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Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 3:51 pm
by tiltingwindward
Okay, while playing around with the list and the book to see if there was anything, I discovered (with ladron's help, thanks!) that the Book of the Law that was recovered has two parts. One is Crowley's handwritten Book, while the other is a printed transcription of the writing, because Crowley failed penmanship several times over. The page numbers of the typed text do not correspond to the page numbers of the handwritten text (ex.: page 39 of the typed transcription is page 17 of the handwritten text), because Crowley began his numbering over from the beginning at the beginning of each chapter. I took the first number on the list as the number of the transcription page, and the second number as the word of that number on the page. I was assisted in this by this website:
This is what I found (some of the number pairs have two words, due to my confusion over whether hyphenated words in the text count as one word or two):
23 41? in/the
32 24 a
34 51 fifth
39 4 in
39 5 thine
39 6 heart
39 7 and
39 8 the
39 9 kisses
40 12 and
40 13 find
41 24 ... wisdom
47 47 and/with
48 55! Fates
50 This...although I'm not sure what to do here, since there's no number pair
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 3:53 pm
by ladron121
tiltingwindward wrote:Okay, while playing around with the list and the book to see if there was anything, I discovered (with ladron's help, thanks!) that the Book of the Law that was recovered has two parts. One is Crowley's handwritten Book, while the other is a printed transcription of the writing, because Crowley failed penmanship several times over. The page numbers of the typed text do not correspond to the page numbers of the handwritten text (ex.: page 39 of the typed transcription is page 17 of the handwritten text), because Crowley began his numbering over from the beginning at the beginning of each chapter. I took the first number on the list as the number of the transcription page, and the second number as the word of that number on the page. I was assisted in this by this website:
This is what I found (some of the number pairs have two words, due to my confusion over whether hyphenated words in the text count as one word or two):
23 41? in/the
32 24 a
34 51 fifth
39 4 in
39 5 thine
39 6 heart
39 7 and
39 8 the
39 9 kisses
40 12 and
40 13 find
41 24 ... wisdom
47 47 and/with
48 55! Fates
50 This...although I'm not sure what to do here, since there's no number pair
Seems like something to me! I think you can leave 50 out of it, I believe that is just a command to destroy the clues once her "brother" found and decoded them.
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 4:21 pm
by acidfingers
Page 39/40 was folded in the typed section of the text, and the bookmark placed in the corresponding pages in the handwritten section. I've transcribed the handwritten text and included the proper line breaks so it models the handwritten page identically.
Abrahadabra; the reward of Ra Hoor Khut.
There is division hither homeward; there is a
word not known. Spelling is defunct; all is not
aught. Beware! Hold! Raise the spell of
Now let it be first understood that I am
a god of War and of Vengeance. I shall
deal hardly with them.
Choose ye an island!
Fortify it!
Dung it about with enginery of war!
I will give you a war-engine.
With it ye shall smite the peoples; and
none shall stand before you.
Lurk! Withdraw! Upon them! this
is the Law of the Battle of Conquest: thus
shall my worship be about my secret house.
Get the stélé of revealing itself; set it
in thy secret temple— and that temple
is already aright disposed— & it shall be your
Kiblah for ever. It shall not fade, but
miraculous colour shall come back to it
day after day. Close it in locked glass for a
proof to the world.
This shall be your only proof. I forbid argument.
Conquer! That is enough. I will make easy
Hope this somehow helps...
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 4:24 pm
by taiya
This is the stele of revealing:
It was included in the hsao online stuff awhile ago, but didn't seem to lead anything. And I do really double that hsao and opaphid are related.
Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 11:18 pm
by shifty
Few of us in the chat room decided to try the double bagged theory and applying the GPS shift... it didn't work.
Reveresed the numbers on the bookmark so it came out to be:
32 14
23 42
43 15
93 4
93 5
93 6
93 7
93 8
93 9
04 21
04 31
14 42
74 74
84 55
We then converted those numbers into letters:
And then we applied the GPS shift to the letters and got:
Which looks to be meaningless :[
Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 11:31 pm
by Absynth
hehe shifty i was doing that yesterday only a little different. i wasnt applying the double bagged theroy, just reading the bookmark as is, only i keep coming up with different answers, because i dont know whether to count the passage numbers themselves, and/or any punctuation. !'s comma's etc...
so i did them straight out, without reversing or anything and ive come up with this so far:
if you count passage numbers and punctuation marks i get this:
23 41 A
32 24 E
34 51 C
39 4 T
39 5 H
39 6 O
39 7 U
39 8 A
39 9 R
40 12 S
40 13 T
41 24 T
48 55 H
and if you dont count punctuation or the passage numbers, i get this:
23 41 C
32 24 M
34 51 E
39 4 U
39 5 A
39 6 R
39 7 T
39 8 E
39 9 X
40 12 R
40 13 T
41 24 D
48 55 L
and i still cant figure out what the 50 is for if this theory is correct. so any ideas would be awesome
i havent applied the ciepher, but i ran them through anagram programs, still analyzing those. if someone wants to try the GPS cypher, feel free, dont know if thatll help, but i figured id post it
Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 11:40 pm
by taiya
I've been trying somethings as well, mostly with the first letter of the passages and haven't come up with anything.
The consecutive numbers connected with 39 are puzzling. It is very odd for the outcome of a code to have consecutive numbers in it. And very unlikely that Tachyon would be able to find the letters she needed all in a row on one page.
If it isn't a code, I can't quite figure out what else it could be though.
Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 11:44 pm
by deagol
Shifty, it seems you forgot to choose 'decrypt' in the last step. Your results are encrypting the letters using the GPS. But decrypting doesn't make any sense either.
Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 11:57 pm
by ixlr8
Has anyone thought that maybe the numbers on the bookmark are just passages in the book? Remember, Tach is supposed to be an agent for the "bureau" right? Perhaps she was just passing on her notes to her brother? Also, remember that her brother isn't exactly the brightest bulb in the bunch, so what she leaves him should be kind of easy to decode. I think we're starting to read too much into this.
Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 11:57 pm
by covedweller
why do we think it's a code again?
both things from OpAphid and Tachyon suggest they are just notes on passages to reference.
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 12:02 am
by ladron121
ixlr8 wrote:Has anyone thought that maybe the numbers on the bookmark are just passages in the book? Remember, Tach is supposed to be an agent for the "bureau" right? Perhaps she was just passing on her notes to her brother? Also, remember that her brother isn't exactly the brightest bulb in the bunch, so what she leaves him should be kind of easy to decode. I think we're starting to read too much into this.
That's what I've been saying. The quotes aren't code, they are just a msg. OpA told us that the quotes point toward what the codes were. They go together. (check the email archive for that email, i put it up). The questions now faced is who is the "He" that is referenced in the code from the modesto craigslist, and what does the Bureau want in regard to him? Figure that out, and we are one step closer...
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 12:06 am
by deagol
covedweller wrote:why do we think it's a code again?
both things from OpAphid and Tachyon suggest they are just notes on passages to reference.
I agree, but it seems OpA wants us to keep working on it, based on her latest profile message from a couple hours ago:
"Oh dear. Now that the pieces of Tachyon's cryptic messages are decoded, what do they mean?"
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 12:08 am
by covedweller
I think she is saying we've done all the decoding.
Now we need to figure out what it means (if we haven't already).
The envelope, please
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 6:31 pm
by losh14
Some loose ends:
So the numbers on the envelope either are or aren't a code, or they are references that point to a code. Either way, the piece that does not fit is the '50'. It has to be of some form of significance. This means that any deciphering in which 50 is an incorrect cipher.
The voice mail included both OpAphid's message and the Brother's message. This tells us they are together. Brother says he is with Tachyon, brother is not.
If we wish to gain T's trust, perhaps one could say that we didn't tell Brother where she is?
I'm in the Midwest and study econ, so hexadecimal code and Cali highways mean I'm not of much help. But these are two points we've overlooked, I feel.
I'll shut up now.
Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 6:41 pm
by Stormey8146
I have officially come out of lurker mode long enough to pass on my dumb theory! I was reading up on this current bookmark thing and after reading the texts with the arrow next to them, I was thinking: it talks about an island, a fortified one with war enginery. My first thought was San Clemente Island, but it's uninhabited lol. But another island that is close to Merced, Santa Nella, etc, is Alcatraz. Not only the site of a prison but also a site of some military things...
Don't know where to go from there lol but just a thought that kept occuring to me...
I will go back to lurking now