Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:54 pm
Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
spaciegirl wrote:Yeah, READ THIS: HURRY THE FU$K UP, THIS SUCKS!!!
100% in agreement. Having an opinion about the pace of the story or the direction of the story (or lack thereof) does not constitute whining. It constitutes "involvement".spaciegirl wrote:Must you accuse people of "whining"? That makes it sound like people's disappointment/ frustration is invalid in some way...which I don't think is fair.
spaciegirl wrote:Yeah, READ THIS: HURRY THE FU$K UP, THIS SUCKS!!!
1. There's some theories about Daniel being needed as part of the ceremony. I also have a theory that in a secretive cult if someone is trying to get info on your secret's you're going to want to trow them off. Also, more in line with theory a, the day of the fake ceremony is when the pictures of Daniel found on Lucy's computer were taken. So maybe the ceremony was staged just to get more info on him for the cult.khjq wrote:Some unsolved questions:
Why did members of her religion go through all that trouble to stage a fake ceremony just for Daniel?
She talked to her parents, and her parents talked to the deacons, so then what was those injections that she had been getting?
sounds like a lot of reading....Languorous Lass wrote:Hey, firefly, your theories are really interesting. I'd appreciate it if you'd take a look at my posts over in the "A new theory: Nuit kills man?" thread, and let me know what you think of my ideas. Sounds like we're coming to some of the same conclusions, and I'm wondering whether we could combine our theories and arrive at some big massive meta-theory.
GoodGollyItsHolly wrote: sounds like a lot of reading....
Its nice to have someone do all the leg work on these theoriesLanguorous Lass wrote:GoodGollyItsHolly wrote: sounds like a lot of reading....Yeah, I do tend to run on, don't I?
Well, at least on my second post in the thread, I included a subheading, and warned people that if they get easily bored, they should just skip down to "So WHAT'S THE POINT?"
I know my own limitations.
Entusiastic with 3 weeks vacation... boredom leads to obsessive posting.Languorous Lass wrote:On a completely different (but still somewhat related) topic: holy shit. I just noticed the date when you joined and how many posts you've already got."Enthusiastic Fan" is right.
But your posts are all really short, so if you put 'em all together in one message . . . it would probably be the same length as, oh, two of mine.
Oops. I am embarrassed, firefly.Languorous Lass wrote:Hey, firefly, your theories are really interesting. I'd appreciate it if you'd take a look at my posts over in the "A new theory: Nuit kills man?" thread, and let me know what you think of my ideas. Sounds like we're coming to some of the same conclusions, and I'm wondering whether we could combine our theories and arrive at some big massive meta-theory.
Wow. Three weeks' vacation sounds great. You couldn't go anywhere or do anything fun?GoodGollyIt'sHolly wrote:Entusiastic with 3 weeks vacation... boredom leads to obsessive posting.