should be any minute now
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 10:53 pm
damnatio memoriae
Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
Because of Op's profile on YT:ohhhmyyygoddd wrote:why are we thinking theres a drop?
Yup, I work in Reservations. So the 800 number you call to booka flight would be meCaptious wrote:What do you do for the airline Jewely? I'm mainly just interested in whether people who aren't pilots or stewards get to fly free.
yeah, we actually have about 11 call centers. 2 in india, one in jamaica and one in lithuania. we have about 7 in the states. Although, I work for one of the largest airlinesCaptious wrote:I'm a taxi dispatcher for a company that focuses on reservation orders to and from the Airport and since I work 2nd shift they're mostly from. So I spend a lot of time talking to those automated systems. But I have to make it go to an actual agent enough that I can tell you you're lucky. Only a few of the major airlines still has call centers in the states.
More hoping reallyohhhmyyygoddd wrote:why are we thinking theres a drop?
I hope so at least... 3 days of no activity. UGH.ladron121 wrote:More hoping reallyohhhmyyygoddd wrote:why are we thinking theres a drop?
Quickapples, I'm right over the hill in Los Gatos so could possibly help if it's in the area, and I can find someone to watch the kids. They would "hinder" any recovery efforts.quickapples wrote:i wish i could of helped at the last drop i only live 10 mins away...if the drop is in the santa cruz area.... i'm ready!
Apparently people already leftcovedweller wrote:Golden Gate Park, people! Who all is close? A group should meet up (safety in numbers) though I think the only danger is that parts of the park are used for...uh..."cruising." And not the kind the Beach Boys sang about!
And that is just from what I heard, not personal knowledge.