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Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 1:17 am
by brandoblues
dont worry i know a few people who will go get it soon heh
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 8:26 am
by Broken Kid
Hi your videos. But here's my question: what do you think this has to do with Bree's situation? Because the ceremony was on a hilltop, not by the bridge, and it looks to me from your videos that while you may have been on the right trail, you had a ways to get there.
What made you think the bridge would be involved at all? And why would you assume anything put there was related to Bree? I would assume that someone left it for anyone to find. My friends and I used to leave things in really obscure places and then come back and see if anyone found them. And often when we checked back, we'd find different things there.
And just an FYI: stacked rocks (like you found) usually symbolize a trail when you're out in unmarked area (follow the piles of stacked rocks to make sure you're following a trail when markings aren't obvious). People create them and maintain them when they fall down for hikers. Typically it's three rocks on top of each other. Of course, they can also be used to alert people to other things, and generally it's better not to disturb them...
Good luck with your search. We're eager to hear more.
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 11:26 am
by NikkiBowerReport
Very good questions BK. I understand your skepticism and wish the box were merely left by some harmless kids.
Last week, after my first video, I was messaged by someone claiming to be breeiswaiting (from that white/green vid we all disregarded). He offered verious leads (some of which were definitely diversions), but he also mentioned I should follow my longitude to the "wood structure" that would lead to my "final destionation." Clearly I thought this would be the barn Daniel hid in. But after watching the breeiswaiting video several times and seeing the bridge in front of me, I realized he must be talking about the bridge I found. I have since rewatched the Ceremony video and think the noise we hear may have been people walking across the bridge. Pure speculation on my part, but it all seems to fit.
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 11:37 am
by Broken Kid
NikkiBowerReport wrote:Last week, after my first video, I was messaged by someone claiming to be breeiswaiting (from that white/green vid we all disregarded).
Ah, interesting. Well, I'll definitely be watching to see how things turn out! But make sure you're not led on wild goose chases by fans eager to make their own game. I hope you could find the ceremony site, and stay ready for when the REAL ceremony takes place.
Also, consider the various locations found on Lucy's computer. Those will surely lead us somewhere...
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 1:28 pm
by Reb
I really like your videos

keep up the good work!
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:58 pm
by sparkybennett
I enjoyed the latest Nikki video.
My first thought was TELL what was in the box, the bridge did not say don't TELL!
Now I see Ophid is on to you....they commented for you to be careful. That tells me you are probably on to something they don't want you to know.
So you should confide in someone you trust in case something mysterious happens to you.
Be safe!
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 4:09 pm
by Broken Kid
sparkybennett wrote:Now I see Ophid is on to you....they commented for you to be careful. That tells me you are probably on to something they don't want you to know.
So you should confide in someone you trust in case something mysterious happens to you.
If this comes out to be an offshoot of opaphid or some other spin-off, I'll stop watching. If it's a spin-off all it's own, I'm fine with that!

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 6:05 pm
by JenniPowell
Broken Kid wrote:sparkybennett wrote:Now I see Ophid is on to you....they commented for you to be careful. That tells me you are probably on to something they don't want you to know.
So you should confide in someone you trust in case something mysterious happens to you.
If this comes out to be an offshoot of opaphid or some other spin-off, I'll stop watching. If it's a spin-off all it's own, I'm fine with that!

Just out of curiousity, why does where it comes from matter?
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 6:40 pm
by tigerlilylynn
JenniPowell wrote:Broken Kid wrote:sparkybennett wrote:Now I see Ophid is on to you....they commented for you to be careful. That tells me you are probably on to something they don't want you to know.
So you should confide in someone you trust in case something mysterious happens to you.
If this comes out to be an offshoot of opaphid or some other spin-off, I'll stop watching. If it's a spin-off all it's own, I'm fine with that!

Just out of curiousity, why does where it comes from matter?
It's like how some people only watch a sport if it's their team that's playing. BK isn't a fan of Team Aphid but is open to other teams.
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:16 pm
by JenniPowell
Wow, sports analogies...this is getting serious!
I guess I'm one of those naive dreamers that wants all of these various factions to come together in the end in one nice tie-up where I have all the answers and they make perfect sense.
I'm silly, aren't I?

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 8:13 pm
by TheFatLady
Um, Nikki, did you plant that stuff in hopes one of us would follow your trail and look in the box?
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 8:30 pm
by Broken Kid
tigerlilylynn wrote:It's like how some people only watch a sport if it's their team that's playing. BK isn't a fan of Team Aphid but is open to other teams.
Yeah. I haven't followed aphid at all, so I'm not about to start. I'd like to think it's something new.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 8:50 pm
by lgxy
Goodness.. The -- last -- thing we need is another dead drop with secrets that are only accessibly the those in (parts of) California. Niki, haven't you learned your lesson by the other spin offs that have died before you? The key here is to 'drop' a secret, but one that is at least breakable. We don't care if it's really hard to break, but at least make it possible. You shrink your audience by closing it to a local point.
Just when I thought I was done banging my head against the wall trying to make all this YT ARG stuff work...

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 6:39 am
by Languorous Lass
I'm another fan who won't follow Nikki if she ends up crossing over with OpAphid or any other tangent. I'm not into ARGs -- have enough trouble finding time to keep up with both my real life and LG15.
Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 8:32 am
by Broken Kid
Languorous Lass wrote:I'm another fan who won't follow Nikki if she ends up crossing over with OpAphid or any other tangent. I'm not into ARGs -- have enough trouble finding time to keep up with both my real life and LG15.
What is this "real life" of which you speak?