Canon - A body of works that are considered to be "genuine" or "official" within a certain fictional universe. Cannon - A mounted gun for firing heavy projectiles.
so whats the grigori file?
do i jsut not have a program that will run this type
If you open the GRIGORI file with notepad it reads:
Looks like an anagram.
We improve with time. Like a fine wine, really.
Canon - A body of works that are considered to be "genuine" or "official" within a certain fictional universe. Cannon - A mounted gun for firing heavy projectiles.
So on the SD card was a file, when opened with winrar was 5 pictures and a file marked GRIGORI. Open GRIGORI with notepad and you get the phrase
ACT TWO WHET HARSH ESCHEW, which is an anagram. It anagrams into:
WHO WATCHES THE WATCHERS. The pics have default file names assigned by a digital camera. They have all been looked over by acid, no hidden codes.
breetard [bree-tard] Adj. - a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way all while being plastic and having extremely limited depth of personality
ladron121 wrote:So on the SD card was a file, when opened with winrar was 5 pictures and a file marked GRIGORI. Open GRIGORI with notepad and you get the phrase
ACT TWO WHET HARSH ESCHEW, which is an anagram. It anagrams into:
WHO WATCHES THE WATCHERS. The pics have default file names assigned by a digital camera. They have all been looked over by acid, no hidden codes.
Also, the pics were made on the 12th of October 2006, which is also the date Daniel posted the vid "The Ceremony" ... (the pictures are also from him making this vid)
breetard [bree-tard] Adj. - a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way all while being plastic and having extremely limited depth of personality
Scalare wrote:Also, the pics were made on the 12th of October 2006, which is also the date Daniel posted the vid "The Ceremony" ... (the pictures are also from him making this vid)
and they are also the pictures e found on lucy's computr
Since it does look like the photos appear to be the ones from "Following the Helper," there is a very long thread devoted to this video in the LG15 Forum.