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Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 9:17 am
by sparrow
DontHaveAClue wrote:sparrow wrote:
So I'm a little skeptical that it was Frank in with us.
However, Frankishere is highly confirmed by the updates on Frank's blog....
I'm not saying that this was a gamejacking.
I'm saying it might have been Cassie in with us, not Frank. If you look at Frank's blog, his spelling is going downhill, he's getting vulgar, things like that. If you look at the transcript, his grammar and typing are flawless, and he's very well-spoken.
Either that or the PM did something I think is kind of dumb and didn't make the "limited time Frank" drunk.
This is really making me go want to play an ARG that's run a little better (if Unfiction will have me), although I'm still hooked on this one.
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 9:45 am
by covedweller
Has Cassie said anything about the OpAphid videos posted recently?
They seem VERY against her. 3 pretty mean (but well done) attacks went up in the last 2 days. There have also been multiple comments posted by them saying "which side are you on?"
And one of the anagrams is thought to descramble to WE ARE THEY.
Remember Cassie's repeated "they keep attacking me" whining?
I am hoping there is something else to all of this, because the exorcism plotline seems kinda, well, lame.
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 10:06 am
by Mordrack
<Nos> And the ceremony is to save Bree from Cassie? To exorcise her?
<FRANKISHERE> cassie will die on 10-12-06. and you should let her
<FRANKISHERE> bree might die, too. sometimes these things kill the host . as far as i can tell, bree has no dea
I don't know if we should be on Franks side, when he doesn't seem to care that Bree might get killed by this ceremony...
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 10:20 am
by DontHaveAClue
Mordrack wrote:
I don't know if we should be on Franks side, when he doesn't seem to care that Bree might get killed by this ceremony...
Frank, as I see the character: he doesn't really care for anyone or anything. he would just be better off, alone by the river, fishing. But he's in it and doesn't like that too much. I think he's not a bad guy. Not hero-class, a little weird, but not a bad guy. Cassie on the other hand...she's scary man! I've never been able to have a lasting relationship with undeads...

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 10:22 am
by bubbajay424
Mordrack wrote:<Nos> And the ceremony is to save Bree from Cassie? To exorcise her?
<FRANKISHERE> cassie will die on 10-12-06. and you should let her
<FRANKISHERE> bree might die, too. sometimes these things kill the host . as far as i can tell, bree has no dea
I don't know if we should be on Franks side, when he doesn't seem to care that Bree might get killed by this ceremony...
"The pulse of the doe-eyed child may cease.
But cassie does not rest in peace."
It makes sense now, eh?
Besides, what has Frank ever done for us? cassie has been more entertaining.
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 10:25 am
by Mordrack
DontHaveAClue wrote:Frank, as I see the character: he doesn't really care for anyone or anything. he would just be better off, alone by the river, fishing. But he's in it and doesn't like that too much. I think he's not a bad guy. Not hero-class, a little weird, but not a bad guy.
True, but I didn't think he would sacrifice someone for his own sake...
DontHaveAClue wrote:Cassie on the other hand...she's scary man! I've never been able to have a lasting relationship with undeads...
I like Cassie... Undeads rule!

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:11 pm
by theratdiva
odd, i was in the chatroom when "frank" was, and I even asked questions, but looking at the transcript, what I wrote has been removed.
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:12 pm
by SteveP
My take on some of Frank's comments in the IRC chat (note : I wasn't there I've only read the transcript)
He's a limited time Frank. Could mean either that he doesn't have long before Cassie takes over again or....
The "Use Once and Destroy" reference sounds like he is talking about himself. Cassie uses him until he resists, and then she destroys him, and moves on to another host/channel (Daniel - probably the most likely person to stop the ceremony). Not sure about the timing, but Nos said "You will not be destroyed", and Frank said immediately after "I'm taking care of that myself" - suggesting he may destroy himself ? Alternatively he could have replying to Nos' previous question about stopping the ceremony.
Frank also asks "DO you guys know who the exorcist is ? Is he any good ?" Sounds like he thinks we should know. Have we missed any clues to the exorcist's identity ? (Maybe his name is an anagram of "Any good" ? Can never have too many anagrams.
Basically I think Frank (or PMs) are worried that we are missing some pieces of the pluzzle and time is running out - So Frank came along to give us some pointers
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:23 pm
by DontHaveAClue
SteveP wrote:
Frank also asks "DO you guys know who the exorcist is ? Is he any good ?" Sounds like he thinks we should know. Have we missed any clues to the exorcist's identity ? (Maybe his name is an anagram of "Any good" ? Can never have too many anagrams.
if this is true, this is so lame, that thinking about it I banged my head on the keyboard! And this is what came out on the screen:
So I banged my head even more.....

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:24 pm
by vertigo
I kind of assumed that the Exorcist is the Evil Priest - that gives reson for Cassie to think he is evil - he is going to kill her....
But I have no idea of who the evil priest is.
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:41 pm
by toadlguy
We still have lots of questions -
Who is Cassie (Not where who)?
Why is it only Bree she fears being exorcised from?
What is Cassies relationship to Bree (besides possession)?
What sort of exorcism involves Thelema?
Where is the Cup?
Where is the Picture?
Whats with that line in Private Thoughts?
And the big one - if Frank gets rid of Cassie from himself - where will Cassie go?
There are probably more - just as important - but these are a few . . .
What next?
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:44 pm
by angie78gg
When Frank was on the Irc the other night, he said something about Cassie already had someone to replace him. Thats the only thing I know out the list there.
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:46 pm
by vertigo
Ok, so googling "Thelema" and "exorcism" this came up....
The practice of exorcism is an art and a science in its own right. No single ritual or formula can cover all the variables that the exorcist may encounter. The following ritual is intended as a simple, practical introduction to the basic principles and techniques of exorcism for Thelemic practitioners. It can, and should, be modified and adapted to accommodate different situations as the exorcist gains experience. For example, exorcisms performed for non-Thelemites may require the substitution of the trappings of another religious system for those of Thelema as given below. Performing exorcisms for those who do not believe in "spirits" will require further modifications.
The rest here:
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:46 pm
by Nicole
toadlguy wrote:
There are probably more - just as important - but these are a few . . .
What next?
There's still a lot of stuff to figure out. Such as:
"The garden where the killer wined
Still holds the cup for you to find"
I'm about ready to step away from all this because it's frustrating and - at this point - a mess.
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:47 pm
by vertigo
Oh man....
As with all practical magical operations, exorcism should be performed in conjunction with the appropriate mundane measures. Depending on the individual circumstances, such measures may include: medical treatment; counseling; improvements in hygiene, diet and lifestyle; companionship; and even a little healthy skepticism and humor.
That makes sense.