Schedule Re-Do:
Mon- Me (Ms.D) at 8 EST
Tues- Karina at 9pm EST
Wed- Haku at 9pm EST
Thurs-Karina at 9pm EST
Fri-Haku at 9pm EST
I'll try to PM everyone with this schedule!
HOOBS Reading Assignments
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*Dr. Marbles, Professor of Ploticle Physics
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7-13-07 Reading Assignment (and to carry you through next week, as well--Don't worry about reading it all at once, OK?)
From the LGpedia:Richard Feynman is a physicict whom Bree has studied and enjoys. She tells a story from one of his books in Daniel Returns, and More Interesting Factoids (Yay!). She also has a picture of Feynman on her MySpace account.
Feynman was involved in the Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb. He later won a Nobel Prize for his contributions to understanding the behavior of subatomic particles. Several of Feynman's books became best-sellers, because of his ability to explain complicated physics to ordinary readers.
Notable Quote:
He was also known as an unscrupulous prankster, a proud amateur painter, and a bongo player. Richard Feynman was regarded as an eccentric and a free spirit. He liked to pursue multiple seemingly independent paths, such as biology, art, percussion, Maya hieroglyphs, and lock picking. Freeman Dyson once wrote that Feynman was "half-genius, half-buffoon", but later revised this to "all-genius, all-buffoon".[4]
Feynman was interested in Maya hieroglyphs and he was a free spirited person. Perhaps mysticism also appealed to him?
More to come!
From the LGpedia:Richard Feynman is a physicict whom Bree has studied and enjoys. She tells a story from one of his books in Daniel Returns, and More Interesting Factoids (Yay!). She also has a picture of Feynman on her MySpace account.
Feynman was involved in the Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb. He later won a Nobel Prize for his contributions to understanding the behavior of subatomic particles. Several of Feynman's books became best-sellers, because of his ability to explain complicated physics to ordinary readers.
Notable Quote:
He was also known as an unscrupulous prankster, a proud amateur painter, and a bongo player. Richard Feynman was regarded as an eccentric and a free spirit. He liked to pursue multiple seemingly independent paths, such as biology, art, percussion, Maya hieroglyphs, and lock picking. Freeman Dyson once wrote that Feynman was "half-genius, half-buffoon", but later revised this to "all-genius, all-buffoon".[4]
Feynman was interested in Maya hieroglyphs and he was a free spirited person. Perhaps mysticism also appealed to him?
More to come!
~Welcome to LG-15- PM me for help!~
*Ms. Divine-HoO Boarding School (join!)
*Dr. Marbles, Professor of Ploticle Physics
*Daniel's Fan Club Founder
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*Ms. Divine-HoO Boarding School (join!)
*Dr. Marbles, Professor of Ploticle Physics
*Daniel's Fan Club Founder
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I'll be teaching about Feynman Fri and Mon.
Next week, Wed and Fri, prepare for this:
Egyptian Mysticism and Magic (taught by Haku)
The following Monday, we'll be back to Science and Mysticsm again, with my class.
I hope no one is confused, as we are expanding our teacher staff and need a mix of different classes!
Next week, Wed and Fri, prepare for this:
Egyptian Mysticism and Magic (taught by Haku)
The following Monday, we'll be back to Science and Mysticsm again, with my class.
I hope no one is confused, as we are expanding our teacher staff and need a mix of different classes!
~Welcome to LG-15- PM me for help!~
*Ms. Divine-HoO Boarding School (join!)
*Dr. Marbles, Professor of Ploticle Physics
*Daniel's Fan Club Founder
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*Ms. Divine-HoO Boarding School (join!)
*Dr. Marbles, Professor of Ploticle Physics
*Daniel's Fan Club Founder
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Facts to Remember:
Feynman won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1965.
Feynman accused science as being a pseudoscience and an esoteric or "cargo" cult.
Some of Feynman's favorite past times are above.
Feynman worked with the Manhattan Project, which developed the first atomic bomb.
Egyptian Mysticism:
Napoleon, Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar were all mesmerized by the mysticism of Egypt.
The Egyptian God the most like the Holy Spirit is called Amen.
Before performing an Egyptian rite, you must create a magic circle.
Feynman won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1965.
Feynman accused science as being a pseudoscience and an esoteric or "cargo" cult.
Some of Feynman's favorite past times are above.
Feynman worked with the Manhattan Project, which developed the first atomic bomb.
Egyptian Mysticism:
Napoleon, Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar were all mesmerized by the mysticism of Egypt.
The Egyptian God the most like the Holy Spirit is called Amen.
Before performing an Egyptian rite, you must create a magic circle.
~Welcome to LG-15- PM me for help!~
*Ms. Divine-HoO Boarding School (join!)
*Dr. Marbles, Professor of Ploticle Physics
*Daniel's Fan Club Founder
*My Books:
*Ms. Divine-HoO Boarding School (join!)
*Dr. Marbles, Professor of Ploticle Physics
*Daniel's Fan Club Founder
*My Books:
- LesterG
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- Location: Missin' my Bad Ass buddy
If ya'll catch this before class and study up a bit that would be great
if not I'll try my best to explain what I can
References from
Invocation of Divine Identity
We do not have to wait until we "die" to become a "divine" or Spiritual Being. This Rite actually "completes" the Rite of Amen, listed earlier; it identified you as (really) Amen; this one identifies Amen as REALLY you. The difference may not be apparent logically right now, but it may become clear after this Rite has worked it's way on you..
Rite Of Healing
This Rite may be performed for oneself or others, to help restore the natural youthful health of the body, mind and soul after injury, illness or trauma. Because this Rite implies that one is a "guardian of the Self-Cackling Egg" (or Original Creator,) it will have little effect unless spoken by one who has integrated the Invocation of Divine Identity listed above..
Rite Of Initiatory Blessing
How to help others realize their potential and begin growing mystically is a frequently-asked question for those on the Path. This Rite may be spoken over another person (addressing it to them by name, upon starting) to remind their soul of who they are and encourage self-integration. In truth, that is all we can really do for anyone else! Most of the powers of Spirit are "self-help" only.

[“ Isis or as it was originally pronounced in Egyptian, Auset, was the wife of Ausar/Osirus.. and it was she who actually prepared the body of Osirus for it's journey to the Afterlife. Consequently.. even though she was viewed by Egyptians as the Neteru of magical powers, those were the powers of the AFTERLIFE only. Isis is rightly to be viewed as the original "type" of Mut the Vulture Goddess, depicting the Great Mother as custodian of the Funerary Temple. Any invoking of Isis or Mut involves one with funerals and the survival of the Soul after death. “]
[ “Also Unless you KNOW FOR A FACT that you are part of their "lineage" and need to "fix yourself," you are well-advised to NEVER INVOKE "SET" (Sutek) OR ANY OF THE OTHER NETERU OF DESTRUCTION! Why? Simply because, like any of the other Neteru they WILL come,”]
References from
Invocation of Divine Identity
We do not have to wait until we "die" to become a "divine" or Spiritual Being. This Rite actually "completes" the Rite of Amen, listed earlier; it identified you as (really) Amen; this one identifies Amen as REALLY you. The difference may not be apparent logically right now, but it may become clear after this Rite has worked it's way on you..
Rite Of Healing
This Rite may be performed for oneself or others, to help restore the natural youthful health of the body, mind and soul after injury, illness or trauma. Because this Rite implies that one is a "guardian of the Self-Cackling Egg" (or Original Creator,) it will have little effect unless spoken by one who has integrated the Invocation of Divine Identity listed above..
Rite Of Initiatory Blessing
How to help others realize their potential and begin growing mystically is a frequently-asked question for those on the Path. This Rite may be spoken over another person (addressing it to them by name, upon starting) to remind their soul of who they are and encourage self-integration. In truth, that is all we can really do for anyone else! Most of the powers of Spirit are "self-help" only.