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Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:45 pm
by truncatedslinky
eucebo wrote:truncatedslinky wrote:I think Spencer is cuter than Jonas.

*clearing the tears* you're funny, hahahah....
Hey! I'm entitled to my opinion! AND I did say CUTER not HOTTER. Spencer is the kind of guy I would date, Jonas is the kind of guy I just want to watch work out on video blogs.
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:49 pm
I kind of agree with Annika.
Not because I take offense to the stereotype (yes, I am a scientist, but I really could care less), but just because it shows very little sophistication in writing and developing characters.
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:50 pm
by eucebo
truncatedslinky wrote:Hey! I'm entitled to my opinion! AND I did say CUTER not HOTTER. Spencer is the kind of guy I would date, Jonas is the kind of guy I just want to watch work out on video blogs.
Sorry if I offended you, it's just.... that really made me laugh, hahaha. Sorry, can't help it.
Of course you can have your own opinion. I've never ment to take that away.
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:58 pm
by truncatedslinky
eucebo wrote:truncatedslinky wrote:Hey! I'm entitled to my opinion! AND I did say CUTER not HOTTER. Spencer is the kind of guy I would date, Jonas is the kind of guy I just want to watch work out on video blogs.
Sorry if I offended you, it's just.... that really made me laugh, hahaha. Sorry, can't help it.
Of course you can have your own opinion. I've never ment to take that away.
Oh, okay, as long as it was an innocent laugh and not a mean laugh.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 1:18 am
by New voice of reason
why should everyone be good with the camera from the start?
I think it is much more realistic, from what I saw at youtube, that some people just DO behave strange at a camera and that they are, when they start, camera-strangers.
By the way, even though Spencer seems to be a little weird, I think he is quite a nice guy - and he is not all cliche.
Many people consider scientists not to be senstive. Spencer, on the other hand, seems to be very touched by the death of his father, so he is a man of strong emotions.
So while they are using cliches on some aspects, they don`t use them on all aspects.
Jonas, for example, is rich but not arrogant. Bree is extremely pretty but not dumb. Sarah is sexually loose but also went to college (so she can`t be completely dumb either), Taylor is clever and not that much into sex but also quite mean towards her sister (calling her a slut in public is quite mean), so she is not all the "good sister". Daniel has a drinking problem and his parents don`t seem to care much about him but he is a caring guy - and he seems to like to get involved with the ladies and not onyl interessted in his beer, and he is not at all dumb.
And most of us here seem to feel sympathy for Spencer, so he must have something more than just being a nerd and a geek.
New voice of reason
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 1:40 am
by Charles Phoenix
He's extremely weird, rather unattractive, has a very weird body language and his facial expressions irritate a lot. He's awkward, can't talk properly and is very self-conscious.
you can say as you wish... its your opinion... i frankly would try to make him my fiend if i met in casually... i also find him quite attractive with a cute and quirky demeanor...
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 1:46 am
by kellylen
sarah graduated high school. not college
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 3:12 am
by Captious
Annika wrote:
About the people who think Spencer is attractive: He is cute in a way and attractiveness of course is in the eye of the beholder, but he is not exactly a ladykiller or somebody who would be considered a beau in mainstream attractiveness rating.
NONE of the guys on this show qualify as a ladykiller. If women had to choose between like, Brad Pitt, Jude Law, Will Smith, and these guys.... well....
Aside from that though Spencer looks pretty good for a deaged 40 something.
And behavior wise?
I think Daniel is just as awkward as Spencer but in a worse way. Spencer's spazziness is endearing. Daniel just makes me want to revisit him after he's grown up more.
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:52 am
by BrightSilence
I've allways been seen as a bit of a computer nerd. During the graduation ceremony of my high-school, my mentor even called me the biggest nerd of the class, because an anonymous poll officially named me so. Many people would have been offended, but then again. about a week earlier I stood in that exact same place presenting my BBTBMMRTSORPG (ok, I guess that needs some explaining: Browser Based Text Based Massive Multiplayer Real Time Strategy Online Role Playing Game) I made with the number 2 on the nerd ranks.
Yes parts of stereotypes are true. I've followed my educational career by studying computer science at a university. And what really caught my attention was that allmost everyone was pretty close to the computer nerd stereo typ. 1 of the 176 starting students was a girl(poor her). While almost 1/3rd had long hair. One of the students of the same year actually participated in the dutch version of 'the beauty and the nerd", paired with a damn fine girl I might add.
The thing is... we laugh about how we are alike and don't care what others think. We actually continued development of our web game with some people added from our faculty. We've had meetings in bars, discussing what we would program and how we could balance the game. Most people laughed at us, still when we invited them to try we became close to heroes to some of them. Some were so addicted they could stand waiting for the next season to play again and kept mailing us day in day out.
What I'm trying to say is, stereotypes aren't just based on nothing. Most come pretty close to reality. But everyone is his own person, and within a certain stereotype everyone has his good and bad qualities. I might be a bit nerdy, but people loved what I created with my nerdy-ness.
This post has been to long... sorry if it didn't make sense. Laugh about your shortcommings and life will be much easier. That is all!
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:14 am
by truncatedslinky
BrightSilence wrote:What I'm trying to say is, stereotypes aren't just based on nothing. Most come pretty close to reality. But everyone is his own person, and within a certain stereotype everyone has his good and bad qualities. I might be a bit nerdy, but people loved what I created with my nerdy-ness.
This is definitely true. I was one of two girls on my high school's competitive programming team last year. I went to plenty of competitions where we were the ONLY girls on ANY team. I can vouch that for the most part, science/math/computer nerds really are somewhat socially awkward, completely obsessed with what they do, and also funny, lovable people. Of course they weren't all exactly the same, but there are certain similarities between people, and that is why the stereotypes exist.
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:18 pm
by BrightSilence
truncatedslinky wrote:This is definitely true. I was one of two girls on my high school's competitive programming team last year. I went to plenty of competitions where we were the ONLY girls on ANY team. I can vouch that for the most part, science/math/computer nerds really are somewhat socially awkward, completely obsessed with what they do, and also funny, lovable people. Of course they weren't all exactly the same, but there are certain similarities between people, and that is why the stereotypes exist.
Exactly. And it's not even a bad thing per se. As long as you aknowledge that every stereotype has it's negative AND positive sides. And you can laugh about it as long as you don't judge a person by the stereotype that 'fits him/her'.
After all, we LG15 fans are considered nerds aswell. And I guess we are. Just think of the last person you told about LG15 who didn't know anything about it. I bet everyone has had that conversation at least ones. People don't understand and tend to think of us as nerds. Looking around on the forum these statements actually seem to fit. There are many people with a scientific background or still learning to become a 'scientist'. I think almost everyone is well educated and intelligent. And that's not weird, because we were drawn here by the same thing, we're bound to have some similarities.
As an end note: If you can't work with stereotypes, how can we ever give our opinion on groups of people(it being people of the same race, interests, sex or whatever you can think of).
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:19 pm
by Susan
As an end note: If you can't work with stereotypes, how can we ever give our opinion on groups of people(it being people of the same race, interests, sex or whatever you can think of).
BS, I'm rather disappointed in you. The whole point of this conversation is that you shouldn't be giving out your opinion about people of the same race, interests, sex, etc. Stereotyping is not a good thing. The only thing you should be saying about people of the same race is that they're the same race. The only thing about people of the same sex is that they're the same sex, and so on.
People are individuals and there should be no difficulty in seeing Spencer as he is or as a Chicano with baggy pants hanging off his hips or as a stoner girl with Barbie pink hair that wears all black. It just shouldn't matter! I know that it does. It just shouldn't.
As for the stereotype portrayed, it was just fine with me right up until he had trouble setting up his web cam. There is absolutely no reason why he should have had that problem. He obviously grew up in the computer age. He obviously is highly intelligent and works in a field that uses technology extensively. In my mind, that's where the creators went overboard.
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:46 pm
by BrightSilence
Susan, I see what you mean. And I agree with you. However it's not realistic to assume that you never want to mention something about a group. Generalisation is something so common. It's saying a team played a good game... That team has pretty good players. You set up a stereotype for the people in that team right there.
Girls are more sensitive... Is it wrong when I say that? I think on average it's true. And even scientific research on averages or other statistics would be impossible if you don't consider judging on groups.
Ok, the race thing might have been a bad example, to many negative attention on that distinction. But saying that african americans have a dark skin color, seems reasonable to me aswell.
And I already said that when judging one single person, this should play no role at all. Because no matter how high the chances are that that person follows the stereotype, he might be the black sheep in the bunch aswell.
As for the camera thing, I'm thinking he taped his set up part and placed his camera on an unstable surface. Looking back at the footage he must have thought it might be funny to leave that part in there. I don't think it's that weird, I might have done the same.
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:57 pm
by Beckers
Fact- stereotypes are used everyday throughout all media. It's how the creators come up with different character behaviours for film and tv. Commercials and ads are always targeted for one specific type of person and stereotypes are used to help define the type of people they are trying to reach. There is no way getting away from it.
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 2:22 am
by exanimatebylove
Seriously. It's LAME.