Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 8:33 pm
Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
all it says is "October 12 is the day"... which we already knew...DeepBlueRug wrote:Frank's Youtube account?Noava22 wrote:odd. im from san jose originally and still spend a good amount of time there. i don't ever remember covad being a large commercial internet provider up there.Jengels2002 wrote:FYI
While Frank was in the chat room, his IP was noted.
It is from San Jose, provider is Covad.
I doubt it, since that account showed up right after Cassie changed her desc. on a video to "Frank is waking" (which came after "Frank is working" and "Frank is sleeping"). There was no reason for Frank to make videos himself-- he was already making Cassie's videos, and as himself, without Cassie's influence, he seemed pretty direct. I don't think it was his style to make cryptic videos.all_state_reject wrote:Maybe Frank is waking means they are having a wake for him?
I don't know about you, but I say waking only if I follow it by its awkward.
ok.laurenesque wrote:I doubt it, since that account showed up right after Cassie changed her desc. on a video to "Frank is waking" (which came after "Frank is working" and "Frank is sleeping"). There was no reason for Frank to make videos himself-- he was already making Cassie's videos, and as himself, without Cassie's influence, he seemed pretty direct. I don't think it was his style to make cryptic videos.all_state_reject wrote:Maybe Frank is waking means they are having a wake for him?
I don't know about you, but I say waking only if I follow it by its awkward.
It's danielnakita wrote:Isn't anyone else scared out of their wits after watching the frankiswaking vidoesIt looks like something out of Blaire Witch Project ... but he can't be dead cause he's posting videoes ... either way somebody, somewhere, spent a significant amount of time thrashing about in a white bag