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Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:56 pm
by tiltingwindward
I was thinking about the directions provided in the picture of the compass in map, and what Tach might have meant by including them. Something OpA said to me in an email (posted elsewhere in full) stood out:
We spent some time with it before realizing it could very well be a hint for the people she originally intended to retrieve her package.
If Tach left the items Noa found in the park on purpose, as this message seems to suggest, expecting a courier to pick them up, she might have left the directions for them. In that case, the clues in the picture leading us NNE could either point us in the direction Tach went, or towards the place he/she expected the courier to take the items that were stolen. If we follow the directions, we might find one or the other (Tach, or the place the courier was meant to go), but it's unlikely we'll find both.

After all, if you'd just defected from a highly secretive organization with valuable information you'd stolen, would you leave easy-to-follow directions to your destination or your headquarters?

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:09 pm
by ladron121
tiltingwindward wrote:After all, if you'd just defected from a highly secretive organization with valuable information you'd stolen, would you leave easy-to-follow directions to your destination or your headquarters?
Do not assume anything. Where does it say that Tachyon defected? Or went back to HQ? Or even went anywhere?

Stick to what is in front of you, assumptions will lead you down the wrong path.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:24 pm
by Caroline
On Op's profile : Why would someone need to make such separations if her intentions were true and of one mindset?

In the chat we have been discussing this, and the general consensus was that Tach was of 2 mindsets: (from the second video) I've thought it over a lot. My only explanation?I haven't fully embraced my situation.Not as much as i should have.

-And understanding it as has been previously analyised:

I've thought it over a lot. My only explanation?I haven't fully embraced my situation.Not as much as Julie should have.

-I thnk this means that Julie (one mindset of Tach - that is Tach pretending to be a member of 'the order') didnt do all she should have as a member of the order. Meaning that 'I' (that is the other 'true' (?) mindset of Tach) hasnt 'embraced the situation' getting all the information Tach needs.

SO: Tach is of two mindsets

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:31 am
by katz31
Remember when Op said only the neutral are evil? or something like that?

Maybe they were referring to Tachyon. Since she is sort of hanging in the balance between the order and whoever she is working for. Riding the fence, so to speak. Op might consider her evil since her info could harm the order. And the other side might consider her evil because she left before she could really get anything good on them, or something like that.

Just a thought.