I was disapointed in you as a fellow human being, one doesn't have to know you to be able to do so. It's just that someone doesn't act as you expected and would want them to.
Either way, while I tried not to personally attack you and just comment on your points and arguments, you are now getting personal. As for my grammar, you should consider the fact that I'm not a native english speaker and some intrepretation of the words and sentences might be required to find the true meaning behind my words. However I do think about what I say and I really don't see why you would call me arrogant.
I think it's way more arrogant to even think that you might have put the C's up to th 12 in 12 thing. This was a subject long before this thread and needs way more preparation. I'm guessinh they've already been working on this for quite some time.
I've posted 1 section as an example of how unconstructive criticism isn't as usefull as you portray it to be. The first thing you did was send me a PM that your posts don't suck. Although that is an opinion (again, not really my opinion) it wasn't constructive in any way. The same post contained a part where I mentioned how your post would be more productive would you do things differently. You were clearly not offended by that part of the message at all. That entire thing proved my point by example.
If you don't want to just offend people, be sure to be constructive along the way.
The following pm conversation was much nicer, I think we actually agreed that we didn't have the best days and might have been a bit edgy. That's why it surprises me to find this post here. You seemed much nicer through pm. Is it just a tough guy attitude when you speak publicly?
Anyway, at least Marla loves me

(Right back at ya girl!)
I don't mind being paired with her in your little rant, I do tend to agree with her.
My main reason to disagree with you is your negative view on everything, even someone who agreed with you in this topic has some dirt thrown at him in the end. "iamcool"(who if I remember right likes to be called Josh
or cooltron500 right?;)) that is...
PS. I would like to see the 5 missing paragraphs from your previous message, let's say curiosity got the best of me. Please PM them if they aren't fitted for public display.
EDIT: Yeah, I do know I can edit my messages!