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Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:42 pm
by NillaWafers
Resize your image it's too big.
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:44 pm
by holiday
Charlotte Eve wrote:holiday wrote:is it just me, or has the framed picture on her bookshelf changed a little? i dont know, it looks different to me now. altered, somehow. or maybe its just that it looks so much clearer on revver than on youtube.
looks like there's a bottle in front of it, hair stuff, a drink.. or something similar?
that must be what it is. i didnt notice it in other videos, but i really wasnt looking much either.
the guy in the dark jacket and tie just seems to stand out a lot, its very clear. its the very first thing that caught my attention when i started loading the video. dont know if thats significant or not though.
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:48 pm
by Charlotte Eve
My eyes were immediately drawn to that too though on first viewings. Her room is a mess, when usually it is spotless, except on the odd ocassion when Thor graces the floor.
I don't know, maybe the mess and bits scattered around are to emphasise it's first thing in the morning (but why vlog about how your parents met when you first wake up?), but it may be representative of her state of mind, and to emphasise the change in Bree's life right now.
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:51 pm
by lonelygirl
omg, that has got to be the cutest story ever. and i love the way she tells it.
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:58 pm
by widardofodd
NillaWafers wrote:Resize your image it's too big.
Admins, you can set image size limits for avatars in the phpbb admin preferences.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:58 pm
by mikael
I think that the reference to two people arguing over inevitable fate is a reference to...US....
And I mean us, not the U.S....
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:00 pm
by lonelygirl
ogami1972 wrote:bree keeps erasing the comments on youtube. people are upset, and i think rightly so. posting on revver first was one thing, but some fans can't use revver. This is rude, and i think the creators should not be rude to us.

well, the youtube people are extremely rude and post really nasty comments to her so i'm not surprised they would use revver or another place to host their videos. a lot of those youtube people just don't appreciate it. do you have quicktime installed because you should be able to view the videos from revver then?
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:11 pm
by S is for Summer
I noticed the picture thing too. I'm not seeing the bottle in front of it, though; it just looks like the girl (I think girl) who was in the middle is either moved over a good deal or gone.
I'll poke at it some more and maybe do some screen caps for comparison (if I do, I'll post 'em). Might be nada, but it's one of those things that'll bug me, you know?
Here they are. I can't see anything actually sitting in front of the picture to distort it, but the picture is definitely distorted. I don't know enough about how images bend/change based on being seen through curved glass to guess, really. Dunno, mon. But here are the pictures, anyway.
I can't see why they would change the actual photo (and have it still be believable to the people in the story - "HOLY SMOKES MAN THIS PICTURE OF SO AND SO CHANGED!" hee.) so it
must be something sitting in front of it distorting it, I just honestly can't see anything there.[/img]
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:28 pm
by DontHaveAClue
cough...cough... what is that horrible clip on YT ? cough...cough...

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:29 pm
by Charlotte Eve

Normal size:
Not at all clear, sorry, best I could do. It has the shape of those expensive fruit juice drinks, in glass bottles, or the shape of a medicine bottle. I also have some hairspray that is in a tin like that..
Wild speculations!
ill edit in a min with the original "look" of the photo!
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:29 pm
by Plurp
Hey VickyToria03 - please make your avatar photo smaller so it doesn't mess up the forum formatting. Thanks.
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:30 pm
by ogami1972
lonelygirl wrote:ogami1972 wrote:bree keeps erasing the comments on youtube. people are upset, and i think rightly so. posting on revver first was one thing, but some fans can't use revver. This is rude, and i think the creators should not be rude to us.

well, the youtube people are extremely rude and post really nasty comments to her so i'm not surprised they would use revver or another place to host their videos. a lot of those youtube people just don't appreciate it. do you have quicktime installed because you should be able to view the videos from revver then?
yes, i figured it out. sorry everybody, sorry bree. i had just woken up and got a little excited. but i'm fine now...

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:33 pm
by holiday
i definitely see the bottle, and i see the boys on either side of the photo... but the bottle is not in the center of the photo, its a little to the side and it looks like whoever was in the middle of the photo is missing.
i dont know, it just seemed odd to me because the guy in the dark jacket seemed to pop out, it seemed clearer than anything else in that part of the room.
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:36 pm
by Charlotte Eve
I think it's because the middle figure is wearing white, and the pixelation around this bottle thing merges the 2. You can kinda make out the person's hair. Candles have moved though.
Edit: My photo-editing skills are atrocious, apologies.
And again: different lighting has made the characters appear different.
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:37 pm
by S is for Summer
More probably pointless thoughts on the photo distortion.
You know, to move the center figure from the actual middle, clear over like that, the clear thing would have to be as wide as the space from the man in black's shoulder to over just a little beyond, even, where the man in white's shoulder is. Also empty, and I think very thin in order not to be at least visible at the edges in the video. That's pretty wide, and wider than like... hairspray/shampoo/etc bottles would be. And also, something like that would most likely have a label or something that we could see; even just printed on the bottle text, like on a Sobe bottle or something, I think we'd be able to see a little, especially since the woman (I think woman)'s dress is white.
You know, I wonder. Who is the third person? The two most obvious guesses for who those people are (assuming they exist in the story, and the picture isn't just a "teehee let's put a picture of the creators/their family/etc in" kind of thing) are Bree's parents, and someone, or Bree and Daniel, and someone.
If it's Bree's parents, as I kind of think (something about the photo looks a little older, the coloring I think), and since the woman seems to be wearing white, could it be a wedding photo? If so, who is the other man? A best man? The person who officiated the wedding? Just a guest?
I don't know. That picture's always kind of interested in me, and now I'm just more curious.
Probably nothing, but I'll admit to being curious.