote:So Daniel spoke. It has been 3 weeks since we had a Daniel video. He seemed to give us a little more insight on things, or at least his thoughts on whatever was going on.
We need more Daniel!
We need more Daniel!
We need more Daniel!
Come on people, join my mantra.
I agree!!
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:37 am
by shockshock
DontHaveAClue wrote:I wonder what is the role Gemma has to play in this story. Obviously, she lives on the opposite side of the planet from Bree, she has no way to take part in this thing, or to interact with Bree other than through her videos. We thought at first that she was here to give us some info, some leads on the Order, on the story. Obviously, she didn't bring much to us. So maybe we should look at this the other way around. Gemma addressed the Thelema question some brought up on this forum. She raised some questions about the stuff companions of Bree, like we did. And as we came up with the guy in a black suit, bam she posted a video adressing that very point. In this last video Bree clearly dismissed all these theories we came up with, by answering Gemma. So maybe Gemma is not here to give us clues but she's more like a spoke person for the forum. We have theories and questions, and she is the one, through her supposed friendship with Bree, adressing these questions to Bree. Bree doesn't answer to us, she answers to Gemma. Gemma might be our key to interact with Bree. What do you think? Should we start loving Gemma and considering her our spoke person? Does she have to play by our rules? (Oh the things I would have her do...hmmm...sorry!

I think thats exactly what Gemma is there for, good call.
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:32 am
by spaciegirlreturn
I'm really, very close to my limit.... this is getting quite obnoxious. Come on. Seriously? Come on.
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:39 am
by Beautiful Nightmare
Put yourself in Bree's position.....You're 16, you're a bit nutty to begin with, you're having guy problems, you're haivng parent problems, you're having religion problems. And then this chick that you hardly even remember, excep t as the owner of a dog you used to play with, pops up and starts telling you where to go and what to do.
Yeah, I'd take her advice with a grain of salt too.
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:44 am
by spaciegirlreturn
What about "acting out". That's a common tennagery thing to do. Let's have some of that.
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:46 am
by trainer101
It's almost like she's been "programmed" to deny everything that seems obvious to us. Very much the same way she seemed to follow the Order blindly - despite all of our (and Daniel's) warnings.
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:46 am
by TheFatLady
Beautiful Nightmare wrote:Put yourself in Bree's position.....You're 16, you're a bit nutty to begin with, you're having guy problems, you're haivng parent problems, you're having religion problems. And then this chick that you hardly even remember, excep t as the owner of a dog you used to play with, pops up and starts telling you where to go and what to do.
Yeah, I'd take her advice with a grain of salt too.
You could be right, but still--isn't it awfully, awfully stupid in the first place to be stayiing in one spot so long?
And in human psychological terms, wouldn't young people in this situation be really jumpy anyway and run if someone suggested a bad guy was around? If I'd seen my parents taken away by the Order, I'd be hiding under my motel bed, thinking that every sound, every maid's cart rolling by, every bump in the room next door, signalled danger. The minute *anything*, such as Gemma's suggestion, played into my paranoia, I'd explode into action.
There is *no* action here. And no emotion.
Creators, did you even fulfill the Psych 101 requirement in college?
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:49 am
by spaciegirlreturn
TheFatLady wrote:You could be right, but still--isn't it awfully, awfully stupid in the first place to be stayiing in one spot so long?
And in human psychological terms, wouldn't young people in this situation be really jumpy anyway and run if someone suggested a bad guy was around? If I'd seen my parents taken away by the Order, I'd be hiding under my motel bed, thinking that every sound, every maid's cart rolling by, every bump in the room next door, signalled danger. The minute *anything*, such as Gemma's suggestion, played into my paranoia, I'd explode into action.
There is *no* action here. And no emotion.
Creators, did you even fulfill the Psych 101 requirement in college?
Yeah. I agree. There's a crazy huge lack of logic here.
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:57 am
by omegawoman
At my age, and the things I did way back then, yeah, I would be hiding under the bed.
I would have also drunk myself silly out of fear, and had some fun with Danielbeast.
I wouldn't have been smart enough to stay quiet, I would have called someone and told them what was going on. No authority figures, but at least some friends.
Which goes back to my original theory- Bree knows more than what she is letting on, that has to be the only possible reason she doesn't seem paranoid, hysterical, etc.
And Daniel needs to get off of that damn bed and do something already! (That statement is for the creators)