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Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 12:35 am
by JerseyJohnny

I'm sorry to hear that you are upset and want to leave this message forum. I will be honest with you and my impression of you. You come across as someone who is often very full of himself and very condescending. At the same time, I see that you have a good curiosity about things and a desire to learn and improve. But then there seems to be an umbrella of bitterness that hangs above it all. Sometimes you are very sharp and cutting. Sometimes you retreat into a very defensive mode, like a cornered animal. And other times you show a good intellect and are very rational. People on this board seem to think of me as somewhat of an enigma (if they haven't just decided that I'm a complete jerk). Well, you are an enigma to me. I don't ever know what to make of you.
tannhaus wrote: People are allowed to attack on these forums. Some of them, even some mods think it is funny. But witness Jerseyjohnny attacking mormons in plot discussion. It goes on every day...and multiple people attack others.
People do take jabs at one another. There has to be an allowance for that on a message board that is presumably comprised of mostly adults. It's part of the fun. Sometimes some people go over the limits for some of the people they jab at. That should be worked out between the two. There are many ways of doing that, more than one person has Private Messaged me to work out such situations with me. If it goes beyond ribbing and joking around then a mod can get involved. But there has to be substance to it. To some degree, we all have to learn not to engage such behavior if we find ourselves not liking it. So I don't agree with your criticism of these boards that "attacks" go on every day and people run rampant over one another.

I did not "attack mormons", so I do resent that accusation. If you want to go see how that discussion is going, go on and find for me where I have "attacked mormons" and prove it. I don't see it. It's a discussion, and I was the one being criticized and attacked for claims I made about Mormonism, claims I backed up with facts. So please don't accuse me of something I didn't do. From the way I'm spoken about in here, I would think that there's enough I actually DID do that you can legitimately complain about, so that you wouldn't have to reference an issue that isn't real.
tannhaus wrote: It's bully humor. Some think it's funny to see them attack others. However, it's not funny to the ones being attacked or offended. It's not funny to those whose beliefs are being attacked. It's apparently not funny to all those that cast a vote to ban Jerseyjohnny. Yet, he's still allowed to attack.
You can call it "bully humor" if you like. Some of us see it as satirical. Regardless of what it really should be called, I have seen you partake in it as well. I have seen you attack those and speak down to those who have stepped up to defend you and your religion. So you really ought not throw stones in that glass house of yours.

Anyway, having said that, I want to say a couple other things to you. I saw your video. I have suffered from clinical depression in the past, so I know it's difficult. I hope you are getting professional help for it. When it's debilitating, as it seems to be in your case, professional help is pretty much necessary.

I think you sell yourself short, you spoke in that video of so much emptiness in your life and so much pain, but I think you fail to see what you do have. Consider the following:

There are people out there who wish they had your eyes that can see, your ears that can hear, your legs that can walk. There are people over in Iraq right now who are watching their kids get raped and killed, and there are kids there who have seen their entire families killed. There are people in many parts of this world who have to steal to eat. There are people in your own community who have to sleep on a piece of cardboard. There are senior citizens who can't walk, can't afford medicine, can't cook, can't drive, can't do a lot of the things they physically could do all their lives. ALL of these people would look at you and say "Wow, you have SOOO MUCH!!!" And you know, most of the people I just described, they go on with life.

One of the things I did to get out of my depression, on the advice of my counselor, was I volunteered myself. I worked for a mission to the homeless, and I did work with senior citizens. My problems began to pale in comparison. When I would help a guy into the shelter and he smelled so bad that nobody outside wanted to touch him, and I fed him and helped clean him up, it really put things in perspective. Or when I helped the elderly in a home where many of these people couldn't do something as simple as pick up a pen or go to the bathroom, and they were neglected by their kids and grandkids who would come around on holidays (maybe), it REALLY put my depression into perspective.

So, in closing this long-winded post (that so many people on these boards seem to hate from me), I just want to say that if you don't have professional help, get help; help yourself out by helping someone less fortunate than yourself; and I will miss having you around. Kinda. OK not really. ;) :lol: In seriousness, I'm sorry to see you go out on such a sour note, I hope to see you back in better spirits.

Best of luck,
~ JJ

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 12:42 am
by tannhaus
JerseyJohnny wrote:I'm sorry to hear that you are upset and want to leave this message forum. I will be honest with you and my impression of you.
JerseyJohnny, frankly, I really don't care what your impression, opinion, or whatever is of me. I've been attacked from you and others for no reason other than the fact I was standing up for what I believed in....since day one.

I skimmed over what you said....and to be honest, it wasn't worth reading...not from you.

You've done nothing but prey on others and I could care less what advice you think you have to give.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 12:54 am
by JerseyJohnny
tannhaus wrote:
JerseyJohnny wrote:I'm sorry to hear that you are upset and want to leave this message forum. I will be honest with you and my impression of you.
JerseyJohnny, frankly, I really don't care what your impression, opinion, or whatever is of me. I've been attacked from you and others for no reason other than the fact I was standing up for what I believed in....since day one.

I skimmed over what you said....and to be honest, it wasn't worth reading...not from you.

You've done nothing but prey on others and I could care less what advice you think you have to give.
Whatever, then.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 6:35 am
by AutoPilate
Okay, so is everyone done with their little cry-cry? Clogging up the internets with your contentious blather, how shameful.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 6:38 am
by Kasdeja
Oh no, some people just don't know when to shut the hell up.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 6:50 am
by beavinator
Why people can't hold differing beliefs/opinions and still be respectful of one another is entirely beyond me. I guess I'm just naive like that...

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 8:42 am
by wintermute
tannhaus wrote:JerseyJohnny, frankly, I really don't care what your impression, opinion, or whatever is of me. I've been attacked from you and others for no reason other than the fact I was standing up for what I believed in....since day one.

I skimmed over what you said....and to be honest, it wasn't worth reading...not from you.

You've done nothing but prey on others and I could care less what advice you think you have to give.
Normally I'd agree with anyone who was disagreeing with JJ... I mean, after all, it's JJ! ;) But you really might want to read the entire post. It's the most sincere thing I've seen anyone post on this board. Yes, he's abrasive. But he makes some very valid points in that post, so don't throw them out just because you don't like the source. Take the olive branch :)


Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 8:49 am
by sororyzbl
JerseyJohnny wrote:
Kasdeja wrote:I think she has more buddies here than you do, Johnny.
I think I have more buddies outside of "here" than you and her put together, Kasdeja.
And here they are!


Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 8:57 am
by Kasdeja

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 8:58 am
by JerseyJohnny
sororyzbl wrote:
JerseyJohnny wrote:
Kasdeja wrote:I think she has more buddies here than you do, Johnny.
I think I have more buddies outside of "here" than you and her put together, Kasdeja.
And here they are!

Thanks!!! My friends Tommy and Gina will love this picture!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 8:58 am
by wintermute
Kasdeja wrote:snickers
Someone mentioned CANDY? :D


Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 9:02 am
by Kasdeja
wintermute wrote:
Kasdeja wrote:snickers
Someone mentioned CANDY? :D


Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 9:03 am
by wintermute
Great! Now between this and the "party" thread, I'm hungry! :lol:


Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 10:41 am
by sororyzbl
JerseyJohnny wrote:
sororyzbl wrote:
JerseyJohnny wrote: I think I have more buddies outside of "here" than you and her put together, Kasdeja.
And here they are!

Thanks!!! My friends Tommy and Gina will love this picture!
they need some cheering up. i heard tommy's been down on his luck. and gina, at that diner! ugh.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 10:48 am
by tannhaus
wintermute wrote:Normally I'd agree with anyone who was disagreeing with JJ... I mean, after all, it's JJ! ;) But you really might want to read the entire post. It's the most sincere thing I've seen anyone post on this board. Yes, he's abrasive. But he makes some very valid points in that post, so don't throw them out just because you don't like the source. Take the olive branch
This is one of those "too little, too late" scenarios. JerseyJohnny has been extremely offensive. He has ridiculed me. He has belittled me. He has attacked me. Now, he wants a group hug? Not on your life.

I've had people pm me that say they try to joke with him as a way to cope with the things he says. I had someone this morning pm me and say "yeah..same here" basically. But, it doesn't change the fact that he has no respect for the beliefs of others....nor for their feelings.

So...that olive branch died and withered a while back.